Eighth Surprise

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend: Surprises

As the boys ran past me to get onstage for the last act, Ms. Lee, the woman I was speaking to earlier, took me by the arm and dragged me to the back room. She had a worried look on her face and I hesitantly followed her, not wanting to make a ruckus. Upon arriving in the back room, she led me toward the bathroom door. She shoved a small grocery bag into my hands as I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just follow the instructions on the box. I must confirm my suspicions," she urged, pushing me into the bathroom.

"Oh, okay?" I replied, unsure as to what I should reply.

I shut the door behind me and took the small box out. I looked at the words on the box, surprised by what I was holding. Trying to keep my head clear, I did as the instructions told me. When I realized the results of what I had just done, I didn't know what to think. I walked out of the bathroom and Ms. Lee immediately realized my situation.

"Oh, honey," she cooed. "Congratulations."

"B-but how?" I stammered, a bit shaken by the fact.

"Well, have you been experiencing any nausea or cravings, anything?" Ms. Lee asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"N-no. Not at all. I've only been feeling a bit more tired. That's all," I put my fingers on my forehead and tried to massage the headache away. "How am I going to tell Kwangmin? How is he going to react to this?"

"Honey, I'm sure that if he loves you, he'll accept you and the baby," Ms. Lee said. "Come on, let's go wait for him to come off stage. I'll take care of that for you. And remember, the sooner you tell him, the better."

Ms. Lee took the pregnancy test from my hand and put it away. I reluctantly stood by the stairs waiting for the boys to come off. My head was already spinning wildly when another surprise made its way to me. Why do I always get stuck with the surprises?

I looked at my watch, seeing that it was already past time.

"What are those boys doing?" I asked, squinting at them on stage.

"Now, before we finish the show, there is one last thing that we want to sing for all our fans and most of all, someone very dear to us. It's a song that Kwangmin himself wrote at the beginning of our tour, and it's now perfected and ready for performance," Donghyun announced proudly.

"What?" I panicked. "This isn't part of the schedule! What is he doing? Someone stop him!"

As the song began playing, I calmed myself. I noticed the familiar melody to be the song Kwangmin had played for me on our date. This time, with lyrics. I closed my eyes and drifted back to that day, only but less than a year ago. Being so far off stage, I could barely hear the lyrics, but I caught onto the chorus.

"[Hyunseong] You were so far, and now you're so near.
[Donghyun] Everything in my head seems so clear.
[Jeongmin] I thought you were a dream,
[Youngmin] But things aren't what they seem.
[Minwoo] And now I need you,
I want you,
[All] Just want to be with you, girl.
[Kwangmin] Won't you just be mine?
Be with me all the time."

The feelings inside me were overwhelming. I got Kwangmin's message clearly just with the melody but hearing his actual thoughts in words made me fall in love with him all over again. As the song ended, before I could even begin clapping, I was lifted up by my elbows by Hyunseong and Donghyun who clearly came out of nowhere and taken onto stage. I tried to stop them but to no avail. Once onstage, I could clearly see Kwangmin waiting for me, holding out a hand. Jumping out of Hyunseong and Donghyun's hold, I ran towards Kwangmin and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I take it you liked the song?" Kwangmin chuckled.

"I loved it!" I squealed.

"Yah, yah, okay. Fans are watching," Minwoo laughed, separating the two of us.

"Everyone, as you know from many interviews and other times, I have mentioned that I had someone very special in my heart. I would like all of our Best Friends to meet that special someone," Kwangmin announced. "This is Go Min Hee, my seven-year-long-distance girlfriend!"

The fans erupted into loud cheers. I waved awkwardly at all of them and turned back to Kwangmin. The end of tour ceremony was performed with countless thank yous, sad good byes, and most of all, fan tears. Slowly the boys signed off with the audience and started to exit the stage. I suddenly stopped, gaining attention from all the guys.

"Uh, wait," I whispered, feeling a little queasy inside. "Kw-kwangmin, I need to tell you something."

"What is it, Minnie?" Kwangmin grinned from ear to ear like an idiot.

"Bend down a little," I hissed.

Kwangmin shrugged and bent down, lending me his ear. With butterflies stirring in my abdomen, I cupped my hand over his ear and whispered the news to him. Unknown to me, the other five boys were being nosy as usual and leaning in also, eavesdropping.

"Kwangmin, I-I don't really know how to tell you this... I was hoping to do it later but Ms. Lee said the sooner the better, so here I go," I sighed. "I'm pregnant."
Kwangmin's eyes rounded in surprise, his jaw dropped, and his mic dropped to the ground, sending a loud screech around the stadium. He turned towards me, frozen in his expression.

"Are you serious?" Kwangmin whispered.

I nodded. Donghyun cheered and hugged the two of us while everyone else gathered around. Kwangmin stood awestruck, frozen in place. I waited quietly for Kwangmin's response. The boys saw our eye contact and the silence and decided to quiet down and back away. Kwangmin walked towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders. His surprised expression suddenly lightened and he beamed. He lifted me up and spun me around. Once he put me down, he picked up his mic again and rushed out to the middle of the stage.

"Everyone, I'm going to be a father! I'm going to be a daddy!" Kwangmin jumped up and down in excitement.

Gasps were sounded all around followed by cheering and shouts of "congratulations." I smiled and grasped my stomach with one arm.

We're going to be parents...

"So what should we name him?" Hyun Seong asked excitedly on the bus ride back to the hotel.

"Oh! Oh! We should name him Bae!" Jeongmin perked. "It means inspiration!"

"No, no, name him Daehyun. It means great and honor. See that, now he has the same meaning as Kwangmin and I, honor," Youngmn said wisely.

"Um, no, we're naming him Kwangho! It means light and goodness," Donghyun slammedh is hand down on the table between the suits.

"Can we name him Hyun Su?" Minwoo asked meekly.

As the five of them continued to argue about the name, Kwangmin and I sat on the sidelines, watching them with raised eyebrows. Eventually, we got tired of the noise and spoke up.

"Guys," Kwangmin said, trying to get their attention.

They continued screaming at each other, shooting names all over the bus. The driver sighed loudly and rolled the divider window up.

"Guys!" Kwangmin shouted, finally getting their attention. "We don't even know if the baby is a boy yet."

I smiled and looked down at my stomach, gently rubbed it.

"I kind of want a boy, though," I giggled.

"I do, too. But let's not tel them that," Kwangmin whispered into my ear.

Hyun Seong suddenly popped up next to Kwangmin, glaring at him piercingly. He gripped Kwangmin's shoulder and squeezed hard, earning a frightful gasp from Kwangmin.

"O-ow, hyung, what are you doing?" Kwangmin gasped, backing away.

"Tell me, Kwangmin. How did this happen?" Hyun Seong asked.

"Uh, I-I don't.. I just... we," Kwangmin stammered and took off, running into the back room of the bus.

He locked the door as Hyun Seong arrived, banging on the door. Hyun Seong yelled through the door, scolding Kwangmin. Donghyun came over and sat down by me, gently holding my hand. I turned towards him and met with his compassionate, soft eyes.

"How long has it been?" Donghyun asked.

"I don't know... I actually just found out tonight," I said quietly.

"Are you going to see a obgyn soon?" Donghyun continued.

"Oh, yeah. Ms. Lee scheduled an appointment for me tomorrow, a few hours before our flight back to Korea," I smiled. "You know, at first I was a bit afraid about the baby. We're still so young, but now that I see Kwangmin so excited, I'm happy."

"Well, I'm glad you are. As your elder, I just have to say," I smiled softly. He suddenly tapped me on the arm and frowned. "How could you have a baby before I even got a girlfriend. Not fair!"

The two of us laughed together. Minwoo hopped over and sat in the other seat next to me with Youngmin and Jeongmin taking the seats in front of me. Minwoo laid his head on my stomach and made the face of an eager little child.

"I don't hear anything," Minwoo cooed.

"Idiot, that's because the baby is probably still in the beginning stages," Youngmin scoffed.

"Okay, okay, hyung. Sorry, gosh," Kwangmin held his hands up in defense as Hyun Seong dragged him back to the group.

"Okay, enough chattering," Hyun Seong clapped his hands together.

"Do you have any idea what you'd want to name the baby?" Jeongmin asked.

I looked at Kwangmin and smiled reassuringly. I looked down at my stomach and gingerly caressed it.

"I think I might have an idea..." I giggled.

@_@ I rewrote this chapter FIVE times and I'm still not satisfied about it. I guess you can just think of it as a flurry of excitement about the baby ;D? Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited for this baby... What do you think the baby should be named? Please only pick two names, a girl name and a boy name. (Click on the question below, it is a redirection link)


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Chapter 18: Ok. This story is ending well I really like sometime makes me thing how will they be in their future =')
Chapter 18: Yun Hee still doesn't know who her actually father is ._. poor Kwangie
Congrats Minwoo thought xD YOUNGMIN GET A DATE! :PPP
kimmii #3
Chapter 17: -_- omgeee hahahhahahahahahha whyyyyy i liiiiiiiiikkeee you :P
Chapter 17: Wow!!!!! I can't even think about this. Imagine when they'll got married???? ='(
Angelz6 #5
Chapter 16: SO SWEET Update soon
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 15: Good and cute XD
Please update soon!! xD
Chapter 14: I loved them =D