
Raindrops Falling Up



Final I


Good morning, nice to meet you,
you were just another girl



That night when you got home, you hurriedly searched for the biggest bag that you have and stuffed it with all the snacks you bought, you smiled when it became an overflowing mess full of packs cookies, potato chips, chocolate bars and candies.


You were truly excited with your overnight stargazing escapade with Fei, and since tomorrow is a Saturday, you two could sleep in really late.


After you packed snacks, and extra blanket and a sweater, you quickly took a bath and changed into thicker clothes. The weather is a little chilly these days and you were going to stay in a tree house so you didn’t want to catch a cold after this.



When everything was all set, you took a last glance at your room and your eyes settled town on a preserved white rose inside a simple silver frame that hung on the wall on top of your bed and your gaze softened.


You admired its beauty for a while and you thought of Luhan. Sadly, you will never know if he really was the one who gave it to you.


Switching the lights off your bedroom, you bid your parents goodbye on your way and they both gave you big smiles while your mom reminded you to be careful. You nodded to them before heading off.


The tree house wasn’t that far, it was on the more hidden part of the park, near the lake. You would only walk for a few minutes to get there.


It was purely accident when you and Fei discovered it some years ago, you were in need of an inspiration to draw so you took Fei and headed to the park, but after a few failed attempts on drawing the families that held picnics there, Fei suggested that the two of you explore the deeper part of the park.


It was when you reached the lake that both your breath caught, there was a huge tree standing nearby and on top of it, was the tree house.

Fei immediately started to climb it while you were a little hesitant, but after reassuring you that the structure was stable you climbed as well.


The inside was quite big, big enough for about five people and you were shocked that nobody discovered the place before seeing as the place looked vacated for quite a while. But you were amazed that the tree house itself was really sturdy and well decorated.

From then on, the two of you made the tree house your secret place and you always come up there to draw, camp out and stargaze.


After about twenty minutes of walking, you smiled as you reached the foot of the tree. As you walked closer though, your smile widened when you caught the sight of another figure sitting in one of the larger roots.


It was quite dark with only the moon to serve as your light source so your steps slowed considerably when you start to close in on the figure, from afar you easily though that it was Fei since only the two of you knew about this place but when you got a clearer look on the figure you could now see that it wasn’t her.


It was a man’s figure.



You were about to ask the person when your voice died in your throat as the figure sitting lifted his face.



It was Luhan.









Who want's to kill me?






...get in line.





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sonachi #1
Chapter 15: God, my eyes are swollen T^T good job, love you! :*
Chapter 15: I really like this fanfic!
Chapter 15: Its *sob* one of *sob* the best stories *sob* I *sob* have ever *sob* read!!!
person0506 #5
ouo i'm so glad that you make this story have a happy ending *^* bcs the first and next chapter is so heartbreaking and towards the end is sweet :3 nice story btw~ i'm going to check your another story, hwaiting authornim! '_')9
Chapter 15: I kept on reading this fanfic over and over again. <3 And I can declare it as the best Luhan angst fanfic ever! <3 Like, it's definitely worth recommending to other people. ^^ I love it! ^^
You need to make more fanfics like this! It's really good! <3 No kidding. ^^
rudelysweetk21 #7
OMG T_T this was such a heartbreaking beautiful story,i really thought we will have sad end.. i cried badly reading most of the chaps..really author-nim, this story is just amazing T_T crying think about this story already, loved the way how you wrote, just perfect story, thank you for writing such a heart touching story!

" Why does it always rain down on me?...why cant the rain fall up for once...." somehow this lines gave me goosebumps T_T
Chapter 9: omg authornim why are you doing this me :""""""""""""> this fic is great! Really! :)
Chapter 15: Ahhh gaaaaaaaasssshhhh how could you make me smile like an idiot here authornim?! I was really pissed off awhile ago and now you suddenly made me a creeper who can't stop smiling. Like srsly, I love ur story. It's simple yet at the same time lovely. Just the right amount of fluff and drama. I hope you make other fics featuring luhan in the future! Kudos!