Crazy Fate

Slave Heart

Onew's P.V



I didn't want to seem disrespectful, but i just couldn't see how this would result in any good.

"I, Don't think thats a good idea..."

"Hyung, don't worry about it..." Minho stopped me before I could go on.


Minho P.V.

I really can't believe this. Why is God putting us right next to each other....What? Now i have to help on one? Why tha heck did she have to go and learn MY PART!



"I, don't think thats a good idea..."

Onew Hyung was about to speak on my behalf. I couldn't let him do that. That would just make things more complicated.

"Hyung, don't worry about it..."

It looks like I'm going to have to do this.

"Onew-ssi what were you saying?"

"Uh...never mind."

"Minho, you will work hard with Minhyo-ssi, right?"

I nodded my head, the heat of anger was burning through my veins...


"Minhyo you will listen to Minho right?"


My heart went over another edge.


Minhyo's P.V.

We were on our way back home. There was chaos in the bus but i could still feel the tension radiating from Minho in the front seat. His back looked so rigid. The air was so thick I could barely breathe...He really hates me.....


(After meeting with the director) We were all sitting down at a table to eat at some random restaurant. Everyone is excited about the project. Well everyone besides Minho...

"Minho-ah, why do you get to do all the fun stuff?! I you think you will be good enough to join us on stage?"
I really wished Jonghyun oppa would stop with the questions...

"I..I don't know. I will have to work hard. We'll have to wait and see."
I looked over at Minho. He was playing with his food, staring out of the window with an expression of complete disinterest.


A shutter ran threw my body as i remembered this afternoon. Minho wasn't the only one unhappy with this arrangement, I was utterly horrified...

Minho's P.V.

We finally reached the house. My head was all amess again. I needed to escape for a while...I took out my phone-

SEND: Onew Hyung

Onew Hyung, I need some air...could you follow me to the park? One thats really...really far away?

He received my message and looked at me, I could tell he understood

Onew P.V.

My back pocket vibrated, i looked at my phone...there was a text message form Minho-

From: Minho

Onew Hyung, I need some air...could you follow me to the park? One thats really...really far away? 

I looked up at him...he looked exhausted. I knew this would be trouble, he shouldn't have agreed so easily. Everyone got out of the bus-

"Minho-ah stay...I need to take you somewhere, everyone else don't wait might be a while."

They all left

"Hyung...Thank you..."

"It's nothing."

We stopped by a drug store, and bought a few bears. It took us two and half hours to get to the park Minho wanted to go to
(a "far" one)

He got out first and i grabbed the bear. We walked all the way to the far part of the park, neither of us spoke.

Minho P.V.

I took up a bear and opened it. The alcohol tasted bad in my mouth, but it would help me forget about this, even if it were only for a moment. I drank...and drank...and drank some more, but it didn't get any better. So then i got angry. Why? Why did she show up and mess up my life? Why does she have to be right next to me? Why can't I forget her? Why isn't this alcohol helping? I stood up quickly, crushing the beer can in my fist. My body was shaking with anger. I threw the can as far as i could.

I yelled at the sky...
"Why, WHY!"

Why did God stick her on me? What was he planning to do?
"Tell me WHY!"


I snatched another bear and opened it. I wanted to drink until I out.

"Minho-ah, thats enough...stop's not going to solve anything."

He was right but I just wanted to forget everything. He took the can away from me just as i was going to chug it down.

"Gi..give...give me the can!"

"Minho,'ve had enough!"

" have it!"


I couldn't see straight so my feeble attempts to fight him came to no avail. After a while i just collapsed on the ground.

"See look at yourself...Lets go."

Onew Hyung helped me over to the bus, and we started home.


 Minhyo's P.V.

(sigh) it's past eleven p.m. Where is Onew and Minho? My training starts can he stay out all night?


I heard Taemin shouting, there was comosion at the front door.

"Minho oppa must be home." Finally!....But something was wrong...I listened more.

"Onew hyung! Where did you take him to?! Why is he like this!"

Something was definitely wrong. I got up and stumbled over to the door. When i opened it I saw Minho. He was flushed, his eyes looked hazy, and he was staggering all over the place. Taemin and Jonghyun were trying to help him to their room...He was completely wasted!

"Wha...What happened?"

I looked at Onew oppa. He just smiled faintly and shook his head. Why won't he answer me? Whats going on?
I stood in my door way and watched Minho trip over his own feet. They were about to pass me up when Minho looked up at me and stopped dead in his tracks...He shoved Taemin and Jonghyun off of him and grabbed me hard by my shoulders. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach.

"Where did you come from? You know...It's all your fault."

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whateveritis #1
Chapter 19: did you did that pic?
killthemall #2
Chapter 19: this is pretty good and i'm touch!
I'm in with this story it's so good. i hope you finish it. update soon PLEASE!
The interaction between Taemin and Minhyo is cute. A man dressed up as a clown and practically screaming his head off as he chased after them is a hilarious scenario to witness. Minhyo's got a point about Taemin not understanding her situation since he had never fallen in love before. The pain that both Minho and Minhyo are experiencing is really depressing. It looks like they are really in need of emotional/moral support from the people around them. If only there's something that the rest of the SHINee members could do to help. Jonghyun's the only one oblivious to the reality of the situation--being happy-go-lucky without a care in the world. First, they'd have to reveal the truth to him. Minho does look like he's torn fron the inside-out here. Since Minho had been cold towards Minhyo since the beginning, it's hard for her to get over that and truly accept him with her heart. So, this is the price he pays for mistreating her. Still, her love for him won't go away. It did prevent her from letting him kill himself by heavily drinking. Hopefully, things would work out between the two of them with time. This is really depressing to read. It does hurt to see them suffering so much.
Please don't take this the wrong way. I don't mean to bash your writing this way. It's just constructive criticism given to improve the quality of your writing. I don't have a problem with your writing style. Some of the mistakes did throw me off track. <br />
<br />
Ch. 18 mistakes:<br />
<br />
1. Instead I put some meat in Minho's plate.<br />
Correction: Instead, I put some meat on Minho's plate.<br />
<br />
2. It's awkward to see the phrase "messagine my cheeks." The correct verb to use is "massaging." <br />
<br />
3. I looked at him distress.<br />
* The perposition "with" is missing" before "distress."<br />
<br />
4. Taemin skipped to the song TRICK by Girls Generation on the CD player and turned to me expectedly.<br />
Correction: expectantly<br />
<br />
5. Loosing my patients I got off her bed and pulled her out of the bathroom<br />
Correction: Losing my patience<br />
<br />
6. The pain and jealousy were thrashing in my veins each trying to take the dominate role<br />
Correction: dominant<br />
<br />
7. Taking a deep breathe I broke into a sprint.<br />
Correction: Taking a deep breath, I broke into a sprint.<br />
* "Breathe" is a verb.
It has been a while since I last read this. Though, I haven't forgotten about the essence of this story.<br />
<br />
It's a matter of time till Jonghyun finds out the real truth behind Minho's recent behavior. He seems to be diagnosed with the condition of being lovesick. Hopefully, Minho and Minhyo would try to work things out together. It is the groups' concern when at least one of their fellow teammates isn't feeling well. They need all the support that they can get. Later, they would have a bigger problem to face: having Minho's secret revealed to the public. I wonder how their management company would handle this. It could be passed off as a rumor. There are people who stir things up through gossip to catch the interest of others.<br />
<br />
Chapter 17 mistakes:<br />
<br />
1. His whole body tensed and you looked back at Onew with nervous eyes. <br />
* It seems like the attention is drawn towards the readers where the "you" is inserted. That should've been "he" instead since Key was referring to Minho.<br />
<br />
2. Then Onew stared at me with an un-readable expression....<br />
* Generally, a hyphen is not needed between the prefix and the actual word.<br />
<br />
3. "The only way I can do that is staying as far away from you as possible."<br />
* The preposition "by" should be added before "staying."<br />
Since Lee's out of the picture, she no longer has to deal with him and his hurtful words. I'm aware that Taemin still feels bitter towards Minho for mistreating her. Taemin truly loves and cares for Minhyo that he'd do anything just for her to be happy. The feelings that he has for Minhyo are making him overwhelmed. It seems like a curse because of the way he's suffering from it. Getting drunk doesn't help the situation at all. The problem will only go away when the person confronts it and does something about it. That's when the weight will be lifted off the shoulders. Onew's the only one who knows the truth about Minho not really being himself...up till now. It looks like Key might be able to get some answers from him. Since he's so deep in sleep, it's unlikely that he'd be waken up from his nightmare. I hope it'd be a happy ending for all of them. <br />
<br />
The words in yellow aren't easy to see, especially on a bright monitor. It does put pressure on the eyes to have to squint in order to read it. It's best not to use colors that are look very too bright.
YAY UPDATES!!!!!!! even though this chapter was sad :( <br />
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Taemin really cares about her!! It's really sweet! Both Minho and Taemin worry about Minhyo! Buuuuuttt<br />
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your_coffee_bean #9
Update!Update!Update! I'm sooooo in love with this story. I hope you update soon :).
Jonghyun seems to be the only one having the least involvement from what I remember reading in Chapters 1-12. It's good that we finally get to see things from his perspective. Another plus is that you've gained three new subscribers. ^^ Good for you! <br />
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It's a relief that the vision that left us hanging in the previous chapter isn't real. Poor Minho is worried sick now...almost like he's awaiting for the apocalypse to occur. Onew's fitting into his position well as their leader. He seems like the kind of person that any of his teammates--Minho, in this case--can turn to whenever there's a problem that some well-thought advice is needed to help cope with the situation/circumstances. That shows his care for the well-bing of his fellow teammates. It looks like Taemin hasn't forgiven Minho after the way he treated Minhyo. So, it could take a lot for him to be convinced. The lie that Minho came up with won't last long once they (minus Onew) get to the bottom of it and figure out his actual problem. I wonder what Minhyo would tell them about Taemin.