Don't Move...No. Don't Breathe.

Don't Follow Me; It's Scary


“He’s kind of suspicious…you know?” I’ve been getting really skeptical when I see Mi Sun’s so-called friends.

“Uh…not really.” She always avoids the topic… I have been saying the same thing every day for a week and I receive the same response

“Well, let’s get walking.” All these guys at Mi Sun’s house seem so distrustful! I don’t even know half of their names and that one always wears a mask! There was a girl that I saw once at the school, but I’ve never seen her again…

We approached and my eyes expected a few figures at the end of the street, which they received.

“Ah, Mi Sun.” One greeted her with a nice smile. I glanced at her expression, seeing her frown before she faked a smile.

I always used to fake my personality at school before Mi Sun caught me on it, so I would know if she was faking it too.


Another school day ended and I walked home with Mi Sun again.

I’m really getting some creepy vibes from these friends of hers. It just feels off to me.

“Mi Sun…hey.” It was…ah, I forgot his name… What was it again? Dang. It’s the depressed one then, since I forgot his name.

“Oh hey, Kibum.” Kibum! That’s it! I’m slowly getting to remember their images in my head. She knows so many…guys. Oh gosh, it’s one girl and like 15 guys! Mi Sun knows way too many! That itself is troubling to the average person’s mind.

Kibum eyed me from top to bottom. “Why are you always walking with this one…?” He asked in his monotony voice.

“Asks the one who follows her around.” I muttered unconsciously.

“Ahaha…” Mi Sun laughed awkwardly. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Kevin.” She pulled Kibum inside her house by the hand, leaving me a bit confused.

It’s so fishy…


Kiseop POV

I watched Kevin and Mi Sun talk as usual, getting more and more suspicious of Kevin.

It must be pointless to suspect him of all people, but Mi Sun looks uncomfortable around him in a way.

Rubbing my eyes, I sighed to myself. Why am I bothering about Kevin so much…? I should be looking into that masked guy! Wait. More than that, I don’t even need to involve myself with Mi Sun’s issues!

“I’ll see you later.” My eyes caught sight of Mi Sun leaving without Kevin today.

Acting before my brain could think, I sped out of the classroom after her. “Are you leaving already?” I asked her nervously.

“Oh, yeah. See you tomorrow.” She wasn’t looking me in the eye today, not that she usually did.

“Hey, Mi Sun-ah!” Some girl yelled out to her. “You shouldn’t keep bothering Kevin. You’re a bad influence.” I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

Ever since Kevin started changing his attitude and Mi Sun defended him for it, people have still been going at her. I think some girls have even bullied her.

It’s a bit pathetic; since I’m sure they just liked Kevin and feel threatened now.

“And what’s with that sour expression, Kiseop? Huh?”

“And you should respect a person.” Mi Sun muttered. Oh geez… The other girl got more upset at Mi Sun’s snippy remark, continuing to yell until other girls came.

That’s a thing I hate about women; they come in packs.

“Hey, hey. Stop bothering them.” Kevin came out, trying to calm the group.

“See you tomorrow.” Mi Sun said with an annoyed voice, probably making the situation worse, but leaving poor Kevin to deal with the sitatuion.

“Yeah… Later.” I quickly followed after her, noticing that Mi Sun was typing into her phone.

Ah! It’s her password. I stared from behind her, seeing her fingers press the buttons clearly.

Shin 3111989

I kept watching, memorizing the password for another time; Mi Sun’s actions with her phone also seem very suspicious.

“Hello?” She talked very quietly. “Yeah. No. I can’t. Homework. Yeah. What? No. I already said no. Well, I don’t. …What? I said no!” She suddenly raised her voice to a yell. “Tch. Whatever. Bye, Kibum.” She hung up the phone, clicking her tongue to herself.

I wonder who Kibum is. It’s a male’s name either way.

She stopped in her tracks for a second, me accidentally bumping her forward at her sudden stop.

“Don’t follow me.” She spoke icily.

“Who’s Kibum? Another friend?” She doesn’t seem to have many; the other guy who saw her at the school gate and the girl that was near her house are the only two.

“A friend.” I would have kept questioning her, but my own phone rang this time.

“Hello?” I answered, starting to walk next to her when she started walking.

“Are you busy today? I was planning on visiting your mother tonight. Does she have work at this time?” I huffed angrily, hanging up.

“That was a fast conversation.” Mi Sun noted.



We kept walking until her house came up. Two figures in the snow.

“Oh, hey.” Mi Sun greeted one, staring at the other who was eyeing me. It’s the one that looks like a little kid with black hair. Name…I forgot already.

“Are you ready to go?” The other one I hadn’t met said to her.

“Yeah. See you tomorrow, Kiseop.”

“Yah, Mi Sun. You can’t keep doing this to only me.” The black haired one said. “You never say anything to S—”

“Sorry, Dongho. Don’t you know what today is?” Mi Sun asked him, making him think a second.

“Ah, isn’t today—”

“Yeah, see you later.” She cut him off again, leaving with the other one.

“Aish…” The bl— Dongho scratched his head. “I actually forgot so insensitively…”

“Forgot what?” His pupils snapped up towards me, overlooking that I was there the whole time.

“Her parent’s death anniversary. It’s today.” Mi Sun had mentioned that her parents are already passed away before.

“They both died on the same day?” I wondered, seeing his head nod.

“It wasn’t exactly a natural death…” Oh…

“What happened?” He shook his head.

“I can’t tell someone like you. See you later.” I grabbed his arm, a little stunned when I met his intense glare.

“Look, Kiseop.” He turned to me, walking forwards and making me take steps backwards until I hit the side of Mi Sun’s house. “I don’t trust you and you don’t trust me. It’s a mutual relationship right now. You should out of Mi Sun’s life and take care of your own. Pass the message to that other kid too, Kevin. He’s been sneaking around so obviously that it just makes me sick.” Whoa…I thought this guy was the type that always smiled to me when I walked by even if I didn’t say hello.

“Why is Mi Sun’s life none of my business? Huh?” He smiled with a smirk, pushing my shoulder into the wall.

“Just don’t say anything to Soohyun, but you’re going to get beaten into a pulp when the important one’s see you. I’m a nice guy, but I don’t have to be. Neither do the others.”

“Which others are you talking about?” I questioned him, pushing him back a little. He let out a breath with a small laugh.

“You’re cute. See you later.”

What does that even mean…? And who is Soohyun? Important ones? It doesn’t make sense to me.

Ah. The phone call from before.

I ran back to my house after Dongho had left down the street.


“Mom! Is he here y—” Our eyes met and I stomped to my room, closing the door.

Already here.


Kevin POV

“Hello?” I picked up the phone.

“Hey, Kevin.” …Who is this…?

“May I know who’s calling?”

“Ha. You didn’t recognize the voice? Just tell your girlfriend to stop hurting everyone else before we hurt her.” They cut the line, making me sigh.

Why are the girls in class being so annoying?

Is it my fault that I like Mi Sun better than everyone else?

I don’t think so.


Kiseop POV

“Hey, I bought you something.” The non-stop knock at the door was irritating me so much.

“Leave it and go.” I said coldly.

“Kiseop!” My mom yelled at me. I made the music louder, trying to drown out their words, but I couldn’t.

I still heard every word he said.

“It’s fine. I’ll come another time, okay?” His words are so disgusting even in casual conversation. “Bye, Kiseop!” He called, his footsteps moving down the hallway.

The door opened, my mother leaning in. “Kiseop, you can’t act like this again. Your D—”

“Drop it.”


Kevin POV

“See you in class!” Three girls smiled wide to me even though I didn’t return the greeting. I heard one whisper afterwards and a laugh as well.


I sat down in class, noticing that Mi Sun wasn’t back after lunch.

Kiseop was there though. The teacher came in, asking why Mi Sun wasn’t there, as he should since she was there before lunch.

“I don’t know, maybe she’s sleeping around at this time? I heard she only knows men!” A girl called out, bringing a bit of laughter and a yell from the teacher.

I knew he was laughing a bit anyway.

Teachers are untrustworthy, like every other human being on the planet.

Haha, I smirked a little, wondering if that’s how Mi Sun thinks. She said that people are all untrustworthy to her.

Ah, where is she now? The fact that a girl said something like that makes me feel odd.

Wait. That girl was one of the one’s who was smiling to me in the hallway for no real reason.

I’m going to get more heat for this, but… “Teacher, can I use the restroom?” He obliged, letting me leave.

Time to find Mi Sun, where ever she is.


Kiseop POV

He’s just going to keep coming back…What should I do about— Everyone’s eyes went straight towards the doors, hearing the most ear-piercing scream.

The teacher rushed out of the room and everyone else gathered near the doors, looking out curiously.


Did you know?


I saw a female teacher cover in the hallway, about to throw up when we all saw Mi Sun and Kevin leaning on each other as they walked down the hall.


I don’t think injuries like that can grow back.


Oh my…


Stay in your place.



So, some new developments are starting to come and some are beginning to be explained. Haven't written for this story in almost 2 months! Crazy, right? I remember when I used to update some stories daily! Haha, I'll at least try and update more regularly ^^

And what do you guys think is going on? That ending... It seemed really fishy, maybe a little scary haha.


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Chapter 18: Oh wow, they all ganged up on eli.
Omgosh just how could he do that to poor kevin T.T so much angst argh
the main girl pic...doesnt really go her dark personality. thats why ullzzangs cannot be used perfectly to fit the mood. she looks bubbly and kiddish like. dont mean to bash just, it caught my attention.
Chapter 17: Please keep writing this story! I love it so much! <3
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 17: Please end it
Chapter 17: Please end it :3
btw where did u move on to? I am looking for another writing space as well
Chapter 17: I'd love to see the end of this story!
Chapter 17: Please update the story ^-^
Chapter 17: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep writing this!!!!!!!