
Raindrops Falling Up







I give you the best of me





                         It was a rainy Monday morning when you walked into the campus; you held your bag close to you mindful of the portfolio inside so it wouldn’t get soaked. Once you entered the building you headed straight to the Faculty room to tell your decision to your professor.


You knocked on the door carefully and politely bowed at the other faculty members that are present. Spotting your professor at his desk, you bowed to him as he beckoned you with a smile.







I have decided...









                         At last, your lessons for the day was done and everyone are impatiently  preparing to leave the classroom. Once they finished stuffing their bags with books and other things, they hurriedly rushed out the door.


You on the other hand, decided to sit still in your place quietly observing as each of them walked out. You won’t be going home yet, there was something that you were planning to do even before this day came. You stayed sitting there for a few more minutes, just thinking.


   After a while, when you felt that you had bought yourself enough time, you carefully gathered your things and placed them in your own bag- except for a simple white folder which you held closely in your hands. Exiting out the classroom you headed to the other side of the hall, away from the exit.

This route would take you to the other building; the Liberal arts building.

The corridors in the two buildings were so much in contrast with each other, the walls in your building showcased most of the students works making them bright and flamboyant some parts of the Art building even have murals while the halls Liberal arts building was  monochromatic, the halls with only the bulletin boards to add a splash of colour. Most of the students have gone as well with only a few remaining others probably finishing up projects and the others just passing time.


But that wasn’t why you were there though, holding the file closer to you, you headed to one specific classroom and you took a deep breath when you reached it.


You peered inside, just like the other rooms it was deserted, Except for one person standing at the very back. And your heart sped up at the sight of him, by the looks of it, he was probably just about to head home and was just fixing his thing, his back was on to you but you were sure that it was him.





 A little faster update~! I owe you guys this much for making you wait for so long~! and I'm sorry if I wasn't able to reply to your comments often, Just know that I treasure all of your opinions so keep them coming~! Thank you huys so much for everything~!



Himchan or Woohyun?  <3





>_< Answer please~!



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sonachi #1
Chapter 15: God, my eyes are swollen T^T good job, love you! :*
Chapter 15: I really like this fanfic!
Chapter 15: Its *sob* one of *sob* the best stories *sob* I *sob* have ever *sob* read!!!
person0506 #5
ouo i'm so glad that you make this story have a happy ending *^* bcs the first and next chapter is so heartbreaking and towards the end is sweet :3 nice story btw~ i'm going to check your another story, hwaiting authornim! '_')9
Chapter 15: I kept on reading this fanfic over and over again. <3 And I can declare it as the best Luhan angst fanfic ever! <3 Like, it's definitely worth recommending to other people. ^^ I love it! ^^
You need to make more fanfics like this! It's really good! <3 No kidding. ^^
rudelysweetk21 #7
OMG T_T this was such a heartbreaking beautiful story,i really thought we will have sad end.. i cried badly reading most of the chaps..really author-nim, this story is just amazing T_T crying think about this story already, loved the way how you wrote, just perfect story, thank you for writing such a heart touching story!

" Why does it always rain down on me?...why cant the rain fall up for once...." somehow this lines gave me goosebumps T_T
Chapter 9: omg authornim why are you doing this me :""""""""""""> this fic is great! Really! :)
Chapter 15: Ahhh gaaaaaaaasssshhhh how could you make me smile like an idiot here authornim?! I was really pissed off awhile ago and now you suddenly made me a creeper who can't stop smiling. Like srsly, I love ur story. It's simple yet at the same time lovely. Just the right amount of fluff and drama. I hope you make other fics featuring luhan in the future! Kudos!