Seventh Surprise

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend: Surprises

The next morning, once everyone was awake, I finally worked up the courage to ask Kwangmin why they had blocked me and basically cut all ties with me before. I know I shouldn't question their motives because everything worked out anyway. As Kwangmin and I sat next to each other on the bus traveling towards the stadium they were performing at again, I puffed out my cheeks and stared daggers into his face.

"What?" He asked nervously, squinting at me.

"You know how you guys like blocked me and stuff before the kick start concert?" I asked, puffing my cheeks back and forth.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Why.... why would you do that?" I frowned, crossing my arms and sitting back in my seat. I slouched and let my body slide slightly. "You had me worried sick."

Kwangmin chuckled and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, giving me a loving squeeze. He kissed me on my head and I glared at him, still waiting for my answer.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked.

"Yes! I do!" I hissed.

"It was all Donghyun's idea," Kwangmin laughed as if it was nothing.

"Why are you laughing? Why would Donghyun do that? Tell me!" I exasperated angrily.

"Okay, okay, calm down. First off, mianhe, I didn't mean to upset you so much. Second off, I'm laughing because you look so adorable when you're angry. And lastly, to answer your question, you could say it was like a diet for us. We wanted to make our first meeting in real life after so many years apart worth it. Donghyun said that, knowing me, if I kept calling you day after day before the concert, I wouldn't be as excited when I met you again. Let's put it like... food. Say I love Pocky. If I had Pocky every day, I wouldn't be so excited to eat it again the next day, right?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Right. So if I just took a break from the Pocky for a while and eat it again, maybe a few weeks later, I'd savor it to the fullest."

"So you're saying you go tired of me?"

"No, I'm saying I love you and I wanted to savor our reunion to the fullest again."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Donghyun doesn't make sense. He has no sense."

"I heard that," Donghyun shouted from his seat.

The two of us glanced at each other and laughed quietly in our seats. I nibbled the inside of my lip, not sure if I should be flattered by what he did or upset. I decided to let it slide because he said he loved me and he told me I looked adorable when I'm mad.

Nearly a year later and the band has finally reached their final destination; Madison Square Garden in New York. It was exciting and thrilling for the boys and for me as their new manager. Not only have I grown with the boys as their manager, but also as their family. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being the manager of Boyfriend. These boys have gone a long way, and I'm sure they'll go even farther. While being in America, Boyfriend has endorsed everything from shoes to clothes, even to the Apple Company. They've really left their mark on the country, becoming real international stars.

More than anything, I've gotten extremely close to Kwangmin. It feels good to be able to be with the person you love in person rather than over a computer. Kwangmin and I can't take our eyes off of each other, but we eventually get separated by the boys. Those jerks. I just can't get enough of this boy... I mean... young man.

The Madison Square Garden concert was to begin in less than five minutes. The staff was running willy nilly trying to get last minute touch ups done. Kwangmin and I stood by the stairs that led onstage. We held each other's cheeks and gazed into each other's eyes, smiling.

"You have such a cute nose," Kwangmin cooed.

"No, you!" I replied, giggling.

"Oh, I love you so much," Kwangmin continued, kissing me on the nose.

"I love you, too, Kwangminnie," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"All right, all right, split it up you two. We're going live," Donghyun stepped in between us rudely, sticking his earpiece in his ear.

"No touching," Hyun Seong complained, handing Kwangmin his microphone. "I want a five meter radius between you two tonight."

"Yeah, we don't want to be too obvious," Jeongmin chuckled, walking past us.

Kwangmin angrily jabbed Jeongmin in the stomach, causing him to fall over. He glared at Jeongmin as Jeongmin gasped in realization.

"I mean... ignore what I said," Jeongmin stuttered quickly, getting up and walking on stage.

"Idiot hyung," Youngmin scoffed, grinning ear to ear as he hopped up the stairs.

"Wish us luck, Min Hee ah," Minwoo called out as he grabbed his microphone from a staff member and made way onto stage.

Kwangmin turned towards me and pecked me on the forehead as he began walking up the stairs.

"Be back in a few," Kwangmin whispered. "Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try not to," I laughed.

As he disappeared onstage, I went to the backroom and took a seat on the couch. I sighed loudly and slumped down into it, looking up at the ceiling. An older staff lady took notice of me and walked over with a water bottle in hand. She sat down next to me and laid her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, Minnie?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, sitting up in respect.

"You seem to be more tired than you've ever been lately," she replied, handing me the water bottle. "Have some water. Maybe you're dehydrated."

"Oh, thank you," I said as I took the bottle graciously from her. "I have been feeling a bit more lethargic lately. Maybe I'm just a bit tired from the restless concert nights. It's been a heck of a tour."

She nodded her head understandingly and continued questioning me.

"Have you been doing well? No health problems?"

"No, not that I know of. I've just had a bit of a back pain from riding on the bus for so long at a time."

"Well... what about... that time of the month?"

"What?" I scooted back, shocked by her question. "What do you mean?"

"Are they happening regularly?"

"Well, y-yes? I guess? They tend to last shorter than others and hand on weird schedules, but they're doing fine. Thanks for asking?"

The lady nodded her head knowingly and stood up. She smiled at me one more time before walking away. I looked at her curiously before shaking it out of my head.

That was weird, I thought to myself.

I heard the first few performances finish and rushed to the stage area to greet Kwangmin as he got offstage. He skipped down the stairs and picked me up, swinging me around in his arms.

"Oh, ow, Kwangminnie, stop," I groaned. Kwangmin obliged and held my shoulders, staring into my eyes. "I'm guessing you had a good performance?"

"You bet you!" Kwangmin perked. "Performing in Madison Square Garden is an amazing thing. It feels so good to perform on such a large stage."

"Well, I'm glad you like it," I giggled, hugging him.

"Oh, baby," Kwangmin commented, suddenly moving back. He poked me in the stomach, earning a jerking reaction from the ticklish me. "Have you been working out? I can feel abs."

I looked at him questionably and rubbed my stomach, sticking my lips out. I gave him an innocent look and shook my head. 

"Not that I know of. Maybe it's from managing you guys so much," I laughed.

Behind us, the staff lady I had spoken to overheard our conversation and suspicions arose. She quickly took the initiative and head out to the back parking lot, getting into the staff van and driving off to who knows where. All the while, the boys were planning something amongst themselves...

I haven't updated in so long... i know i know. I'm a bad author nim Q_Q

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Chapter 18: Ok. This story is ending well I really like sometime makes me thing how will they be in their future =')
Chapter 18: Yun Hee still doesn't know who her actually father is ._. poor Kwangie
Congrats Minwoo thought xD YOUNGMIN GET A DATE! :PPP
kimmii #3
Chapter 17: -_- omgeee hahahhahahahahahha whyyyyy i liiiiiiiiikkeee you :P
Chapter 17: Wow!!!!! I can't even think about this. Imagine when they'll got married???? ='(
Angelz6 #5
Chapter 16: SO SWEET Update soon
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 15: Good and cute XD
Please update soon!! xD
Chapter 14: I loved them =D