Sixth Surprise

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend: Surprises

"Did I surprise you?" Kwangmin chuckled.

"Yeah, you did," I giggled. "I never thought that my Kwangmin could have such a flirtatious side. It's exciting."

"Are you ready to have some dinner?" Kwangmin asked, standing up from his chair.

"Sure. What's for dinner?" I asked, eagerly leaning toward the table.

Kwangmin laughed nervously and went outside, pushing a cart with different silver covers in. He stopped next to the table and began unloading all of the food onto our table. I gasped every time he pulled a cover off, staring at all the delicious food. There was spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, and even a delectable chicken. I looked up at Kwangmin in awe.

"Did you make this?" I asked.

"Yup," he chuckled awkwardly. "I made everything by myself."

"Wow, I'm impre-," I stopped mid sentence when I laid eyes on a small white paper sticking out from under one of the plates.

Kwangmin took notice of this and immediately grabbed. I smirked at his action and stood up from my seat, moving toward him slowly. He began to back away with every step I took toward him.

"What's that?" I cooed, moving closer.

"Nothing," he replied quickly, backing away with the paper behind his back.

"You're sure quick to reply," I teased.

"You're sure quick to ask," he retorted.

I stopped moving then lunged at him, causing him to panic and rush away to the side. I began chasing him around the room, jumping over chairs and the bed. He would stop behind a chair every now and then to block my way.

"You didn't make the dinner did you?" I asked loudly.

"Yes, I did!" He shouted, running in the other way.


Next door, Donghyun and Hyun Seong could hear our playful shouting through the hotel walls. Donghyun sat on the bed next to the lamp with a book in hand while Hyun Seong sat on a chair in front of the TV. Donghyun casually read through his book, chuckling while Hyun Seong sat nervously. Hyun Seong shifted in his seat and turned to Donghyun with a worried expression.

"What are they doing, Donghyun? He's not hurting her is he?" Hyun Seong asked, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Relax, Hyun Seong. They're still young. They're not going to do something as stupid as that," Donghyun sighed, taking a sip from his water bottle.

"He better not. I'd beat him up," Hyun Seong hissed, turning on the TV.


Back at our room, I finally got Kwangmin cornered. I approached him, step by step. He moved backwards and eventually ran into the wall behind him, unable to run anywhere else. I stepped up to him and slammed my hand against the wall beside him, making him jump. Glancing up at him, I raised an eyebrow and stared down at the paper in his hand. 

"I'll ask you one more time, Kwangminnie. Did you or did you not make the dinner?" I growled quietly.

Kwangmin pouted but eventually gave in and admitted his failure.

"Fine. I ordered it," Kwangmin sighed, looking at the ground guiltily.

"Aha! I knew it!" I shouted loudly.

"But I did cook something!" Kwangmin continued. "It's just... I burnt it... and the cook kicked me out of the kitchen. So I just ordered room service."

"Aw, Kwangminnie," I said, giving him a squeeze around the waist. "You goofball. You don't have to cook me anything. That's my job. Well, it's the thought that counts. Right?"

"Yeah," Kwangmin replied, hugging me back. "By the way... aren't in reversed positions here?"

Kwangmin smiled mischievously as I looked up at him with a puzzled expression. Suddenly he pushed me back, up against the other wall with his hand on the wall by my head. I gawked at his action. He looked down at me with his angelic expression and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. He grinned from ear to ear and started laughing.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I was just kidding. Hah. I wouldn't try anything with you," Kwangmin joked, moving away.

Kwangmin looked up at my face to see a disappointed expression. Kwangmin's heart suddenly jumped at the sight.

"What's wrong?" He asked, putting a hand on my cheek.

I looked up at him with hurt eyes and replied, "Are you saying that I'm not good enough for you to try anything on me?"

Kwangmin's eyes rounded in surprise. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and put his forehead against mine.

"No, no, that's not it, Minnie. What I mean is," he spoke softly so only I could hear. "I love you more than anything in the world. In my eyes, you're like a fragile doll that I will always cherish. I just don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do."

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. "I love you, too, Jo Kwangmin."

"And I love you, Go Min Hee."

Kwangmin lowered his head and bent over slightly, placing his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. Kwangmin pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. Kwangmin walked backwards, leading me away from the wall. With my arms wrapped around Kwangmin's neck, I realized how tall he was compared to me. He really has changed since I've last seen him in Korea. As we continued passionately kissing each other, Kwangmin slipped his arm under my legs and picked me up, carrying me over to his bed. Just as we were hovering over the bed, Hyun Seong suddenly bursted into the room, letting the door slammed against the wall as it opened.

"Hey, kids! I really hope nothing weird is going on in here!" Hyun Seong shouted with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Ah!" I yelped as Kwangmin suddenly dropped me, sending me into a free fall onto the bed.

I made a peeved expression at him and he raised a hand up mouthing an apology. Frustrated, I blew a stream of air out of the corner of my mouth, flipping my bangs out of my face. I then turned and glared at Hyun Seong who just happily waved back, showing off a mischievously smile.

"Well, looks like nothing weird is going on here. You two have fun," he said. He laughed then slammed a small tape recorder onto the nearby table, shooting a look at Kwangmin. "I'll just leave this here. Kwangmin, you'll watch after this for me... won't you?"

I looked over to Kwangmin who shuddered at Hyun Seong's tone and nodded. Hyun Seong smiled once again and then slammed the door shut, leaving the two of us alone again. Kwangmin and I stared at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. I held my stomach and fell back on the pillow, laughing at what just happened. Kwangmin casually crouched down at the foot of the bed and pulled out a guitar case. He opened the case and brought out his guitar.

"Scootie," he said, gently pushing my legs over.

I obliged and scooted a few spaces over, making just enough room for him on the edge of the bed. He angled himself so he was facing me and placed the guitar in his lap, ready to play. I looked up at him and beamed, propping myself on an elbow. He reached over to the end of the guitar and pulled out a guitar pick then turned to talk to me.

"So... I wrote you a song," Kwangmin whispered.

"You did?" I gasped, abruptly sitting up. I placed both my hands on his shoulder and leaned in. "Play it! Play it!"

"All right, all right," Kwangmin chuckled, getting into position.

He began strumming the guitar slowly. I closed my eyes and listened to the slow and soft song. I gently closed my eyes and began drifting into thought as Kwangmin played on. As the song went on, it gradually picked up pace, just like my heart. I could feel my heart flutter with every strum of the guitar. I could hear Kwangmin softly humming along with the guitar, making my heart skip even faster. The song then came to a gentle end, opening my eyes up. Kwangmin looked up at me with an apologetic face.

"I haven't really had time to put in lyrics, though... sorry."

I gave him a reassuring smile and kissed him on the cheek. "That's all right. I received your message well."

The two of us stared into each other's eyes for a short moment before Kwangmin broke the silence, "I love you."

I closed my eyes and gave him a sweet peck on the lips. "I love you, too."

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" Kwangmin questioned, putting his guitar away.

"Sure!" I perked up, falling back onto the bed.

"Make yourself at home," Kwangmin said, climbing into the bed.

"I already have," I giggled, snuggling my self under the covers.

Kwangmin followed my lead and snuggled under the cover with me. I couldn't help but think that our romantic dinner turned out to be more of a comedic, love drama. Though it was a dinner... we never had any. The dinner still laid on the table, waiting for a hungry soul to eat it. Oh, well, let's not think about that for now. Instead, I'd rather enjoy a blissful night with my one and only other half. Good night, all. Hehe ~

You put those dirty thoughts away readers >:U Anywho, do you like the new poster ;D I made it myself! Yup, going to start improving my gimp skills ;P This'll be temporary until I get one from the shop I requested... Mianhe for the eyesore until then >__< hehe

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Chapter 18: Ok. This story is ending well I really like sometime makes me thing how will they be in their future =')
Chapter 18: Yun Hee still doesn't know who her actually father is ._. poor Kwangie
Congrats Minwoo thought xD YOUNGMIN GET A DATE! :PPP
kimmii #3
Chapter 17: -_- omgeee hahahhahahahahahha whyyyyy i liiiiiiiiikkeee you :P
Chapter 17: Wow!!!!! I can't even think about this. Imagine when they'll got married???? ='(
Angelz6 #5
Chapter 16: SO SWEET Update soon
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 16: Hehe LOL, update soon =)
Chapter 15: Good and cute XD
Please update soon!! xD
Chapter 14: I loved them =D