Car accident

Remember that summer when we kissed?

Donghae and Kibum reached the others.

"Hyung! That ice cream was mine." Ryeowook pouted as he saw Kibum eat up the rest of his ice cream. Shindong qiukly grabbed his as he looked at the hungry Wookie's eyes.

"I'm Sorry..." Donghae mumbled. "Take mine, I don't want it." He gave it to Ryeowook that happily took it without asking. He rolled over on his back and stared towrads the bright sky closing his eyes.  

"Can we leave now? I'm tired."  He said after a while looking out over the crouwded beach.

"Yeah, lets go." Shindong said swalowing the last piece of ice cream.

It took about seven minuties to pack up everything and leave to walk towards the car, but Donghae felt like it took half an hour. He was more quiete than before, he was really sad than Hyukkie had just passed him. He could have sworn he heard his name...His heart had jummped and for thouse secounds when he watched into Eunhyuk's eyes, he had felt hope. Hope than Eunhyuk maybe had recognised him. He felt a sting in his heart. Trying not to think about it, Donghae focused his attention to the city outside the car windows.  

Suddenly they stopped. They were stuck behind a long line of cars. "Aish! What is this?" Kibum said throwing a look out from his window. "It looks like a car accident..." Shindong said leaning out through his own window. Donghae looked around with an absent expresinon. He too leaned out from his window a little.

At first he just saw emergency lighting and people. Then he saw the car. Turned upside down with dents and smashed windows and broken glass everywere. Then the man laying on the broken glass. Donghae slowly opened the door and steped out of the car.

"Donghae, were're you going?" Ryeowook asked. Donghae didn't answer, he didn't hear. He walked towards the flipped over car. When he was just a few meter away he could se blood. Alot of blood. He felt sick but he kept going.

"Sir, you can't be here, it's dang..." Before the police officer had finished his sentence Donghae screamed.

"EUNHYUK!" He tried to rush forward but was stopped by the police. "Let me go!" Donghae cried. But the police officer just held him harder. "No please! Eunhyuk!" Donghae cried and screamed as high as he could, but no one reacted. The ambulance people laid Eunhyuk on a strecher and started to pull him in the ambulance. "No! Wait, let me go!" Donghae fought to get lose but it didn't help. "Please I have to go with him!" The ambulane disappered around the corner and Donghae screamed again before sinking down on his knees crying.

He kept repeting Hyukkie's name trogh his sobs, until he felt hands pulling him up on his feet again. Voices he tought he recocnised but he was shooked and he couldn't see throgh the tears. All he whanted was to be with Eunhyuk. Somewere in the back of his mind a tought flashed, Was Eunhyuk even alive? But that thought, he didn't even dare to think of it....


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Chapter 20: Just so sweet. Love it!!!
--chickenbunny #2
Chapter 20: whee~~!! atlast i reached the ending..
the first time i was reading this it makes me feel depressed on chapter where there's a ____ girl..

but now! hyaa!! it has a good ending! love your fic author-ssi it was a great job.. <3
Chapter 20: I’m happy that everything ended so well. They deserve to be together.
Thank you so much for writing this fanfic. I enjoyed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: awwww sooo cute and happy ending . . .

Chapter 20: What a lovely ending....♥♥♥♥ happy new year to you too..!!
rossy80 #6
Chapter 20: Happy New Year....haehyuk are together again....thanks for sharing....
Chapter 19: They still love each other. *happy*
I hope that soon everything will turn out fine for them. They both deserve to be happy. Please let them be together in the end, author-nim.

ThanKYU for uploading. Please update soon.
Chapter 19: they just miss each other so so so bad, I hope they back together soon
thanks for updating :D
Chapter 19: kyaaaaa still love each other . . .

oh Hyuk don't cry . . .

gosh Hae just kissed hyuk because he missed and love him . . .

sooooo sweet . . .