Peace Offering…

Look At Me... I LoveYou

“Ayo, wassup?” a low baritone voice greeted.
I kept my back to the door, looking outside but seeing nothing really. I knew it was Kris and that mom probably had ‘debriefed’ him about my not so unusual fallout with Kai. Kris and Kai became close as we grew up, the other one being the brother they never had. So, whatever happens between me and Kai, Kris knows. Well, most of the time anyways.
“Aren’t you going to greet me, my dear little sister?” he asked. Judging by the soft rustle of sheets, I guess he laid down on my bed again as usual when he’s in my room. I always complain how he’s gonna break it, the argument being one of the silliest things that always shook the house awake, but I don’t feel like doing anything today.
Even without looking, I know he’s wiggling and bouncing on it purposely and even though I know it’s to get my attention and that I should just ignore him, I still willingly took the bait.
“You’re going to break the goddarn bed, Jiaheng. Stop!” I said, not very much force on my voice as much as I would like it.
Kris grinned at me, his usual frown not in sight. He reached out to me, a familiar paper bag hanging from his long fingers. “A present. Mom said you’re feeling down.”
It’s melon cake. My favorite.
Kai loves them to death too.
“Thanks.” I said, accepting the bag and setting it on the table.
Kris gave me the ‘look’. He may not say it out loud but I know what he’s asking, ‘What happened?’
I sighed, not really wanting to talk, but knowing Kris, I know I can’t escape his stares. Mom really knows how to make me talk my heart out. So, giving up, I went to the bed and pushed Kris a bit with my foot, the two of us shuffling for dominance on my bed before we ended up with lying side by side with our feet dangling on the floor.
“So… what did he do this time?” Kris asked, staring at the cloud-themed ceiling.
“Nothing.” I replied.
Kris reached out and smacked me with a pillow lightly on the face. I kicked him in return.
“If he had done nothing then why’d you gone home? Crying? Honestly!” Kris asked, voice as calm as if he wasn’t asking about me and my heartbreak. I haven’t told anyone but I know that he knew how I feel about Kai. “Should I go strangle him? Maybe steal his stash of junk food? Or maybe play with the thermostat in his dorm room?” he mused out loud.
I kicked him again, he ended up pulling my leg and hugging me. No, scratch that, squeezing me. Even so, I didn’t push back and buried my face on his shirt. I noticed he’s still wearing one of his usual long-sleeved shirts he wear to his intern job. He must have went straight home after his job.
That made me love him even more. He’s always there for me, even if I don’t ask him to be. And even when I push him out.
“I… I just got tired.” I said, my voice muffled by his shirt. “I think this is it.”
The soft thumping of Kris heartbeat is so calming I feel sleepy. “You’re giving up after all this time?”
“I’m tired.” I said. Even I can hear the tiredness in my voice. It’s how my heart would sound like if it can speak out loud. “I’ve been tired a long time and I think it’s time to let go.”
Kris hugged me tighter. “What did he say?”
“What was he supposed to say?”
Kris didn’t answer me and rubbed my back, “Whatever happens, be strong and know I’ll always be here for you.”
I know he will. I just hope that I could do what he says. Be strong.

A few years back…
I rang the doorbell nervously, the muffins I baked safely placed inside the container on my hands. I thank the heavens I thought about putting them there because if I hadn‘t, then  I probably would have spilled them because my hands were trembling.
The door opened and a curious Mrs. Kim greeted me, her face lighting up at seeing it was me. It’s the first time I’ve actually came to their place despite being in the neighborhood for months, and it’s probably the first I initiated anything with them, or the other neighbors that is. Even so, her warm smile is so welcoming.
“Well, hello, Jiatian. It’s so nice of you to visit! Come in, come in!” she ushered me into the house, leading me straight to the kitchen where she was preparing some snacks.
Their house is similar to ours, though different in color scheme and furniture arrangement. I could see pictures on the countertop and although I am curious, I still feel shy and awkward that I restrained myself. Unlike Jongin who ogled the pictures and plaques displayed all over my house when he first visited, going as far as making fun of some ridiculous photographs.
“I am making some snacks for the kids, want to try?” Mrs. Kim asked, smiling pleasantly.
“Uhh, it’s fine, Mrs. Kim.” I replied, not really knowing how to ask about where Jongin was.
Mrs. Kim game me a knowing look. “Jongin had been home most of these days and I’m actually wondering why. Since you moved next door, he’s been out at your place a lot.”
I bowed my head in embarrassment. A pat on my head had me looking up. Mrs. Kim was still smiling.
“Jongin is a really outgoing boy. And he’s always ecstatic, especially if he’s with his friends. If he makes you uncomfortable, I apologize. He’s sorry, you know.” she said, preparing three separate plates of snacks. “He says he made you mad and he doesn’t really know how to say sorry since you don’t want to talk to him. He’s been sulking about it lately.”
“I…” I had this sudden urge to cry. I can’t help it if I cry easily, it’s just me. “I am the one who should be sorry. I lashed out at him for no reason. He just wanted to be friends but I‘m being  prick.”
“Oh, you kids. You two are just adorable!” Mrs. Kim gushed, hugging me all for the sudden. I see where Jongin has inherited his straightforwardness. “I think you should bring him these snacks. Your unnies are at the back, I’ll bring them their snacks.” she handed me one of the plates. “And Jongin loves sweet, you should give that to him. He’d really love that.” she points at the container I have, before ushering me to the door at the end of the hallway where a sign of ‘dance machine’s lair’ hanging on it.
I frowned at the sign before knocking a few times and opening it. I nearly dropped what I was holding when I entered.
Jongin was dancing. And he’s dancing really good. I’ve had some friends, if you can consider people you meet for few months friends, who dances pretty well. There was Henry, one of guys on music class when we were in Canada. Henry is a genius with his violin, like his sister, and he’s also really good with dancing. Then there was the boy from the US who dances as if the wind carries his every movements.
Jongin… he’s just…amazing. Every move of his body is graceful, precise. Every flick of the hand, every slide of the feet, every sway. I didn’t even notice that I was staring dumbly until the music had stopped and Jongin was standing near the stereo, looking at me through his sweaty mess of bangs.
“Hi.” he says, fingers fidgeting with the hem of his soaked shirt.
I took a deep breath and walked towards him, I couldn’t help but notice how he eyed me quite timidly. “Hey. Uhm… here. Your mom made this for you and asked me to bring it here.” I handed him the plate.
He took it and still looked at me warily. “What are you doing here?”
I felt something tug at my stomach. it’s a dreadful feeling and I don’t like it a bit. I can’t thank that the only friend I’ve made so far hates me now because of my own doing!
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to say sorry for turning my fit on you. I shouldn’t have done that.” I said in one breath, not daring to look at him in the eyes. “I should go. I’ll leave you alone now. I’m sorry again.” I muttered before leaving the room.
I was near the front door, thanking the heavens once again when Mrs. Kim, or anyone really, was nowhere in sight. It would be really embarrassing, and hard top explain, why my face is read and my eyes were rimmed with tears.
“Hey! Wait up! Jiatian!” Jongin called out.
Before reached the door, Jongin was in front of me, panting a bit. I’m kind of amazed how he managed to muster up the energy to run after me when he looks so tired form dancing. Honestly, if it was me, I would be dead on my feet.
“I… I’m really sorry. I didn’t meant to sound like that!” he said. “I’m sorry I got you mad. I know I should leave you alone and stop bothering you but I can’t help it if you’re really interesting. Just… let’s be friends? I promise I won’t bother you as much as I always do.” he said eagerly.
So… he doesn’t really hate me?
“I really like to be your friend. Even Sehun does. I’m just a bit too clingy so… im sorry if I’ve annoyed you.” he added when I didn’t answer. I could see his sudden confidence in talking to me again after all this while is wavering.
I walked towards him and he frowned warily. He closed his eyes tightly when I reached out towards him and I couldn’t help but smile to myself, knowing full well that he thought I was going to hurt him or something.
“Yah, Kim Jongin. Why do you look like a scared idiot?” I asked, stifling the laugh trying to get past my lips.
He slowly opened his eyes. He  looked at the container I was holding out to him.
“What is that?” he asked.
I shrugged. “It’s my sorry. For lashing out on you. That’s why I came.” I smiled at him. “I’m sorry. And I really like to be your friend too. I was just… I don’t know. I guess I just envy you for making friends easily when I don’t. So that’s why I thought I hate you.” I confessed.
There was silence and we were just staring at each other.
“Are you going to take these or just stare at me the whole day?” I asked, cocking and eyebrow at him.
He quickly accepted the container and opened it after his small thanks. “Muffins?”
“I know they don’t look that much but I’m pretty sure they’re not bad-”
“I like the strange ones you baked for Kris-hyung.” he cut me. He then looked at me. “You were giving me peace offering, you could at least be creative! These are ordinary muffins! I like the strange ones.”
I gaped at him. What the heck? This kid is unbelievable. And then he smiled that annoyingly bright smile. “If they’re strange, then they reflect you. And I like strange things. I like you.”
“I don’t really know how to take that.” I said, but knowing how crazy he can be, I took it as a good thing. “Next time, I’ll poison the muffins so they’ll not be ordinary.” I joked.
He frowned and I was kind of afraid he took the joke badly. “If it would be a peace offering muffin then I don’t want them. Receiving them would mean we had fought, so I’d rather not want them.” he said.
I was astonished for a second before smiling at him genuinely. “Sure.”
He grinned. “So… want to hang out? Do you dance? Want to go practice with me?” he asked, walking back towards the room he had been in earlier. I followed.
“I don’t really dance.” I replied, letting him talk and talk about how he started dancing, why he enjoyed it, what types of dancing he knew, who he dances with, the places he’d performed in, and everything. Somehow, I’ve kind of missed his ability of talking nonstop, so I let him.
“I could teach you how to dance! Kris-hyung said you had attended ballet classes before. So you should know the basics.”
“Just how much did you and Kris talked about me behind my back?” I narrowed my eyes at him even though his back was on me.
“Not much really. He said you don’t have a social life so there was nothing to talk about really.” he shrugged.
“What?” I was scandalized. “Who said I don’t have a social life?! I just prefer the quiet, thank you very much!”
He laughed. I threw a bag of chip lying on the floor of the room he was dancing in. He laughed even more.
“Sorry, I was just kidding.”
I glared at him, not really up to it. I looked around and noticed many posters of dancing groups and people who were famous on different genres of dancing. “Wow, this place is cool.”
“My noonas dance too but they’re too busy with school now so I got to use this room a lot by myself now. Dad had it specially built when we expressed interest in dancing. Pretty nice, huh?” he said, sitting down and starting on one of the muffins.
“Yeah. But why would you name it ‘dancing machine’s lair’? That’s kind of stupid.” I joked with a serious face, something I learned form Kris.
Jongin choked on the muffin he was eating ad got flustered, he started defending the name profusely, face red since he couldn’t get enough air past the muffins on his mouth. I laughed at him and threw a water bottle at his face. He caught it with no problem.
“I didn’t name it! Sehun suggested the name!” Jongin said after gulping down what was on his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you sleep at night.” I grinned.
Even if I teased Jongin one too many times about how lame the room’s name was, it still became one of our best hangout spots. And many things had happened on that very room too. That’s one of the places that witnessed how we grew as persons, and how our friendship blossomed. So I think, it’s not such a bad place after all.



a/n: so yeah... i see that i actually got subscribers in this story...(yey!!!!!)

'thank you for reading and i hope you kind of enjoy this... it's a fluffy angsty(is this a word??) fic, and i can't promise if i'll be able to put some crack, but i'll do my best... and i also plan on having a Kai's point of view part(or parts) in the story... stay tuned, guys!!!

and again, thnaks for reading!!! i will update soon!!!!!!! au revoir!!

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 16: omg...first of all why didnt i read it before? well i cried alot. one of the PERFECT story...Author-nim you wrote it so beautifully...i want to read it again and again.
tingkeobel #2
Chapter 12: Finally after these years, i can find this sweet one. I'm ready for crying for the 2nd time ;)
Chapter 16: I've read this story already but here I am just finished my second time reading it again and THE FEELS ARE BACK OMFG SUCH A BEAUTIFUL STORY T.T
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 16: Awww....happy ending indeed, anyways done reading this one! :) looove this bestfriend story ^^
rudelysweetk21 #5
Chapter 16: aww finally T_T thanks for the story :)
-NeptuneCharm #6
Chapter 16: Kyaaaaaaaah x]] This must be the greatest completed fan fiction I've read!! Plus, your grammar is the best! lol I'm not being sarcastic at that. But! I want HunHan to end up here!~
khimSsh #7
Chapter 14: bwahahaha... sehun is mine now...
Chapter 16: Lovely ending :)