Game Start


Times have changed and so has technology. How advanced has technology gotten really? Five boys under the name of Boys Republic have invented and programmed a game that can transport you into the game physically. They call it, "The Real One." These boys soon became renowned for being technological geniuses who have created such advanced technology, the whole world is trying to get its hands on their secrets. As interests and lifestyles shifted toward the new technological world, so have crimes. What happens when the boys' sysem detects a hacker? Will the hacker outsmart them, or will these tech geniuses be able to find the hacker and shut them down? 


My name is Miyang. When I was abandoned by my young parents at birth, a rich entrepeneur adopted me and called me his own. Hearing my story, one would think I lived like I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but it was far from that. My father is the head of a secret organization by the name of Cyburg. He made his wealth through a variety of online crimes such as hacking and so on. He's stolen countless amount of valuable codes and sold them on the black market. Since young, he's trained me diligently to follow in his footsteps, never giving me a moment of rest. I could code the destruction of an online enterprise in three minutes flat. My father now has his eyes set on the coveted code and blueprints from a new video game called "The Real One," and the person he's chosen for this mission just so happens to be me. I'm prepared but I have to say, I'm kind of afraid. I'd rather go out and steal something physically from the local grocery store than go on this mission. Because in a world as technologically advanced as this, the greatest crimes you can commit are online.


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They sound so cool. A virtual game world. Will the story take place in the virtual game world, too? That would be so awesome. Try to steal from inside the game world XD ahahah "The Real One" Whoa, makes me wonder... if they could somehow destroy the 'real world' and the only alternative of living would be in "The Real One" Soon, that virtual game world will be "The Real One." :o Or will the hacker join forces with Boys Republic and take over the world? That's an option, too. :p

Oh gosh, when ever I see a story start with like... ooh, dear... I was abandoned... I immediately generalize... great, another lame, tragic background. That's how my brain works. It likes to jump to conclusions and I usually just click the randomize button and go to the next story. I'll stick to this one though, because it sounds cool, minus background story.

lol Cyburg sounds like Cyborg crossed with a City... a city that ends with burg. XD The dark WEB. Miyang sounds so human... I'm surprised with the "afraid" part. The father has done a failed job at improperly raising that child (slowly read that and work it out).

I'm still rooting for Boys Republic... because they are legit. To be truthful, not caring much for this Miyang person telling this story. Maybe they will improve on me... maybe.