Blonde Streaks

Ljoe, You Thief!

So just as Junhyung asked, you were out with him for a date. By the beach. As cliche as it sounds, Junhyung brought you there.

"We're seriously gonna sit here and do nothing?" You frowned and he looked stunned for a moment before sitting down on the sand, beside you. "You don't like the sea?"

*I love it. But I'm bored just sitting here and you don't have the initiative to do something interesting.*  "Aniya." You responded as you looked at the sea. Junhyung looked between you and the vast ocean, literally lost of what to do. He had originally planned a whole lot of things to do for you. But the minute he met you just now, he forgot everything he planned to do.

"Junhyung-shi, I want to get water. I'll be back." You were about to stand up when Junhyung yanked you back down. "I'll get it for you."

You watched as he ran off towards the nearby convenient store. You felt a little bad to let him run off to get you a bottle of water when you honestly could have went there yourself. You sighed as you inhaled the salty air, your arms wrapping around your legs tightly as the moist air blew against your skin.

Strands of hair flew forward as you gently pushed it away. You were enjoying the breeze when something hit you on your back. You looked behind you and it was a crushed can. You groaned as you stood up to yell at the person. "YAH! YO. YOU THERE!"

The person halted as he turned to look at you. He was a guy that had blonde streaks on his brown hair, wearing huge sunglasses and around him were many large muscular bodyguards. *Holy mama, this guy is d-a-n-g-e-r-o-u-s.* You gulped as he pointed towards himself, raising an eyebrow.

"ANIYA!" You blurted too quickly as he scoffed before walking towards you. You panicked, looking right and left for signs of Junhyung to help you out.

Before anyone could save you from this tricky situation, he bent forward and looked in your eyes. "I think I did hear you call for me." His voice was strangely familiar but you couldn't match that voice to any of the faces you could remember. [A/N A total of 3 months passed since he left so yeah, Teen Top basically avoided your calls for this 3 months. Sorry for the choppy situation here, it's needed.]

You leaned backwards as he glared at you, continuously arching forward. It was like he was purposely teasing you. *Please let someone come and save me!*

It was as if your prayers were heard when his bodyguard spoke, "Sir, we're running late." Ljoe leaned backwards and you heaved a deep sigh of relief.

He looked at you once more before leaving.

You frowned as you looked at his back. His expression... It was filled with different types of emotions. It was anger and... Affection?

*He was probably intending to take advantage of me and that was why he was looking at me like that.* You nodded as you agreed to your own words when Junhyung came running back. "Sorry for the wait! There was a long queue!" You didn't respond as you kept your eyes on the car that the guy boarded.

"Eunji?" Junhyung looked towards the direction you were looking at. You smiled as you snapped out of your thoughts. "Mianhee, I thought I saw someone familiar. Let's go back, I'm not feeling well." you linked your arms with Junhyung as you walked back to the bus stop.


The car stopped as he glared at the both you.

"Junhyung this bastard. Just because I didn't contact her for three months doesn't mean she can go all lovey dovey with someone else. Hwang Eunji..." He muttered as his butler looked at him, "Lee Byunghun-shi, just go show her who you are, I'll hide it from Madam. It's kind of torturous for you if you keep talking about her everyday and sometimes even calling her in your sleep. "

"Shut up. Drive," Ljoe shot his butler a look for butting in his personal matters before leaning back in his seat. The windows drew up as the car moved on. You noticed the white Audi that passed by. *It was the same one that got in.* You wondered why you were so attentive to things regarding him but that didn't bother you right now. You were still trying to ease the stuffy feeling in your heart as you thought about Ljoe.

Ljoe frowned as he thought about his butler's words. *I want to. But I don't want to. I'm still mad at her. Most of all, the fact that Haetmonim wouldn't tell me how she knew her just makes me more irritated.* Ljoe clutched his chest where his heart was and smiled nonetheless. *My heart hasn't reacted like that in ages.*


[ Double update! Won't be updating soon><]

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It was April's Fool prank;) Last chapter would be updated sometime next week!!


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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 24: chappie 24: aishhh.....
such a naughty author-nim.......
but, such a nice ending....
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 22: chappie 22: so, he is donghyun..............
i really thought that si yeon didn't die.....
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 20: chappie 20: if he is really already dead....... why???
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 17: chappie 17: poor eunji.......
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 15: chappie 15: i knew it!!!
hahaha...... poor l.joe......
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 13: chappie 13: i think, the person eunji has to date is l.joe and vice versa........
and, yahooo!!!!!!!!!!! they're together again!!!
<3 <3 <3
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 12: chappie 12: what????!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 7: chappie 7: i still don't understand......
who is l.joe ?????
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 6: chappie 6: who is l.joe ????
is he from some really rich family or gangs family ?????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 4: chappie 4: is there something they were hiding from eunji ???