
!!!Happily ever after!!!



“You're so sweet, so lovely

But even so I let go. I don't know, I don't know
What's taking over me? Your loving arms reach out for me
But even so I let go. I gotta find my way home..”




“Where’s the guests list?” said Taeyang, flipping over the files and document, scattered on the coffee table.

“Ah, it’s in my room. Let me get it,” Yuri stood up, headed to the stairs.

“Let me,” he caught her arm, standing up. He pulled her to take a seat again.

“It’s in the drawer, the bedside table,” she said, smiling.

Taeyang climbed the stairs to her bedroom and picked up the file containing the guests list for their wedding. He noticed a red and brown handkerchief, folded neatly in the drawer. “SH?...Seunghyun hyung?” he muttered as he examined the embroidered letter on the handkerchief.

“Oppa!, did you find it?” yelled Yuri from downstairs making him startled.

“Yeah, just a minute,” he said, hurriedly putting the handkerchief back to its place, closed the drawer and went down with the file on his hand.


“Why did you let her go? I thought she already told you that she loved you. Finally, both of you can be together. Why back out now?”Chaerin nagged Seunghyun who sat wearily in front of her.

“I brought you here for dinner, not having heart to heart conversation,” he chuckled, watching her folding her arms, firmly.  “Fine. Fine. I’ll tell you everything.” He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “All she needs is a fairytale, and I can’t give that to her. I’m not the main character. I’m just someone she met along the story. Then again, not important.”

“What’s with the fairytale? You’re just giving an excuse, hiding the fact that you don’t really love her. She’s right. That was just a part of your evil scheme.”

“I’d never lie. I loved her too much, I don’t want her to regret, having to abandon everything just to be with me. She deserves her happily ever after and I’ll be the one who cherishes her when she finally get that, like the dwarfs in Snow White or the prince’s butler in Cinderella,” he said taking a sip of his coffee.

“What about them?”

He put down the cup on the table. “Well practically, they’re the reason the prince get the princess. The dwarfs even built the glass coffin for the Snow White and the butler, what can I say, he’s the one running around with the glass slipper in finding the Cinderella. Do they have the princess, no right? Just like me,” he smiled a little.

“You’re screwed,” said Chaerin, shaking her head.


“Are you’re sure you felt right about all this? Because I’m totally prepared to make a run for it with you, if that’s what you want,” said Chaering, fixing her veil.

“I want to do this,”she said firmly. “Now, can you do me a favour by asking people’s outside, are all the guests coming yet?”

“All the guests are in their place, so are his parent. Taeyang on the aisle, he’s talking to one of his best men. Your father will be coming later, he’s in the bathroom, and I bet he’s crying. But, that’s not thing you should be worrying about.”

“What else should I be worrying if it’s not my wedding, which will happen in a couple of minutes? Wait, Seunghyun not his best man?”

“I guess, he just got a last minute replacement. He’s leaving, Yuri.”

“What? He’s going to miss his best friend’s wedding?” she turned around to face her.

“What do you expect? He’s gonna be here, watching the woman that he loved marrying other guy, who happen to be his best friend,” she folded her arms, watching her reaction, closely.

“He’s the one who let me go. He’s the one who don’t want me. What choice do I have?”

“And this is what do you chose? Marrying the guy that you never love.”

“I’ll grow into loving Taeyang. I’m sure of it. He’ll never hurt me.”

“He’ll never have to. You’re hurting yourself enough by marrying him.” She put her hands on her shoulder. “Yuri, don’t make a decision based on what you thought was right, sometimes you just gonna have to follow your heart.”


“Hey, what are you doing? It’s time,” said the wedding planner, sticking out her head from behind the door.


Yuri stood at the beginning of the walkway, with her father close to her side. She grasped a pink peony bouquet tight on her hand and clung her other hand on her fathers. She wore a stunning sleeveless gown; a flattering fitted bodice covered in an elegant floral lace, a diamond crown and a long veil concealing her face and flowed over to her back. All the guests stood up and the piano started to play. The hall was full of white lilies and white roses, on every corner. They marched with a slow pace, smiling to the guests until he saw him, smiling smugly at the end of the aisle, with a white suit. Her heart started to skip a beat until she’s finally on his side.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony,....”

She turned her head to the entrance of the hall and saw Seunghyun stood there, forcing a smile. Her heart began to shake, seems like there’s a confrontation between her heart and her mind. Telling her endlessly, about what’s right and wrong. She turned to face Taeyang again, who held her hands firmly.

“If any man can show any just cause why these two may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.”

Yuri stared at Seunghyun again and saw him leaving, taking the last glimpse of her and walked away.

“Wilt the have this Woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt the love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”

“I will.”

“Wilt the have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt the obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”

The hall went silent for a minute as she stood there, motionless, deep in her thought. “Yuri?” Taeyang asked.

“I...I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” She ran through the aisle, leaving her groom. All the guests stood up, chattering about the runaway bride. Taeyang’s parent and Mr Han were shocked of what just happen, rushing to the groom, who just stood there, watching her wearily without the urged to chase after her.


Taeyang slouched on the floor in his suite, resting his back against the wall. He put his head on his knee and his hand on the back of his head. He lifted his head as he heard a low knock on the door. He walked wobbly to the door.

“What do you want from me?” he asked as he saw Yuri in front stood behind the door. “If you’re a going to apologize, just apologize to my parent and your dad.” He walked away from her, leaving the door open.

“Oppa, I...”

“Don’t say anything to me,” he turned to face her. “There’s nothing you can say, or do, that can fix the situation.”He stared at her. “I loved you, and I’ve done everything for you. How could you do this to me? You humiliated my parent, in front of my relatives, my friends and everyone who I care about.”

“Oppa, don’t...”

“Let me speak,” he said sternly. “I knew why did you do that? You loved Seunghyun hyung, and I’m sure he loved you too.”

Yuri’ eyes bulged out; she brought her hands covering and shook her head. “That’s not the reason.”

“Enough with the denial. I know everything. I saw his handkerchief in your drawer; I saw a picture of you in his cell phone. Now, you tell me that’s not the reason.” He walked closer to her, grabbing her shoulder. “I saw everything but I just pretended that’s not true, maybe it just an illusion or paranoia. Until I saw you cried your heart out when he was shot, and I knew, I’m not in your heart, I never was.”

She sobbed, her tears flowing uncontrollable. “If you knew, why did you still wanna marry me?” she stuttered.

“Coz I don’t want to let you go. I was selfish. I thought my love is enough for both of us. I thought, I can change your heart, to fall for me instead,” he scoffed. “I guess fairytale never true for both of us.” He dropped his hands from her shoulder and turned his back. He glanced to his side. “Just leave, before I do something that I’ll regret,” he whispered.

She trembled, with tears still flowing on her cheek, ruining her wedding dress. “I’m very sorry, I really am.” She headed to the door and exited the room.



“Baby I'm sorry even now you're here I'm lonely. I'm so selfish, I ain't worthy of your heart. Wait here, and watch me walk away..."



*thank you for your support...i'm nothing without you..=)

it's gonna end soon...just 2 more chapters left..='( 

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ChiNoNeko #1
So good! ^^
GDragon24 #2
i just kdlghdfjg i love all your stories
singsongsungjong #3
I really love this ; ~ ;
yoojihyun #4
Chapter 19: i swear i cried when he was shot. maybe its because he's my ultimate eternal bias. :( haha but its a very good story.. sequel please?
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
Loved it! ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°
Chapter 19: great story authornim !! ^^ its a heartbreak pieces..... >< im glad i read it in complete otherwise i'll be dying for the episode of the next chapter... love is never easy. sometimes complicated, thats why in that moments you should follow your hearts not what the minds says. gonna read the sequel now ;)