My Boyfriend, Now Husband Part Two

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend: Surprises

"The two to be wed will now present, now this may be a little different, but they will be reading their letters to each other rather than reciting vows," Fr. Dominic announced, stepping back.

I softly smiled and took out my cards where I had written my words.

"Dear Beloved Kwangmin,
When I first met you, I would have never dreamed of being able to become friends with you. I had only been a fan of yours from far away. I loved your smile. I loved your voice. But most of all, I loved that you weren't afraid to be yourself. As our friendship grew day by day, I found myself falling for you more and more. I found that you are brave, you are strong, you are romantic, but most of all, you are the one I love. The memory I was most fond of was our prom together.
You said that you would be there for me, and you kept your promise well," I smiled remember how he had risked his well being to rescue me from my 'stalkers.'

"When it came time for me to leave for America again, I was devastated to know that I would have to love you from afar yet again. That was also the day you asked me out. I would never have dreamed I would become your girlfriend.
Six years later, you came to me in America, and I became your manager. I would have never dreamed about that either. And now, standing before all our family and friends, I would have never dreamed I would become your wife. I guess you can say, I don't dream about these things that much. But now that it's happening, I feel like I'm living in a dream. Kwangmin, if life were a Pokemon game, I'd 'pichu.'
Min Hee."

A few coos flew forward from the observers as they hugged each other and squeezed their hands in anticipation. Kwangmin bit his lip shyly and blushed. Fr. Dominic nodded towards Kwangmin, and Kwangmin took out his cards.

"Dear My Sweet Minnie,
I'm not the best at writing letters, so please forgive me if you look back on this day twenty years from now and remember how bad this love letter was," everyone laughed and chuckled at his opening line. Donghyun and Hyun Seong shook their heads knowingly. "Before I ever met you, I never thought about girls or worried about anything but having fun. Once I entered Top Talent Academy, though, and met you, I just knew I had to be with you, protect you. Everything about you is perfect, from the top of your head, to the tip of your toes. Okay, that was really corny. Maybe I should rewrite that later."

Kwangmin stopped and stared at his notecards wide eyed. Everyone tried hard to hold their laughs in, sniggering every now and then. Kwangmin sheepishly shoved his cards into Youngmin's hands and scratched his head.

"To summarize," he took my hands and kissed them. "I love you more than the moon loves the stars. More than the sun loves the sky. But most of all, I need you more than the sunflowers need the sun. Min Hee, you are my everything. I am looking forward to being by your side until the day I die. I also can't wait until two months from now, when I'll have another beautiful person to love; our baby.
I'll Be There,

A few people clapped for Kwangmin's great improv and hooted. Youngmin patted his brother on the back, and Kwangmin smiled appreciatively. Fr. Dominic came closer and began finishing up the exchange of vows, as Minwoo and Jeongmin handed us the rings. Kwangmin took my hand and slowly slipped my wedding ring on.

"Do you Jo Kwangmin take Go Min Hee to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day until death do you part?" Fr. Dominic recited.

"I do," Kwangmin replied, gazing into my eyes.

"Do you Go Min Hee take Jo Kwangmin to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day until death do you part?" Fr. Dominic continued.

"I do," I replied, slipping Kwangmin's ring on.

"Are there any objections to this marriage? If no, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Fr. Dominic closed his book and stepped back.

Kwangmin and I closed our eyes. He leaned in and placed his lips gently on mine. After kissing me, to my surprise, he kneeled down on one knee and kissed my abdomen. He stood back up again, beaming proudly.

"Can't forget the baby," Kwangmin whispered, kissing me on the forehead.

"Ladies and gentleman, I now present to you our new family. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Kwangmin!" Fr. Dominic raised his arms up and the observers bursted into cheer.

Kwangmin and I went back to our places as Donghyun and Hyun Seong went up to do their congratulatory speech. The two nodded at us and grinned from ear to ear.

"Ladies and gentlemen... Mr. and Mrs. Jo Kwangmin... Fr. Dominic," Donghyun began, addressing the auditors. "Today Hyun Seong and I had the honor of being the witnesses to two very special people in our lives. The first person being our bandmate, but most of all, our brother Kwangmin. The second person being a light in our lives, a person like family, Min Hee."

"To start off, I would like to talk about Min Hee. When we first met Min Hee, she was just our guide. She was someone who was designated to help us navigate around the school and get to know our environment. She was any other teenage girl. But as we got to know Min Hee more, we found out that she was more than just that. She is a strong person who had to fend for herself against bullying," Hyun Seong stated.

"She is a talented and passionate person. She has the voice of an angel and dance skills that could make a grown man cry," Donghyun chuckled. "She is a generous person. The type of person willing to step out of their way and plan an entire fundraiser to help save her church."

"She is an emotional person. The type of person who remembers every single thing that happens in her family and cry for every sad thing that has happened," Hyun Seong continued. "She is a confident person and a dreamer, says the way she fought for her right to sing and dance on stage."

"But most of all, she is bright person. From the way she smiles to the way she cries. Min Hee's smile is brighter than any sun. She could make even the people around her smile with just her smile. Every time she cries, it's like a precious diamond falls from her eyes and shatters on the ground. That's why I say, Kwangmin, if you make her cry even once, you're paying for those diamonds," Donghyun teased. "Now we would like to talk about Kwangmin."

"Kwangmin is a lovable, laughable, hilarious dork," Hyun Seong stated bluntly. "That's all we can really say about him. He is as 4D as 4D will get. If you give him a cube, a 3D square, he'll turn that cube into a freaking wormhole with his 4D abilities." Kwangmin made a face, showing he was jokingly insulted.

"Though Kwangmin may be a clumsy, loveable oaf, he's also a strong and caring. Kwangmin is the type of person who would risk his life just for the person he loved, because he knows his love is worth it," Donghyun nodded wisely. "He is the type of caring person who would take hours out of the night once he came home from a busy day of work so that he could look for his love's long, lost father."

"He is also a secretive person. The kind who would hide all of this from his love, just so he could love her in silence," Hyun Seong took over. "He showers his affection onto his lover from afar, and his lover will receive the message just right. That's his perk."

"As you can see, these two were a match made in Heaven," Donghyun looked around at the audience to see people nodding. "A frail girl, broken from emotional distress, yet keeping up a strong facade and loving everyone openly."

"While a strong boy, who's weak in confidence, loves just one person, that girl, but closes that off from everyone. We would have never asked it any other way. Congratulations you two. You've taken the first step into your new life together," Hyun Seong concluded.

The two walked over to us, and we hugged it out. A few tears of joy escaped from my eyes and seeped onto Donghyun's shoulder as we hugged. The flurry of emotions I had along with the hormones from my pregnancy were everywhere. I was happy to be married, yet sad to know that my life together with Boyfriend may be so much more different than when we were teens. It wasn't a bitter sadness, rather more a nostalgic sadness. The final song began playing. It was a song that Jeongmin had composed himself and sang just for the occasion. It was the best gift I could have asked form him. Kwangmin and I began walking back down the aisle together. Kwangmin smirked mischievously and picked me up bridal style, rushing me off to the car waiting out front. Everyone erupted into cheers and whoops as we ran by. Kwangmin put me into the passenger seat, and he got into the driver's seat. Together we drove off, our life just beginning.

Ladies and gentleman, Go Min Hee and Jo Kwangmin are now officially wedded.

Now, what's a wedding without a party? The tunes were cranked up, the feast was laid out, the stars were strolled in, and the guests were all invited. All the eligible ladies gathered around as I prepared to toss the bouquet, my back to the crowd. I threw it up into the air, and it fell down, sending women chasing after it. I turned around to see an unknown woman about my age standing there with the bouquet in hand. Her face looked more shocked than surprise to see that she had caught it. Mi Yun walked over, smirking. She patted my shoulder and nodded.

"That's my cousin from America. Her name's Kim Haerin. She's shocked out of her mind right now because she's never dated anyone before," Mi Yun laughed.

"Never?" I asked, surprised.

"Not. Even. Once," Mi Yun laughed again and took a sip from her drink in the other hand.

Kwangmin and I cut the cake. Stealthily, I swiped my finger across the icing and wiped it onto Kwangmin's nose. His jaw dropped and he quickly swiped some icing, too. He wiped it on my nose and together we took turns wiping icing onto each other before Youngmin came over and stood between us. Kwangmin and I looked at each other, contemplating. Before Youngmin could react, we attacked him with whips of cake icing. After that, Kwangmin and I fed each other cake, and Kwangmin's mother told us of a tradition passed down in his family.

"At every wedding, the Jo's make sure the newly wedded couple links arms and drinks a glass of champagne to ensure a pleasurable and forever connect marriage," Mrs. Jo explained.

Kwangmin and I shrugged as we each received a glass of champagne. Kwangmin and I linked each other's arms together at the elbows. Kwangmin drank from his glass, and I drank from mine. We finished our glasses and the Jo family cheered for us. A few minutes after that, Donghyun and Hyun Seong had to help take Kwangmin go to the bathroom and freshen up because he was already drunk.

"I never knew he was so intolerant of alcohol," Mrs. Jo giggled. "He must've gotten that from his father."

She raised an eyebrow whimsically and pointed towards Kwangmin's father who was dancing wildly on the dance floor with a lamp shade on his head. In one hand, he held a half empty bottle of beer. Mrs. Jo sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Take care of Kwangmin. Please make sure he doesn't turn out like his father," she joked.

I looked around the room, seeing all my old friends. It was a such a soothing feeling seeing people I spent years with in Korea. I saw Jeongmin who was surprisingly dancing with Mi Yun. The two seemed to be bickering though. I saw Mi Yun crack a smile for two seconds before she resumed scowling at Jeongmin. I'll have to remember that when I need blackmail. I then saw Minwoo and Haerin sitting at a table together. Minwoo was facing one way and Haerin the other. The two seemed a bit awkward together. Haerin looked very mature compared to little baby Minwoo. Once Donghyun came out of the bathroom, he introduced me to his new girlfriend. The two had been dating for nearly a month now, and I had no idea. Fakingly, I stomped on Donghyun's foot as if I was angry he hadn't told me and stomped away, shouting that he was my father and I knew nothing. Of course, I peeked back to see the poor girlfriend with a look of pure confusion on her face.

Up next is the baby! -shrieks with excitement- You guys have any side shipments yet ;) I do and I write the story LOL. Please do comment and let me know how I'm doing! The marriage ceremony may seem a bit weird and of order.. kind of. I found out about my mistakes after I wrote the letters and vows. OTL But then again, I've only been to like three marriages XD

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Chapter 18: Ok. This story is ending well I really like sometime makes me thing how will they be in their future =')
Chapter 18: Yun Hee still doesn't know who her actually father is ._. poor Kwangie
Congrats Minwoo thought xD YOUNGMIN GET A DATE! :PPP
kimmii #3
Chapter 17: -_- omgeee hahahhahahahahahha whyyyyy i liiiiiiiiikkeee you :P
Chapter 17: Wow!!!!! I can't even think about this. Imagine when they'll got married???? ='(
Angelz6 #5
Chapter 16: SO SWEET Update soon
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 15: Good and cute XD
Please update soon!! xD
Chapter 14: I loved them =D