
Raindrops Falling Up




You chastised yourself ruthlessly for hoping that he might have feelings for you, you were right, you shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up.




...but you already did.









I love my best friend...

But I also love you...





                               A few weeks later, gossip started going out that Luhan and Fei were dating.  You weren’t sure what to feel anymore, because to you, It was more than just a rumour. but it was also less of the truth since you never had the courage to talk to Fei and ask for confirmation.

During the past weeks you tried your best not to think of them, it would just hurt too much. So you focused on your studies and the issue that you have at hand.


The day when you saw Luhan give Fei the bouquet of flowers was also the day that your professor gave you good news:


He had recommended you to the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Art , One of the world's most prestigious art schools in France- if not the world.

He had been one of the people who always gave you encouragement and recognized your potential so he showed the Head master of École which happened to be his mentor your artworks and to your surprise, the Head master took a liking to your style and is willing to let you into his school so that your talent could be honed.


You have been contemplating about transferring. The professor gave you two days to decide and if you ever accepted the offer, you will be moving to France in three months.

You already told your parents and they are believed that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that shouldn’t be passed and they were right, this opportunity is rare.



So what’s holding me back?...huh, why am I even asking myself when the answer is right in front me?



At that moment you were sorting out your sketches and your gaze softened when you saw the last one, It Luhan’s portrait. Even after everything that has happened, you still loved him.






...And I doubt if I will ever stop.









Short Chapter + Slow Updates = ty Author~!







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sonachi #1
Chapter 15: God, my eyes are swollen T^T good job, love you! :*
Chapter 15: I really like this fanfic!
Chapter 15: Its *sob* one of *sob* the best stories *sob* I *sob* have ever *sob* read!!!
person0506 #5
ouo i'm so glad that you make this story have a happy ending *^* bcs the first and next chapter is so heartbreaking and towards the end is sweet :3 nice story btw~ i'm going to check your another story, hwaiting authornim! '_')9
Chapter 15: I kept on reading this fanfic over and over again. <3 And I can declare it as the best Luhan angst fanfic ever! <3 Like, it's definitely worth recommending to other people. ^^ I love it! ^^
You need to make more fanfics like this! It's really good! <3 No kidding. ^^
rudelysweetk21 #7
OMG T_T this was such a heartbreaking beautiful story,i really thought we will have sad end.. i cried badly reading most of the chaps..really author-nim, this story is just amazing T_T crying think about this story already, loved the way how you wrote, just perfect story, thank you for writing such a heart touching story!

" Why does it always rain down on me?...why cant the rain fall up for once...." somehow this lines gave me goosebumps T_T
Chapter 9: omg authornim why are you doing this me :""""""""""""> this fic is great! Really! :)
Chapter 15: Ahhh gaaaaaaaasssshhhh how could you make me smile like an idiot here authornim?! I was really pissed off awhile ago and now you suddenly made me a creeper who can't stop smiling. Like srsly, I love ur story. It's simple yet at the same time lovely. Just the right amount of fluff and drama. I hope you make other fics featuring luhan in the future! Kudos!