
Look At Me... I LoveYou

a/n: my charger got fixed!!! yey!!!! so...

SEKAIHAN ALERT everyone!!!!

“Ah…is everything alrig-…?” Luhan started but stopped with an almost silent whimper. He gave me and Sehun wary glances as he inched away from where we were having an intense glaring contest. “Never mind me. I’ll just go hide myself somewhere. Before all hell breaks lose.” he muttered, trudging towards the end of the bar.

I kept my eyes on Sehun as he kept his on mine. It had been a few hours since the ‘incident’ at Lia’s workroom and (un)fortunately we both ended up going to Yixing-hyung’s bar to spend some time.

I still can’t believe he dared to drag me out of Lia’s house like I did something wrong.

Well, I did try to kiss Lia. There’s nothing wrong with that now, is there?!

She didn’t object! Or at least that’s how I remember it.

“Uh, if you want to murder each other, please do it somewhere else. I don’t have enough crew to clean your mess after.” Yixing-hyung cleared his throat, trying to break the atmosphere. When we ignored him, he pouted like a kid, “Don’t ignore me. You’re causing me to lose clientele here so you can’t ignore me!”

“Uh, I don’t think they care if you lose clientele or not.” I heard Luhan-hyung whisper.

I could feel Yixing-hyung’s glare at me and Sehun. “What the heck is wrong with you two?”

“I don’t know. You ask him.” Sehun replied coolly, still boring his eyes on me.

“I didn’t do anything wrong.” I frowned at him.

Sehun gave me that ‘Are you sure?’ look with a raised brow. The brat!

“Don’t give me that look, Oh Sehun! I was just trying to spend some time with her since someone’s blatantly trying to erase me out of her life.” I shot back.

“I didn’t know that trying to get yourself back into her life includes kissing. Last time I check, Kai was only the absentee best friend, not some guy who -lips with her.” Sehun replied blatantly.

I felt my jaw dislocate itself from my face and fall to the ground. And, uh yeah, my face feels like it’s burning.

“You did what now?” Yixing-hyung asked, dumbfounded.

“Wow, you sure move fast.” I heard Luhan-hyung, mutter under his breath.

Sehun smirked at me before turning his attention to his bubble tea. I swear he’s growing more and more like Luhan-hyung, a devil beneath that angelic exterior!

“You kissed her?!” Yixing-hyung almost tackled me from the other side of the bar.

I managed to lean back and avoid colliding faces with him. “I didn’t.” I glared at Sehun. “Because someone came.”

Luhan-hyung immediately got what I meant. “Ah, I trained you well, Sehunnie.” he beamed like a proud parent to a child who just received first place in class.

What the heck?!

“Damn it, Kai. You should know better than anyone else not to play with Lia’s feelings. It’s never been okay that you play with everyone who wears a skirt. Most especially with Lia!” Yixing-hyung admonished. “And here I thought you liked her!”

“I do!” I blurted at him. “It’s not that I meant what I almost did-”

“So you admit that you were just playing with her-”

“It’s not like that, either!” I cut Sehun off. He sent me a death glare. I did the same. “We were just talking about… things. And then it just happened.” I explained. “It’s not like I planned it. Believe me, hyung. I’m serious about her.”

Wow, this whole confessing thing to my friends is making my heart go nuts. How much insane could things be when I finally find my courage in walking up to Lia and confessing to her!

Yixing-hyung gave me a small smile. “I believe you, Kai.”

“Thanks, hyung.”

“Half of my bar’s profit this month relies on you so you better win Lia.” Yixing-hyung continued without missing a beat.


Despite my promise to myself that I’ll never drink way past my limit, which is stunningly just a bottle of beer, I managed to down half dozen of beer and a couple bottles of soju. Thanks to my best buddy, Oh Sehun, who kept taunting me silently with alcohol the whole time we were at Yixing-hyung’s bar.

“God, why the heck did the two of you drink too much?” Luhan-hyung complained as he struggle to keep both me and Sehun from kissing the ground. “Oh Sehun, don’t you dare puke on me or I’m going to chop your pretty little head off!” he warned.

“Hyung, tell the ground to stop moving. (hic) It’s making me freaking (hic) dizzy.” Sehun slurred before making a gagging sound.

“Sehun, I swear if you puke on me I’m cutting all ties with you!” Luhan-hyung yelled.

I heard some more gagging noise and the next thing I noticed, Luhan-hyung had pushed Sehun away from him.

I don’t know what is funny about seeing Sehun empty his guts out on the alley next to Yixing-hung’s bar but I feel light and happy so I laughed my heart out.

Sehun apparently heard me and as soon as he finished puking out whatever he had drunk tonight, he walked (swayed?) towards me and punch me.

I felt pain on my shoulder but I still feel as if all my problems have gone away for the moment and I feel so carefree and I can’t help but laugh. He punched me again, and even in my drunken state I noticed that it’s half-assed, so I just opted with pushing him back before slinging my arm on his shoulder.

“Get your hands off me, Kim Jongin, you !” he yelled drunkenly but not pushing me away, slinging an equally lethargic arm on my shoulder. “You’re such a bastard I should kill you right now.” (hic)

“I love you too, Sehun.” I laughed, giving him a sound smooch on the cheek.

“God, now I’m the one who’s going to puke.” Luhan-hyung made a face. “You two better get to Lay’s place and crash there for the night. I don’t think any sane taxi driver is going to give you a ride.”

“Ah, Lulu-hyung! You’re such a good hyung! I love you!” I slurred and stepped towards him, enveloping him in a hug while dragging Sehun with me.

“Kim Jongin, stop molesting me, you big buffoon!” Luhan-hyung pushed me off.

“Aw, but hyung! I’m just showing you my love!” I protested. What’s wrong with telling my hyungs I love them even if they pick on me most of the time?!

“Yah! (hic) I thought you love Lia! Luhan-hyung is mine! (hic) So back off!” Sehun tried to punch me again, I think he aimed for my face, but he ended slapping my chest.

Luhan-hyung sighed. “Stay here and I’m gonna go get Yixing. I can’t handle you two alone. Don’t you go anywhere. Do you understand?”

“We can’t even walk a straight line (hic) hyung! How (hic) can we go somewhere (hic) else?!” Sehun slurred with a huge grin.

“Do you understand me?” Luhan-hyung glared.

“Yes, hyung!” I slurred, giving him a push towards wherever he was supposed to going to.

“Jeez, why the hell didn’t I stop them from drinking too much! I should have kicked them out earlier!” I heard hyung mutter as he went inside the bar.

When Luhan-hyung was gone I turned to Sehun. He was already snoring on my shoulder.

“Yah, stop drooling on my shirt, you idiot!” I shook his head away from me.

“Shut up, Jongin. You’re a bigger idiot!” Sehun replied. “I wasn’t the one who kept my best friend hanging, was I? (hic)” he started poking me everywhere he could reach.

“Stop that, you moron! It’s ticklish!” I tried swatting his hand away but my sight doubled and there were suddenly two hands that was trying to poke me. Wait. His other arm is on my shoulder. So how could that be?

Being drunk really !

“I said shut up, Jongin! (hic) You can’t tell me to stop! (hic) I’m done doing nothing! (hic)” he jabbed his finger on my side and I laughed, it tickles. “What’s funny, you ? Was it fun playing around with girls while the girl I love the most waited night and day for you to notice her? I was there, Jongin! (hic) I was there whenever she cries. I was there even though I know I’m not what she needed!” he smacked me on my stomach.

“Stop hitting me, Sehun, or I’m going to throw up on you.” I warned.

He struggled with me for a while and because we both had almost nonexistent sense of balance, we landed in a heap on the dirty ground. A moment later, we had our backs on the cold cement wall of the bar, trying desperately to hang on to sobriety that was quickly being engulfed by sleep.

The cold air was helping us get sober a bit and though I’m barely hanging onto whatever that’s left of me that was not tanked-up, my fuzzy brain was registering what Sehun was talking about. Some of it anyways.

“To be honest, I don’t really hate you, Jongin.” he said, his hiccups finally abating. “I just hate that you’re such an oblivious idiot towards Lia all this time and now that she had lost all of her memories you suddenly realized you like her more than a friend. You are so unfair!” he accused and bumped his shoulder with mine.

“You should suffer just a bit more before I give you Lia. I think she deserves more than a simple sorry from you.”

“She does.” I agreed with him. “I don’t deserve her, Sehun. She deserve someone better. Someone who wouldn’t even think of hurting her. Someone who would treat her as special as she deserves. Someone like you.” I admitted. It’s funny how in the height of my intoxication, my pride doesn’t mean anything. But deep inside I know that what had been spurting out of my mouth, no matter how much I don’t like it, are true.

“I know.” he chuckled smugly. “But she loves you. Even with her amnesia, her heart still beats for the same person.” Sehun looked at me and when I turned to him, there’s clarity in his eyes and for a minute I thought he wasn’t as drunk as I thought he was. “Even if she doesn’t remember, she still unconsciously waits for you.”

“She… does?”

Sehun scoffed. “She does. That’s why I’m here to make sure that you would suffer first before you get her.”

I chuckled at that. “Well, just so you know, I won’t give up either. I may not deserve her, but I won’t give up this chance. Not even for you.”

“Good. At least I now know that you’re really serious with her.”

I tried to shove him on the shoulder but I missed so I ended up with my head on his shoulder instead. “Of course I’m serious with her. I’ve never been more determined in my life.”

Sehun pushed my head off his shoulder before putting his head on my lap. “May the best man wins then, Jongin.” he muttered as his eyes started to drop.

“Yeah. May the best man wins…”

And then everything start fading slowly as I am lulled to sleep.

“Rise up, you drunkards!” a shrill voice echoed inside my skull and it’s practically tearing me from inside out.

I heard someone groaning as I sit up from the bed, that I’m pretty sure wasn’t mine, and cradled my head between my hands even if it’s a futile refuge from this monster who’s trying to make my head explode from all the shouting.

“Please stop torturing me!” I groaned.

“To think that you swear to never drink again after your first hangover!” the same shrill voice shouted, laughing obnoxiously at my dilemma.

“Stop shouting, Byun Baek!” I heard the person beside me groan.

“Why, you insolent little brat! It’s not my fault that you drank too much now, is it, Oh Sehun?” Baekhyun-hyung retorted. “Get up now. And go home. You should be thankful that Luhan-hyung had pitied you and called your parents before they contacted the authority and file a missing person case.” he nagged.

“We’re up, alright. Just stop shouting, please!” I pleaded, feeling my head pound as if someone was hammering my brain.

“Fine.” he huffed. “If you want a ride, I’m heading out in half an hour. I’ll wait for you downstairs.” Baekhyun-hyung said with a wave before he disappeared out the door.

“Ugh… where are we?” I heard Sehun ask.

He’s probably cursing whoever invented alcohol to be buried in the deepest and hottest pit of hell. I know I do.

“I don’t care, as long as they have coffee.” I muttered and scrambled off the bed.

Oh, we slept together last night. It’s seems so long since we spent a drunken night together. So much for being best friends.

“And a shower. You stink.” Sehun muttered as he pushed past me, purposely bumping me on the shoulder.

But it wasn’t a rude one. It’s just like those hangover mornings back then when we try to gather our bearings together while insulting each other playfully. I never thought that alcohol  will be helpful with us reconnecting again. I guess whoever that badass who invented alcohol deserves some love: he could burn in the second deepest and hottest pit in hell.

“It’s not like you smell like a bottle of perfume either.” I jeered as I playfully shove him so I can go down the stairs first. "I wasn't the one puking my guts out last night!"

We continued our little insults as we made our way to the kitchen, the place now finally registering on my brain. It’s Yixing-hyung’s place.

“Looks like alcohol did some miracles on you two.” Yixing-hyung raised a playful brow at us. “I guess worrying that you’d kill each other while sleeping was in vain.” he slid two steaming cup of coffees towards us. “Baekhyun said he’s just going to buy something. If you want a ride, you can go with him.”

“Thanks, hyung.” Sehun said before taking a sip with his coffee.

Yixing-hyung left us to finish our coffee and freshen up ourselves a bit so we won’t go home looking like we’ve been to hell and back, and give our parents heart attacks.

“So…” I tried to break the ice. It wasn’t awkward between me and Sehun, at least not that much anymore, but we haven’t really talked properly in the past few weeks. The drunken talk last night was ironically the best we’ve had in a while after Lia’s accident.

Wow, I kind of miss Sehun. It’s actually been months.

“I don’t know about you, Jongin, but I remember everything I’ve said last night and I meant every word I said.” Sehun stated as he dried his face.

He looked at me through the mirror. He’s got dark circles under his eyes and he looked as haggard as me, the paleness of his skin making him look worse than I do.

“So do I.” I replied.

He turned and faced me directly. “To be honest, I only acted the way I do for the past few weeks because I wasn’t sure that you really care for Lia.”

“But I do.” I insisted.

“I know.” he quickly replied. “But I doubted it at first. I thought you were just feeling guilty. But after yesterday, I think I can trust that you’re going to take care of her and give her all that you can. So let’s just say that I’m going to loosen up a little bit.” he gave me that familiar playful smirk.

I scoffed but I couldn’t help but grin back. Then something struck me. “Wait a minute. When you meant ‘yesterday’, you mean…”

He gave me -eating grin. “You’re such a sap, Jongin.”

Crap. Kill me now.

With a yell, I lunged at him and tucked his head under my arm, jabbing his sides all the while. “You little brat! You were there the whole time! And the you popped out just in time before we-”

“What do you expect me to do? Just sit there and laugh my out at your mushiness while you steal her first kiss?! No way, Jongin! I told you I’d make you suffer first before I give her to you!” he yelled between fits of laughter as he struggled to get away from my grip.

A painful elbow to my stomach and I buckled, letting go of Sehun to nurse my injured middle. Unfortunately, I missed the towel on the tiled floor and slid. Flailing around to get a grip on anything, my hands landed on Sehun who was reaching out to help me. He pulled me rather forcefully and I ended up pressed against him on the counter with a loud ’ooff’ coupled with an aching chest a few seconds later. I’m pretty sure we’ll have bruises in a few hours.

“If you wanted some alone time, they you should have locked the door, damn it! Ah!! My innocent eyes!”

We both turned towards the door, where a fuming Byun Baekhyun was standing with his pretty hands covering his face. And then we looked at ourselves; both me and Sehun just clad in our jeans and both shirtless since we were trying to wash ourselves earlier.

We scrambled to get away from each other.

“Yah, hyung! It’s not even like that!” I yelled. “Get your head out of the gutter!”

“You’re mind is so dirty, Byun Baek!” Sehun threw the used towel towards him.

“Oh yeah? Who’s half and doing God-knows-what inside the bathroom here? Am I?” Baekhyun-hyung glared, turning his back on us with his head held high.

I didn’t miss the grin though.

I looked at Sehun who looked back at me. We both shrug at our hyung’s eccentricity before laughing and gossiping about him rather loudly.

A loud ‘I heard that, you jackasses!’ reverberated from the living room and that only made both me and my best friend laugh even more.

Ah… I guess my life is slowly getting back on it’s track.

Well, I guess I’m a bit wrong.

Days after Sehun and I finally started talking to each other, I noticed something different about Lia. Just like what Sehun had told me, he did ‘loosen’ up a bit, by not popping out of nowhere at the most random of times. These past few days, he had been hanging out with me instead of hanging out alone with Lia.

But it’s Lia who I felt was distancing herself from me.

“Hi, auntie!”

“Oh, Kai! You’re just in time for time!” Lia’s mom greeted me. They never ask me why I came over anymore. Not since I was in middle school.

“In time for what?” I asked, following her towards the backyard.

“To keep Lia company. I’m off to a friend’s place. Your uncle and I are going to have dinner there. I would have called you if you hadn’t come yourself.”

“Oh. Why wasn’t Lia going with you?”

“She said she wasn’t feeling really well. These past few days she’s been having awful headaches and she couldn’t sleep at night either. I insisted in staying home and taking care of her tonight but she refused. You know how she hates bothering us even if she’s sick.” auntie sighed.

Soon she was saying goodbye to Lia who was on the swing at the backyard.

As auntie walked passed me to leave, I didn’t miss how Lia’s eyes were lighted with something I could not put my finger on. But she cast her look down as auntie left, never giving me the chance to know what she was thinking.

I walked towards her and sat at the other end of the swing. It was big enough to fit both of us with a few inches of space in between.

“Your mom said you weren’t feeling good lately. Why are you out here? It’s cold.” I said, not missing how her fingers were worrying the end of her shirt.
She’s nervous. But about what?

“Are you okay? If you’re not feeling good, then we better go inside.” I suggested.

“No.” she answered in small, meek voice. “I’m fine. You should go home. I’ll be fine on my own.” she cast me a glance but looked away immediately.

There was an awkward silence, the only sound to be heard is the gentle hum of the wind along with the singing of the cicadas.

“Sehun and I are on good terms now.” I said, trying to break the silence.

“Yeah? Good to know. I thought he was going to do something bad to you because of that-” she halted abruptly and when I turned to asked what was wrong, I see that she was blushing madly and was trying to hide her face under her hair.

Kyah! She’s so cute!

Wait, I did not just sound like a delirious fan boy!

I cleared my throat, feeling my cheeks burn hot too as I remember our almost-kiss.

“Uhm… about that other day. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” well now, that would just be a lie. Maybe I didn’t mean it in the first place, but that doesn’t mean that I would have hated it if it did happen!

She stood up abruptly and started walking towards the house. “I don’t really want to talk about it. Just go home, Kai.”

“No.” I replied firmly, easily catching up with her. I held her elbow to stop her. “No, Lia. I want to talk about it.”

“Well, I don’t want to. Just drop it. Let’s just forget that it happened, Kai.” she looked up to me with those brown eyes that just make me melt inside.

I see that flicker of recognition again and when she tried to look away, I held her gaze with mine. I can’t stop now. I need to know.

Does she remember? Is that why she’s avoiding me lately?

“What if I don’t want to forget?” I asked, and I could easily see that her resolve is crumbling inside.

I want to hug her, hold her to me and assure her that everything’s going to be alright between us now, but I don’t what to rush things, push and scare her away.

Not again.

“Why have you been avoiding me, Lia? Did I do something wrong? Was it about the kiss? Lia, please tell me. If it was about that, then I promise I won’t do anything that you wouldn’t approve of. Just please don’t avoid me.” I begged. I don’t care if I look pathetic right now. “I don’t want to be away from you. I can’t take it.”

I felt her slacken under my hold, just a bit and I take it as a sign that she won’t run away. So I let go of her, keeping us close though as we stood facing each other.

“I…” she started but I can already hear the tears even if they aren’t falling yet.

“Just tell me, please. I’ll try to change.” I told her. “Why are you running away from me, Lia?”

A tear trickled down her cheek. “It’s because… every time you’re around I get this feeling… and I’m scared. I don’t even know why but I’m just scared. It’s just something about you that keeps drawing me in. Everything about you is familiar and comforting and feel just right. Every time we touch… I don’t ever want to let go. But something’s telling me that I can’t keep on holding on to you.” tears were falling down her eyes and I ache inside.

“And remember those dreams of that person I was having?” she added, “I don’t even know how it happened, but that person… I finally saw their face… and it’s you.” she took a step back, away from me.

I feel a part of my barely-intact heart break just a bit more.

“I feel sad being not being with you. But I’m scared of holding you close too. Something’s telling me that I’m just going to get hurt.”

My eyes blurred with unshed tears.

What have I done? How could I break her that bad?

I took the space separating us and enveloped her in my arms. She broke there and then, soaking my shirt with her tears just as tears fell from eyes as well.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Lia.” I muttered again and again like a mantra.

Her arms circled my waist as she cried even more.

“Just who are you to me, Kai? Why does it feel so right to hold you like this? Why do you make me feel secure and scared at the same time? What have you done with me, Kai?” she asked between sobs as she burred her face on my chest.

I held her even tighter. Honestly, I’m afraid that if I let go, I’ll also be letting go of whatever chance with her that I am barely grasping now.

“Remember that story I told you? About the boy who fell in love with his best friend?” I asked.

She lifted her head from my chest a bit and looked up to me, eyes twinkling with understanding and tears.

“That boy was me.” I said in almost a whisper. I don’t care if tears are now carelessly falling from my eyes and making me look like a pathetic loser. I just need to tell her everything.

“I fell in love with you, Lia. But I hurt you so bad too. And I’m really sorry if I broke your heart over and over again.” I apologized. “And I just want to make everything right. Please…”

I don’t know what I’m begging for. Maybe her forgiveness? Another chance? For her to just stay with me? For her to love me?

All I know now is my heart is bursting with this feelings I’ve been keeping deep inside. I can’t hold back now. I don’t want to hold back now.

“I love you, Lia…” I whispered as I leaned in.

“Ahem.” someone cleared their throat.

I turned and… “Kris-hyung!”

a/n: sorry, Kai... not now either... hehe...

don't you just love INTERRUPTIONS???

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 16: omg...first of all why didnt i read it before? well i cried alot. one of the PERFECT story...Author-nim you wrote it so beautifully...i want to read it again and again.
tingkeobel #2
Chapter 12: Finally after these years, i can find this sweet one. I'm ready for crying for the 2nd time ;)
Chapter 16: I've read this story already but here I am just finished my second time reading it again and THE FEELS ARE BACK OMFG SUCH A BEAUTIFUL STORY T.T
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 16: Awww....happy ending indeed, anyways done reading this one! :) looove this bestfriend story ^^
rudelysweetk21 #5
Chapter 16: aww finally T_T thanks for the story :)
-NeptuneCharm #6
Chapter 16: Kyaaaaaaaah x]] This must be the greatest completed fan fiction I've read!! Plus, your grammar is the best! lol I'm not being sarcastic at that. But! I want HunHan to end up here!~
khimSsh #7
Chapter 14: bwahahaha... sehun is mine now...
Chapter 16: Lovely ending :)