Chapter 20

My Angel of Life
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It was chaos for the next few weeks as they were filming in different places and Kyuhyun was going crazy from not being able to see his Eunhyukkie. He really wanted to see that shy gummy smile, that light sway of the hips, that seducing smooth dance and those deep brown eyes. He was tired of spazzing over the repeat button on YouTube, whenever he saw a clip of Eunhyuk. He wanted to see the real thing!!!


That day, he had a meeting with the manager and upon arriving at his company; he made his way into the boardroom reserved for important company meetings and top SM groups like SJ discussions. He knew that if the meeting was in that room then it must be something big.


All thoughts of the importance of the meeting flew out the window however, as soon as he opened the door. Inside were members of the SJ subgroup, SJ-M and among them was his celestial out of reach beauty that he had been dying to see. Their eyes met for a second before Eunhyuk looked away, his head bowed as he blushed and played with his thumbs.


Kyuhyun made his way to the other side of the long mahogany table, sitting directly in front of the Eunhyuk who was not desperately looking everywhere but at him. Kyuhyun pouted slightly, wanting Eunhyuk to look at him. He kept his eyes on his beloved and almost missed when the meeting was called to start.


Now, just so you know, all the member have their own individual managers and then there is a higher up manager who looks after the entire group, who they barely meet as any discussions needed are done between him and the individual managers most of the time. And then there is the president, who this manager answers to.


Seeing the higher up manager and president present, made the meeting seem very serious. As the meeting continued, Kyuhyun continued peeking at Eunhyuk from the corner of his eyes, and at times openly staring at him until Sungmin who was seated to his right would kick him, indicating that he needed to pay attention.


What made Kyuhyun leave his current situation of staring at Eunhyuk, however, was the announcement that SJ-M was to go to Taiwan. His heart suddenly started racing and he wanted to jump on the highly polished expensive boardroom table and dance in joy. Now you must be thinking, why, right? Well because, one, he would be away from the

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Az_StMd #1
Chapter 27: Cuando lees Haehyuk estos momentos son súper dulces, cuando lees kyuhyuk son puro angst
Az_StMd #2
Chapter 38: 💙💙💙💙
Az_StMd #3
Chapter 9: Me encanta este kyuhyun.
970 streak #4
Chapter 37: This is the best chapter and everyone is shocked, except Sungmin, of course.
Thank you so much for such a hilarious, yet dramatic chapter
mykyunie #5
Chapter 39: I lo ve this, is great
zhazha_hyunra #6
Chapter 25:
Chapter 39: i still LOVE this story ^-^ i like how sung scream like a girl -laughs-
but it still a sweet and cute story :D
Chapter 1: This is bring a lot of bad memory ...
eunhyukie1234 #9
Chapter 39: Sweet and i love kyuhyuk so much....
bemybaby_love #10
Chapter 39: sweet n simple ending n i love it very much!! thanks for the story..fighting!! will find time to read ur other stories too...huhu