Tree House

Raindrops Falling Up









You were about to ask the person when your voice died in your throat as the figure sitting lifted his face.


It was Luhan.








after five minutes,
you were already someone special




Your face showed pure shock when Luhan lifted his gaze to you, you stood there unable to form coherent thoughts while your gazes connected. He stood up after a while and dusted off his jeans while he stepped closer to you- his eyes never leaving your gaze.


When he was only a couple of steps from you, your body started to react and you stepped back, at this, Luhan’s face showed a little shock at your instant response and his eyes became unreadable.


“Hey...” his angelic voice permeated through the silence gently and your heart quickened.


“W-what are you doing here?” you asked softly while you eyed him as he took a step towards you.


“ I’ll tell you...come up the tree house with me” he explained and your heart beat fastened even more at the tone of his voice, you never thought that you would be able to hear his soft, kind voice again.


At least, not directed at you.


“ Where is Fei? Why isn’t she here?” you asked persistently.


“ I’ll explain everything after we come up, it’s getting cold here” he explained patiently but you were still a little hesitant and he saw it clearly.


“Please ...” he pleaded and his dark eyes bored into you and you never had the strength to deny him.


Nodding softly, Luhan took your approval with a beautiful smile on his face while he took the back pack from your shoulders and placed it on his own, with you eyeing him unsurely.


After he finished he took your hand in his gently and pulled you towards the direction of the house.


You flinched when his hand held yours and Luhan sighed sadly when he saw it.


He led you to the wooden ladder that would lead up in the tree. He motioned for you to climb first for him to make sure that if anything happened, he would be there to catch you so you did, carefully and you managed to make it to the top with no problem.


To your amazement, the small old lamp that you used was already lit, how you managed to miss that when you were below- you had no idea.

But there it was, the fire inside the small lamp flickered a strong yellow giving the room a warm glow. You also noticed that the mats were already place d neatly with blankets on top.

There were also a few snacks beside it and you thought if Luhan was the one who brought them.


Luhan reached the inside of the tree house and he saw you looking around and he chose to just observe you for a while, you had a small frown on your face when your eyes landed on the mats that he had arranged earlier and he could imagine the confusion that you were having.


But he also observed how the soft glow of the small lamp illuminated your beautiful features perfectly, making you look ethereal. His heartbeat quickened as you finally turned your body and saw him.


When you heard shuffling near the entrance, you knew that Luhan already made it inside but you decided to keep your gaze at the mats for a little while, you weren’t ready to face him yet.


You heard him stop by the doorway and drop your pack softly by his feet. He didn’t speak but you knew that he was staring at you so you tried to hide it as you took a shaky breath to calm yourself before you face him.


By the time you faced him, your gazes connected and as if in a trance, Luhan walked closer to tour direction.


This time, you didn’t step back, only observing him quietly. But this time though, your whole body froze when he walked closer and closer until there was no more space separating the two of you and he pulled your body into his in an embrace.


Your heart was beating so hard in your chest and you were afraid that he could feel it but at the same time, being in his embrace felt like heaven to you. It was absolute bliss to feel surrounded by his warmth and his fresh clean scent enveloped your entire being.





I loved your comments~! It was fun reading them, sorry If I can't message you bacj though, just know that all of your comments and subscriptions are appreciated!



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sonachi #1
Chapter 15: God, my eyes are swollen T^T good job, love you! :*
Chapter 15: I really like this fanfic!
Chapter 15: Its *sob* one of *sob* the best stories *sob* I *sob* have ever *sob* read!!!
person0506 #5
ouo i'm so glad that you make this story have a happy ending *^* bcs the first and next chapter is so heartbreaking and towards the end is sweet :3 nice story btw~ i'm going to check your another story, hwaiting authornim! '_')9
Chapter 15: I kept on reading this fanfic over and over again. <3 And I can declare it as the best Luhan angst fanfic ever! <3 Like, it's definitely worth recommending to other people. ^^ I love it! ^^
You need to make more fanfics like this! It's really good! <3 No kidding. ^^
rudelysweetk21 #7
OMG T_T this was such a heartbreaking beautiful story,i really thought we will have sad end.. i cried badly reading most of the chaps..really author-nim, this story is just amazing T_T crying think about this story already, loved the way how you wrote, just perfect story, thank you for writing such a heart touching story!

" Why does it always rain down on me?...why cant the rain fall up for once...." somehow this lines gave me goosebumps T_T
Chapter 9: omg authornim why are you doing this me :""""""""""""> this fic is great! Really! :)
Chapter 15: Ahhh gaaaaaaaasssshhhh how could you make me smile like an idiot here authornim?! I was really pissed off awhile ago and now you suddenly made me a creeper who can't stop smiling. Like srsly, I love ur story. It's simple yet at the same time lovely. Just the right amount of fluff and drama. I hope you make other fics featuring luhan in the future! Kudos!