Life is not A Fairy Tale... Part 1

Look At Me... I LoveYou

a/n: hello awesome people that i love because you read my fic (honestly, you're still reading this ridiculousness???) XP

just a little heads up.. this is the last chapter...well, the first half anyways... as i've said before, i don't want to drag...

after the second half is posted, there'll be an epilogue...

i don't prmoise an awesome ending but i hope you'll like it..

anyways, there'll be multiple POVs in this chapter because i miss Lia's POV and i want to use her POV before everything is over...

so yeah... enjoy the mushiness and silliness and...

sorry for blabbering!!!


Kai’s POV

“Wow, your life is such an epic fail!” Jongdae-hyung laughed obnoxiously. “First attempt and Sehun was there to ! Then you try again, and Kris-ge was there! Talk about pathetic!” he guffawed.

“Rub it in, don’t you, hyung!” I whined, slumping on the bar table in front of me. “God, it was just so awkward! Now I can’t even show my face to Lia!”

“Maybe third time’s the charm.” Luhan-hyung chuckled as he cleaned up the bar.  “Just make sure that the next time you attempt to kiss her, there’ll be no one to cocblock you.”

“Yeah. Try to drag her into a closet or something.” Jongdae-hyung jeered.

“That’s something you would do, hyung.” I scoffed.

“No one’s dragging anyone into a closet for a kiss.” Sehun said as he took a seat beside me. “Especially not my Lia.”

I looked at him with a raised brow. “You’re Lia? Really? If Kris-hyung hadn’t come at that time, Lia would have been my girlfriend as of this moment.” I stated.

Okay, I sound a little bit too smug and confident. But it’s kind of true. Besides, if we had kissed, I wouldn’t take a no from her as an answer!

“Right! IF Kris-hyung hadn’t come. But he DID! And Lia’s NOT your girlfriend!” Sehun smirked.

“Yet!” I retorted.

“Well, you better make your move fast because I have just lost 200 bucks to Sehun about you finally going for Lia.” Jongdae-hyung muttered.

“What?” I turned to him. “Sehun did what?”

I didn’t miss Sehun’s death glare towards Jongdae-hyung who has a not-so-apologizing look on his face.

“I…er… hehe…” Jongdae-hyung grinned before bolting out of the bar faster than lightning (get the pun here? if you don't, go attend your GET-TO-KNOW-EXO Class! XP). “I got some errands to do! Bye!”

Sehun muttered something under his breath before inching out of his seat. “I’m needed somewhere…” he said.

“Yeah. You’re needed here.” I stated and held him back down. “You were also on a bet with Jongdae-hyung? What were you thinking?”

No one bets with Kim Jongdae! Whoever does always loses! Jongdae-hyung is just not the biggest troll in the world, he also always finds a way around the bets that tips things to his favor! No one ever wins against him!

“I…uh…” Sehun his lips. “It wath juth a shtupid bet. Don’t worry about it.” he said, looking at Luhan-hyung’s inquiring face.

His lisp is back. Something’s amiss.

Luhan-hyung zeroed in on Sehun who squirmed on his seat. I don’t really understand but Luhan-hyung had always his kind of effect on Sehun.

But hey, knowing Luhan-hyung, I would be squirming in my seat too if I was Sehun.

“You made a bet with Chen?” Luhan-hyung narrowed his eyes on Sehun who seemed to be squeezing himself smaller into the chair he was in. “About Kai going after Lia? 'Finally'?”

Sehun pouted at Luhan. “I just made a bet with him because I knew I was going to win!”

“Whatever you were thinking that doesn’t justify that you made a bet with Chen! You know he always gets a loophole on bets!” Luhan-hyung admonished. “Besides, if you had lost, where would you get the money? Your parents doesn’t work their butts off just for you to lose their hard-earned money on a silly bet.” he clucked his tongue like a mother hen.

“I knew I wasn’t going to lose.” Sehun bit his lips and sulked like a kid. “I made sure I won’t lose.” he muttered.

“And you used me? Wow! So much for the best friend you are!” I accused. I’m not mad or anything. But Luhan-hyung’s  got a point. Besides, I’m curious as to what the bet was. I haven’t heard Jongdae-hyung losing on a bet.

“Not like you’re the best either.” Sehun bit back.

“What was the bet that you were oh-so-sure to win anyways?” Luhan-hyung asked, his voice losing that edge already. He’s anger for Sehun never really last long. Well, he’s never really truly angry with him for anything.

Sehun looked at me nervously.

“Oh Sehun! What was the bet about?” I growled.

Sehun clucked his tongue. “Calm down, Jongin. You should be thankful to me. If not for me, you wouldn’t have gotten this far with Lia!”

What? I don’t get it!

“What the heck are you talking about? You were always fighting me the whole way!” I accused.

“Yes, I was! And because I was always on your way, you found the courage to go after Lia and confess to her!” Sehun replied.


Sehun sighed exasperatedly at my dumb expression.

“Don’t you get it?” he says as he give the bored look. “I only made you think I like her because I knew you like her. I knew you’d only realize and act on your feelings if you feel the pain of losing her. So I purposely made you think that I’m taking her away from you. And voila! You did chase after her!” he shrugged. “It was a secret bet between us and Jongdae-hyung but then he just have to go blurt it out! I should have known he‘s not going to give me the last laugh, that troll!” he ended with a hiss.

“What? But that night… your text!”

“Lia is practically my second mother. She’s my sister. She’s my best friend.  She’s my personal nurse. She’s also my ideal girl. She’s my savior. She’s the only girl, next to my mom, that I would deem as perfect. She’s my everything.” Sehun drawled.

“B-b-but… that night! When we were both drunk! You said she’s the only girl you’ve ever loved!”

“She’s the only girl I do love other than my mother.” Sehun replied matter-of-factly.


This is a lot to take in.

So Sehun doesn’t really like Lia.

I mean, he likes her. But not like the way I do.

He only made me believe he does so I would realize my feelings.

Sehun doesn’t like Lia that way.

So I’m not going to hurt my own best friend by going after Lia.

“How long are you going to space out, Jongin?” Sehun flicked me on the forehead.

“Ouch! You idiot! That hurts!” I  rubbed my head.

“And he’s back to Earth, people! Kim Jongin has landed from space!” he mocked.

I shoved him, he fell off his chair.

“I swear Lia’s rubbing off on you! You’re abusing me!” he growled.

I laughed.

Wow. What a relief! It’s like a burden had been lifted. Now I don’t have to worry about Sehun’s feelings for Lia. Because it wasn’t romantic anyways! I feel so happy I could just kiss him right now!

Well, eww. That would be gross. I am too sober to do that!

But I’m really happy!

“You’re grinning like an idiot.” Sehun pointed out with his own wide grin.

“Have I told you you’re the best?” I asked. My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard, but heck! I don’t really care! I’m too happy to care!

“I know I’m the best.” Sehun replied smugly. “And I won an extra 200 bucks too. Man, I’m good at this match-making thing.”

I tackled him and we end up with me having him in a headlock. We were laughing loudly and goofing around that we didn’t notice how deadly Luhan-hyung’s aura had turned.

It was too late before we noticed.

“Oh Sehun.” Luhan-hyung said silently.

We stopped whatever we were doing to take in Luhan-hyung’s dark face. I heard Sehun gulp nervously beside me.

“Did you just let me bet on you ending up with Lia knowing that I’ll lose in the end?” Luhan-hyung asked.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as Luhan-hyung clenched and unclench his hands, ripping the rag he was holding bit by bit.

“When I count to three, run.” Sehun whispered thickly.

His voice was shaking.

“Three!!” I shouted and we run for our lives.

Lia’s POV

Kris is giving me those pointed looks again. I hate him!

“Stop that!” I hissed, giving him the deadliest glare I could muster.

I don’t really remember but I think we’ve had too many of these kinds of moments before.

“I’m not even doing anything!” he defended, giving me an all-knowing look.

“Your angry bird face is giving it all off.” I scoffed.

“Be quiet, you two.” mom hushed as she concentrated on her drama.

I sent him a glare and he just smirked at me. He’s so annoying. He’s been like that since that other night when he walked in on me and Kai kiss…

I shook my head. Gosh! My face feel like it’s burning!

“You look like a tomato.” Kris teased. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about-”

“Shut it, Kris!” I hissed, kicking him on the shin, which he promptly avoided.

“What? I was just going to ask if you’re thinking about what I caught you doing the other night!” he feigned innocence. It doesn’t fit well with that stony face. “Or at least what was SUPPOSED have happened.”

I could hear the laugh in his voice.

Kill me now!

First it was Sehun! Then it’s Kris! God, this is so embarrassing.

But… Kai… he tried to kiss me twice now.

And that last time he said he…loves me.

Ah! My heart! Why is it beating like crazy?!

Just thinking about it makes me want to go run around the living room, or jump up and down and flail with giddiness. And if my parents and Kris weren’t here, I’ll probably be doing so.

I don’t understand fully. I don’t remember everything but for some random memories I had that most of times didn’t really makes sense but… with Kai telling me those three words… it made me feel so happy. It’s like I’ve been waiting for him for a long time and he’s finally arrived.

Of course what I told him the other night was also true. That I am scared. I’m scared because this feeling I have when he’s around is so strange. It’s so familiar yet I can’t put a finger on it and it’s somehow scaring me.

But I wonder how it would have felt if he actually got to kiss me.

Holy potatoes, I did not just think about that! That’s so embarrassing! How am I going to face him ever again?

And not to mention Sehun. Kris is already teasing me to death! God! Find me some hole to bury myself in for the rest of my life!

The doorbell rings.

Kris threw a throw pillow on my face before he went to get the door, “Your face is on fire.” he teased.

I threw the pillow on his back as a retort.

Kris came back a few minutes after, a smirk on his face. “Hey, Jiatian, it’s for you.”

“Huh?” I turned curiously. Who would want to see me at this time of day? Er, night.

“Yah, hyung! You’re making it sound weird!”


Kai looked at me and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Even with that tan, I could easily see the blush on his cheeks.

“Weird? You, for once, had used the doorbell instead of just coming right in. That’s what’s weird.” Kris replied. He gave me another teasing look, waggling those angry bird brows.

“Oh, Kai!” mom turned from the television. “What’s with the sudden… doorbell?” she asked, clearly surprised.

Wait. So Kai is so familiar to us that he doesn’t even knock and just come right in whenever he pleases? We are that close?

I mean my family and his. Not just US TWO. That just sound so…intimate.

“I thought it was some salesperson or something. What’s up, Kai?” dad also asked, putting down his paper for a moment.

Kai flustered under the attention. He’s squirming and his face is turning redder every second. “I…”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake! Lia, didn’t I tell you it’s for you?” Kris rolled his eyes.

Mom and dad looked at me curiously. The two of them have no clue about the other night, or at least that’s what I assume. I think Kris hadn’t tell them. Yet.

“I…” wait… how do someone act towards the guy who had tried to kiss her twice now?

“Uhm, Lia…” Kai managed, looking at me with his slightly flushed face. “Can we talk?”

There’s that strange flicker in his eyes. It’s as if he’s nervous I would decline, and embarrassed for asking at the same time anyways.

“Uh, sure.” I nodded my head and made my way towards the door. “Want to go for a walk? I’ve been cooped up here the whole day I think I‘m starting to grow roots!” I tried to sound light to dispel the awkwardness.

The two of us were almost our of the front yard gate when Kris hollers “Yah! No funny business! Alright? I’ll know when you do something!”

“Shut up, Kris!” I yelled.

Dang! Can I have another brother? Sehun will be perfect.

Kai was quiet the whole time we were walking. It was a bit awkward at first but as we made our way aimlessly, it started being comfortable, as if we’ve been through this before. And I guess we had been through aimless walks like this many times before.

We reached the small park near our house and before I knew it, my feet had brought me to a familiar place.

There’s a couple of old swings on this side of the park. It’s seems so familiar.

I’ve been here before. It’s on the back of my mind and if I just reach a little bit further, I knew I would remember. My head aches a bit with forcing my brain to remember but it feels like this certain memory is important.

“Want to sit on the swings?” Kai asked, jolting me out of my trance. He gestured towards the swings.
I sat and he did the same on the one beside me. We were quite for a few minutes before he finally speaks out.

“About the other night…I… I’m sorry. I know it’s making you uncomfortable and awkward so I’m sorry.” he blurted in one breath.

“Only for the other night?” I asked.

It’s not that I actually hate him for making such a bold move, because really, I’ll be honest; It made me feel happy that he made a move.

Oh my gosh, I sound like a total…I don’t even want to think about it.

“And for that time in your workroom.” he replied, his head bowed.

There’s silence again.

He stood up abruptly and stood in front of me, holding the swing still.

“I’ll be honest.” he said. “I’m not entirely sorry. Because I really wanted to kiss you.”

Wow. That’s kind of… blunt. But hey! It’s kind of making me feel all squiggly inside as if there’s wings fluttering about. It’s kind of a good feeling. And only Kai make me feel that way.

“And what I said the other night is true to.” he squatted so our faces were in the same level. “I do… love you.”

I feel like I’m hearing angels sing suddenly. And even with the dim lights of the street lights, the slightly cold wind hitting my face and even colder steel swing I am currently sitting on, everything just feels…perfect.

But there's still this feeling of uncertatinty inside me. It's almost nonexistent, but I can't ignore it completely.

“I don’t really know what to say.” I replied honestly. “I still don’t remember you, Kai.”

Sadness filled his eyes. My heart breaks and I don’t know why.

“I know.” he lowered his head. “I just… I just want you to know.”

I can practically hear his heart breaking and no one can blame me for reaching out and hugging him. Even if I don’t fully remember him, and even if the only things I have of him are those strange sad dreams, I  still can’t bear to see him lay his broken heart like that.

“Kai… would you mind…waiting? Just give me some time.” I asked. “I’m so sorry for doing this to you.” I whispered, hoping he would understand. “I’m afraid that if we rush into things, we’d end up hurting each other. What if I don’t get my memories back at all? What if I don’t remember you? I don’t want to hurt you.”

Kai sighed. “I understand. It’s enough that I know you’re not angry to what I did.” he scoffed a bit, his warm breath tickling my neck. “Or at least tried to do. God! Sehun is practically being the bane of my existence! He just wouldn’t let it go!” he whined.

Remembering those…incidences, is making this hug awkward. So I pushed his away gently, giving him a smile. “I feel you, Kai. Kris is teasing me to death.”

And then suddenly, a jolting pain run through my head, making me yelp.

Flashes of a familiar dark night run through my brain.

“I am not Jongin! I am Kai! Jongin was the weakling who let Eunhee go! Such a stupid one! Jongin was the one who let the perfect girl go because…(hic) because he couldn’t tell her that she was more important than his friends!” the boy slurred drunkenly, waving a fist in the air.
“Girlfriends come and go, Jongin, but your friends sticks with you through thick and thin. Me and Sehun sticks with you even though your crazy, so that should mean something, right?” a girl’s voice replied as she adjusts his arms around him. She sounds familiar.
“You and Sehun sticks with me because you love me! Eunhee was my world! But she said she can’t have me when you have me!” the boy whined.
“What the hell are you talking about? Please, Jongin, tell me that this is the last time you’re going to get yourself drunk! I can’t understand you! I doubt even you can understand you!”
He suddenly stops and faced the girl. “Can’t you understand? She left because…”
Then he leaned in, his face inching dangerously close.
She smacked him right on the face and he fell unconscious.

Wait! That was my memory!

And the boy was…Kai.

But I called him Jongin!

“Hey, Lia! Are you okay? Lia?” Kai’s worried voice slips through the throbbing pain on my skull. At first he sound as if he was so far, but as he called out and my headache receded, he sounded clearer.

I sat on the swing for a few more minutes, waiting for the headache to fully subside and thinking about what I just remembered.

Yes. I’ve finally remembered something about Kai!

“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” Kai asked, his forehead furrowed in concern.

“Hey… I think…I remember the first time you tried to kiss me.” I said.

He gave me confused look. “What? Don’t tell me you already forgot. It was a couple of weeks ago and Sehun walked in.” his face flushed a cute shade of red but I ignored it. Or else I’d be pinching those cheeks.

“No. It happened here.” I said. I beamed up to him. “I punched you unconscious!”


I couldn’t help but to start laughing. “You were drunk and whiny and tried to kiss me so I punched you.”

He thought for a minute. Then realization hits him. He groaned. “So that’s why my head was aching worse that day after.” he glared at me playfully. “Now you owe me.”

I giggled at him. He pouted, face still a bit red.

Before I even know what I'm actually doing, I cupped his cheeks and give him a kiss.

On the forehead.

“I think we’re even now.” I said.

He smiles at me.

And everything is perfect.

Or so I hope.

“I think…we should stop.” Kai said.

“What?” I asked. What does he mean stop?

I tried to make him look at me but he won’t.

“I said… we should stop.”

“Stop what? What are you talking about, Kai?”

Is this one of those pranks again? For the past few weeks that we have been on this…whatever you call this relationship!, I have been the victim of many pranks not only by him, but from Sehun too.

But whatever this is, something tells me that it’s not one of those stupid childish games he likes to play.

The rain is starting with a chilly drizzle, and it’s only making me feel even more anxious.

“I’m talking about…this.” Kai said as he motioned on the space around us. “About…us. Whatever we are.”

My hear gave lurch at his words and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

What happened? We were okay for the past couple of weeks!

I mean, sure, he’s been acting off lately but I just thought that it was something about school since the finals is just around the corner. I never thought that he’s bothered by…us.

Is it because of me? Is it because of me being clingy sometimes? Is it because I annoy him with my questions about my life? Is he… tired of waiting for me to recover my memories? Is he tired of having me around?

“Why?” I managed to ask, gulping the lump on my throat. It didn’t work.

He was silent.

The rain is really building and we should be going home if we don’t want to get drenched. But I don’t think either of us want to move from our respective spot. Even with the cold droplets of rain, there’s a thick atmosphere surrounding us and it’s suffocating. It’s scaring me.

“Why do you want to stop?” I asked, trying hard not to let my voice quiver. Tears are forming in my eyes and I had to look down.

If he wants to stop all of this then I shouldn’t let him see that I’m sad about it. It would only make moving on harder. God! We are not even a couple! Why am I feeling so bad about this?

“It’s just I don’t think we are going anywhere.” he sighed. “I’ve got my life going for me. You’ve got yours. I just don’t think we are going on the same way. So we should just… stop.”

“I have my life?” I couldn’t help but scoff. I looked up at him, ignoring the tears that finally found their way down my cheeks. “If you haven’t noticed, I don’t even remember half of what my life used to be! How can you say that I have it going for me?!”

I sound bitter. But I’m losing someone who is really important to me. How can I restrain my feelings?

“You may not remember the past but that’s not what’s really important! What’s important is you have a future ahead of you.” Kai stated. His voice is stone cold and he won’t meet my eyes.

Why is he saying this? What prompted for him to think about things like that?

“I don’t really see myself being in your future.” he said. “Maybe…maybe all the things that happened before, Eunhee, the accident…, maybe they are signs that…we are not meant to be together…”

I almost didn’t hear those last words.

The rain started pouring.

He turned to leave.

a/n: please don't kill me!!!

i did warn you guys about me being a fail in writing.. and the Chapter title was a warning too...

but if you're curious as to what got Kai to say those things.. well, it's in the next chap...

what do you think will happen in the end????

@akogulh: i'm really tempted about that little chat of ours... about life not always having happy ending... hehe..


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 16: omg...first of all why didnt i read it before? well i cried alot. one of the PERFECT story...Author-nim you wrote it so beautifully...i want to read it again and again.
tingkeobel #2
Chapter 12: Finally after these years, i can find this sweet one. I'm ready for crying for the 2nd time ;)
Chapter 16: I've read this story already but here I am just finished my second time reading it again and THE FEELS ARE BACK OMFG SUCH A BEAUTIFUL STORY T.T
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 16: Awww....happy ending indeed, anyways done reading this one! :) looove this bestfriend story ^^
rudelysweetk21 #5
Chapter 16: aww finally T_T thanks for the story :)
-NeptuneCharm #6
Chapter 16: Kyaaaaaaaah x]] This must be the greatest completed fan fiction I've read!! Plus, your grammar is the best! lol I'm not being sarcastic at that. But! I want HunHan to end up here!~
khimSsh #7
Chapter 14: bwahahaha... sehun is mine now...
Chapter 16: Lovely ending :)