For You Only

Raindrops Falling Up



You peered inside, just like the other rooms it was deserted, Except for one person standing at the very back.

And your heart sped up at the sight of him, by the looks of it, he was probably just about to head home and was just fixing his things,

his back was on to you but you were sure that it was him.







I only have eyes for you...




Taking another deep breath you nervously stepped inside the room, your footfalls silent as you walked closer to him. When you reached the middle, your steps slowed as your mind instantly questioned if this was the right thing to do and your breath fastened.

Doubts stared to assault you so you stopped in your tracks. Luckily, Luhan still didn’t notice your presence.




But wouldn’t even look at me...



Your frazzled mind reminded you of a similar rainy day four years ago, a day where a boy left and a girl’s heart broke. A day where a confession was neither rejected nor answered.

But, left hanging in the air with just a thank you. And you realized in horror how this similar day could end up like that day and you wanted to back out, run before Luhan notices you... No, you have to do this now, just like that day.

Your feelings were so bottled up form four years ago and you felt like your poor, shattered heart wouldn’t be able to take another day of this torture.




Even if my heart would be beyond salvation after this...I’ll do this...



Finally gathering what was left of your strength, you moved closer to him and intentionally bump your hip into one of the chairs. Making a loud noise that echoed throughout the empty room, the action startled Luhan  as you saw how he stiffened from a fraction of a second before abruptly turning to the disturbance.

You observed how his startled gaze landed to your figure and you could see clearly as his eyebrows scrunch together upon his recognition. And your eyes almost watered when his face depicted a small amount of annoyance.




Why do you have so much control over me?




“Oh. Do you need something?’’ he spoke first while he turned back to fixing his things, you could hear impatience in his voice and you felt a lump form in your throat.


“ No...Not really” you cringed inside when you realize how eerily familiar the situation was becoming.


“ Well if there isn’t anything you need, I’m going home then” He said lowly as he lifted up his bag and strapped it to his broad shoulders. You just stood there watching him after he was done he turned again, face expressionless as he gave you a small bow.




It’s always your back that I see...walking away from me...






...But not this time...






“ W-wait! Luhan!” You called and he stopped immediately you were a little taken aback when he faced you, his face was a little red as if he was blushing but he was so good at concealing his emotions that it was gone the second you saw it.





This time, I want you to see...



“ Yes?” he asked and you carefully opened the white folder in your hands. Stepping closer to him, you took the folder in your right hand and when only a couple of steps separated the two of you, you bravely took his left hand with yours.


You smiled a little when you felt his warm skin against yours, yet you felt like crying at the irony. His hand fit yours perfectly but you knew that he would never love you back.


You were so swept up with your thoughts that you never saw Luhan stiffen and blush madly when you took his hand.





I love you so much...




Neither of you dared to move. One was too shocked and the other just wanted time to stop.  After a while though, your lips curled into a small smile as you held out your right hand and handed him a white folder.

When you were sure that it was safely nestled in his hand, you stepped back and gave him the most beautiful smile you could ever give. The smile that was only meant for him.




That I am giving you...




“ There... I wanted you to have it” You said cheerfully as you stepped back.


“ I know that it isn’t perfect and maybe a little old and crinkled around the edges since I drew that years ago. But , It is my favourite work. To you it probably wouldn’t matter but that sketch is very special to prized possession if I could call it” you joked trying to lighten up the mood or else you were sure that you would break down in front of the man you love.


“ I still love you Xi Luhan...After all these years I never stopped loving you and I doubt that I ever will. I tried to stop, I really did bit every time do so, It hurts even more. Call me pathetic, call me desperate...but, I can’t teach my heart not to love you” this time, the tears did come and you sobbed as you say the words while he just stood there.


“ I think... there can never be enough words to express what I feel for you so I hope that makes up for it” with that said, you ran past him as your shoulders shook from crying.



Luhan just stood there completely stunned and unprepared from what just happened. His mind running and his heart beating crazily in his chest, it hurt. It was after a while when he had the strength to look down on his hand. He stared at the white folder and with shaking fingers he opened it and he gasped.



Inside, was a sketch of his younger self staring back at him with a smile.


He had never seen anything as perfect, No. It wasn’t because his image was drawn that made it perfect, it was the one who drew it. The lines were drawn precisely and he could feel all the emotion that was in each shade and each angle.


He could feel love radiate through the paper, the devotion in every astonished and overwhelmed him and his heart ached.





The best of me...







I tried and made this update longer so I hope your wait was worth it =) .Finally managed to put this chapter up! hahaha.... I've tried writing it similar to how I wrote "Permanence"  I hope this isn't confusing to you guys.

Ah, the drama finally began. You confessed to Luhan... again! That luck deer! how do you guys like it? was it goood? bad? did i horribly? should I just stop writing altogether? hahaha...Please tell me!


And Thank you so much to those really amazing readers who still waits patiently for my updates, I was/will be very busy and I can't always guarantee a regular update but just know that I am trying my best, Okay? so thanks guys for always waiting and cheering me on!


hah... Long author's note I know. But this last one is really important! I've already announced this on Mortal Sin so the others might already know.


Last time I asked you guys to chose between Himchannie and Woohyun and all of you anwered Woohyun - Do you guys not love Channie??? :(


Anyways, so there's good news, I will be posting up a short story starring Namtree very soon~!

so I hope you guys anticipate for that... I am typing it up right now and I'll post it as soon as I finish~!

Wait for it okay?

Thanks, you guys are the best!



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sonachi #1
Chapter 15: God, my eyes are swollen T^T good job, love you! :*
Chapter 15: I really like this fanfic!
Chapter 15: Its *sob* one of *sob* the best stories *sob* I *sob* have ever *sob* read!!!
person0506 #5
ouo i'm so glad that you make this story have a happy ending *^* bcs the first and next chapter is so heartbreaking and towards the end is sweet :3 nice story btw~ i'm going to check your another story, hwaiting authornim! '_')9
Chapter 15: I kept on reading this fanfic over and over again. <3 And I can declare it as the best Luhan angst fanfic ever! <3 Like, it's definitely worth recommending to other people. ^^ I love it! ^^
You need to make more fanfics like this! It's really good! <3 No kidding. ^^
rudelysweetk21 #7
OMG T_T this was such a heartbreaking beautiful story,i really thought we will have sad end.. i cried badly reading most of the chaps..really author-nim, this story is just amazing T_T crying think about this story already, loved the way how you wrote, just perfect story, thank you for writing such a heart touching story!

" Why does it always rain down on me?...why cant the rain fall up for once...." somehow this lines gave me goosebumps T_T
Chapter 9: omg authornim why are you doing this me :""""""""""""> this fic is great! Really! :)
Chapter 15: Ahhh gaaaaaaaasssshhhh how could you make me smile like an idiot here authornim?! I was really pissed off awhile ago and now you suddenly made me a creeper who can't stop smiling. Like srsly, I love ur story. It's simple yet at the same time lovely. Just the right amount of fluff and drama. I hope you make other fics featuring luhan in the future! Kudos!