I Don't Love Anyone Anymore.

Don't Follow Me; It's Scary

"So...who are you?" I asked this person in front of me. I swear, I saw no one walking on the street when I was leaving, so how did she pop up? Unless she was sitting near Mi Sun's house from before...

"I already said I was Eunjung. You're Kiseop, right?" I nodded slowly, wondering if this person was Mi Sun's good friend. I've never really seen her talking to any other girls and last time, she said that she only had one friend, whatever his name was again. "Are you going to see Mi Sun?" The girl suddenly asked.

"Uh..." I only came back because I had a strange feeling. "Yeah. You?"

"Of course! Me and Mi Sun are like best friends!" She said happily. So, she is a good friend? That's good then, at least I don't feel like I have to watch over Mi Sun all the time then. "I was about to knock on the door, but I got all nervous." She explained.

"Why? You're friends."

"Yeah, but I haven't seen Mi Sun in a while. What if she doesn't like me anymore?" She worried, making me laugh a little.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." She nodded, walking up the few steps to Mi Sun's door.

"Wish me luck!" She said knocking loudly. I was about to leave when Mi Sun opened it. "Mi Sunnie!" Eunjung grabbed her into a hug, causing Mi Sun to gasp and push her away immediately. "What's that~? So you didn't miss me...?" Mi Sun looked pretty shocked.

"Num... E-Eunjung-shi..." Mi Sun breathed out. "What are you doing here?" She asked, regaining herself.

"I wanted to see you!" Eunjung said with a bright smile. Mi Sun noticed me, looking my way.

"Would you like to come in?" She asked me.

"Uh..." I saw that Eunjung girl motion her eyes for me to leave. She must want to spend time alone with her friend. I guess that would be good, since Mi Sun doesn't seem to know many people around here. "I have to go, see you tomorrow." I waved, turning back to go home.


Mi Sun POV

Aish...stupid Kiseop. Why did you leave me alone with this freak?!

"So are you busy~?" Number 7 said as she led me back into my own house. Tch. Number 7 is so damn annoying, much worse than Number 4. Hmm. I should at least try using their real names for once. Eunjung is worse than Alexander then. I don't like using their names though...it's bothersome and makes it seem like I have some respect for them as people.

"Yes, I am busy. Can you go home now?" I said with a tired voice. She smiled, hugging me again.

"You're just lying to get away again~!" She just has to use such a happy voice, huh? It's so...ugh! Can't she just leave me alone?! "So that Kiseop guy, do you like him?"

"No. Now, go away." I said plainly.

"Why~? We're so close though."

"No, we aren't." I try not being blunt with people, but I barely care for Eunjung and just want her out of my life.

"But you said we were meant to be!" She whined.

"I never say things like that, especially not to you. I'm busy, so leave." She puffed her cheeks up, narrowing her eyes at me. I wish Eunjung would just find a boyfriend of something and stop bothering me. She's the cute type and some guys just eat that up!

"But I like you so much~!" She latched onto my arm, making me groan. Why can't she be normal?! "You know you love me too~" She cooed.

"I don't! Now, just go away!" I screamed at her, but she took all my anger in playfully.

"What about our sunbae~? Do you like him~?" Ah...

"Don't bring him up. Just...please, just go away." I begged, causing her to let go.

"Fine fine. I'll come back another day when you're in a better mood." She opened the door, pecking my cheek before she left.

She's only cute around girls... I wish she was straight. Maybe we could be friends then. It was a long time ago, but I still can't believe that I lost my first kiss to a girl, and one that I didn't even like at that.


Kevin POV

"Hey, Mi Sun-ah." I sat next to her. I noticed some people looking and it bothered me... "Is that one out there yours?" I pointed out the window at the jumpy girl standing at the school gate after class. Mi Sun sighed, nodding.

"She's just an idiot. I wish she wouldn't be here though." Wah...she really seemed to dislike her by the sound of her voice.

"Is she at least a friend?" I asked stupidly. She clicked her tongue.

"Yeah right. See you tomorrow. I have to go deal with...all of that." She motioned to the girl, leaving. It looks like the other girl thinks Mi Sun is a friend.

I packed my things, glancing out the window. The other girl was hugging Mi Sun. It looks weird since I doubt Mi Sun hugs many people. She seems a bit more detached from people, but then again, I don't really know her that well.

I wonder if that girl was a friend from her old school...now that I think about it, Mi Sun doesn't have many friends here and the only ones I see are people from other cities. I can't help but think she must have been a little popular in her old school, based on the fact that all her friends seem to be guys.


Kiseop POV

"Yeah, I know, I know. I'll be back in a while." I hung up, crossing the street to go home. My phone rang again. It's probably just my mom again, so I picked it up without checking the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Kiseop." A male voice.

"Who is this...?" I asked, a bit nervous.

"You can't even recognize my voice anymore? You used to stay with me until you were 12..." I hung up.

He shouldn't be trying to call me.


Kevin POV

My eyes widened a little, but I kept a straight face on. T-That's so embarrassing...She should at least cover it better than that.

"Did you do last night's homework? It was really hard..." She was trying to hold a conversation, but my eyes kept falling on the hickey on her neck. Yup. She must have been a popular one among the guys. I wonder which one did it...In my mind, I can envision the one I saw the other day, um...the one with the mask. I still don't know his name do I...? "Kevin-ah."

"Hm?" She waved her hand in front of my face to get my attention. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Ye...yeah. Just peachy. Um...Mi Sun-ah, you know you can get in trouble at school for showing something like that, right?" I pointed to her neck.

"Ah...I ran out of bandages and could only use my hair to cover it." She said, placing her hair back over it.

"Um...I can give you some bandages later..." The way she said it makes it seem like she gets them often...With all the guy friends she has, I have no trouble believing that.


Mi Sun POV

I thought it was hidden well until Kevin pointed it out... stupid Eunjung. I can't believe she went to such lengths to do that. What kind of idiot breaks into another's house and does this while they sleep? She even left a confessional note afterwards... I wish I could get rid of her the most.

I walked home, of course, seeing someone in the distance. I grow more tired of this every day, knowing that someone isalways waiting for me no matter how far I travel.

"Afternoon." He said, eyeing my neck. "Who did it?" He asked politely, but I could hear the sharp tone in his voice.

"A stupid girl." I responded, making him chuckle a bit.

"How funny. I can tell you're not lying, but I find it really hilarious that a girl would do that to you and that you would let her."

"I didn't let her; she did it while I was asleep." He shot me a confused stare.

"You live with someone...?"

"No. She keeps coming lately and it's so damn annoying." I let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that Eunjung would come later too.

"I can always take care of her for you." He said. I wouldn't want her to be mutilated or anything...

"No thanks, I'll just deal with it."

"Like how you do with me and the others?" I glared at him, seeing a smirk. "Don't worry; I know I'll always be Number 1 to you. I don't even mind it when you call me by that name in your head. I know that it's meant to be affectionate."

"Fine, I won't feel nervous to call you Number 1 then." He smiled, but his eyes looked insane.

"Good, but I would prefer you use my real name. However, if you must, then call me Number 1." I should leave before anything gets out of hand in this conversation. "Don't try to leave." He grabbed my arm closer to him. "I know those kinds of thoughts are running through your mind."

"C-Can you just stop...?" I averted my eyes. I knew he was smiling the whole time and it creeped me out. I would even accept Eunjung being here right now.

"Why? I thought you, as you said, loved me?" I glared at his eyes, knowing that he was just messing with me.

"I don't love anyone." He smirked, cupping my face in his hands.

"Is that so? I had assumed that you at least loved your parents. I guess not." I slapped his hands away, shoving him off.

"I did love them. Too bad someone took them away from me."

"Really, they were kidnapped?" He pondered with a smile. Like you wouldn't know.

"Murdered, for no reason." He frowned.

"It's so we could be together with no interference." I wanted to hit him so badly, but I knew he had his knife on him as always. I should probably buy some more bandages and other medical supplies...I forgot.

"Well, it's getting dark, you should leave." I said, quickly being pulled back to him.

"Looks like no one else came today. No one to save you tonight?" He smiled with a sparkle in his eyes. "We haven't had a night alone in a while. You free?" I shook my head.

"No. I'm busy." He frowned, letting me go.

"See you another day then Mi Sun." I was going to leave as soon as possible, but he pat my head first.

It felt so nostalgic.

I looked up to him, seeing his softer smile. Sunbae...I wish you stayed nice and kind to me, but I guess everyone changes as time goes on. "Goodnight Mi Sun."

I tried not to smile back, but did naturally because I was with him.

"Goodnight Soohyun."

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Chapter 18: Oh wow, they all ganged up on eli.
Omgosh just how could he do that to poor kevin T.T so much angst argh
the main girl pic...doesnt really go her dark personality. thats why ullzzangs cannot be used perfectly to fit the mood. she looks bubbly and kiddish like. dont mean to bash just, it caught my attention.
Chapter 17: Please keep writing this story! I love it so much! <3
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 17: Please end it
Chapter 17: Please end it :3
btw where did u move on to? I am looking for another writing space as well
Chapter 17: I'd love to see the end of this story!
Chapter 17: Please update the story ^-^
Chapter 17: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep writing this!!!!!!!