I'm sorry, I'll leave

Remember that summer when we kissed?

Donghae cried while he packed his bags. He couldn’t stay here, not in this apartment, not in this neighborhood, not in this town, not in this country.  He cried so much he didn’t see what he was packing down. He dried his tears and his computer. Where should he go? He looked through the planes leaving within an hour to order a last minute ticket. Japan? No. He had to go further away. The states? No. further. Europe…? That was as far as he could come…But he wasn’t that good at English…The memory of Hyukkie in the girls arms came back to him again.  

He gave up a sobbing scream and held his hands around his head in some sort of hopeless attempt to stop the awful movie to replay in his head.   He glanced back at his computer as he had calmed down. Yes, yes Europe, he couldn’t stay here any longer.

He packed the last things grabbed his pass port, then he grabbed a pen and paper and quickly wrote down something, he locked the door to his apartment and putted the note by the door. More tears rolled down his cheeks but he ignored them. Out on the street he stopped a taxi and jumped in.

“The airport.” His voice was steady but he sounded a bit desperate and stressed. The taxi driver glanced at him and he quickly dried his tears and turned his head away. The taxi driver didn’t say anything he started driving towards the airport. Donghae stared with teary eyes out from the window on the city, his home flashing by. With tears rolling down his face he hummed quietly on a childrens song, "Monkey, Monkey were're you hidding were're you hidding now? Up in the threes, little monkey please come down, don't leave me alone, be my friend..."


Eunhyuk walked back and forth outside the club trying to catch a taxi. He must have tried for at least ten minutes, yet it felt like a hundred years.  He walked back and forth wondering what Donghae was doing. He was angry and brokenhearted at the same time. Just the thought that for now he might have loosed Donghae made him want to break down and scream.  

“Do you need help?” He suddenly heard a voice say. He spun around making eye contact with the bartender. He swallowed.

“Do you have a car?” The man nodded He disappeared for a second then a black car pulled up next to him.

“Get in” the man said opening the door for Eunhyuk.

“Thank you…”

“My name is Jong Woon. Kim Jong Woon.”  The man said and smiled a little.

“Okay, thanks” Eunhyuk said a bit distracted. He told Jung Woon Donghae’s address and they started driving.

 “My friends call me Yesung,” Jong Woon suddenly said.

“Mhmm,” Eunhyuk answered thinking only about Donghae and not what Jong Woon’s friends called him.

“Will you be my friend?”

“Sure, that sounds absolutely fascinating.”

“Did you hear that Ddangkkoming? We have a new friend. ” He said patting the turtle in his pockets head. Eunhyuk glanced at Yesung. He seemed a bit weird yet really goodhearted.

"Can you speed up a little?" Yesung Nodded and stepped on it.

When they arrived at Donghae’s apartment Eunhyuk jumped out and ran as fast as he could towards his door. He ran up all the stairs and stopped in front of Donghae’s door. He didn’t hesitate a minute.

“Donghae!” He knocked at the door and rang the doorbell.

“Donghae open! Ya, Lee Donghae open up! Donghae-ah.”

Suddenly Eunhyuk noticed a small paper note by the door. His stomach tied in knots and he picked it up. With shaky hands he opened it, he read the note message again and again before letting it go and he watched it fall down to the floor. Tears started to form in his eyes and he walked slowly, like in trans all the way back outside were Yesung were waiting with the car.

“So?” He heard him ask. Eunhyuk didn’t answer, he stepped into the car and closed the door.

“Can you take me home?” Yesung looked with compassion at him and nodded.

The car drove off and on the apartment floor the note still laid with the sad words written by Donghae.

“I’m Sorry I wasn’t good enough for you, I’m leaving Korea now. Goodbye Eunhyuk”



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Chapter 20: Just so sweet. Love it!!!
--chickenbunny #2
Chapter 20: whee~~!! atlast i reached the ending..
the first time i was reading this it makes me feel depressed on chapter where there's a ____ girl..

but now! hyaa!! it has a good ending! love your fic author-ssi it was a great job.. <3
Chapter 20: I’m happy that everything ended so well. They deserve to be together.
Thank you so much for writing this fanfic. I enjoyed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: awwww sooo cute and happy ending . . .

Chapter 20: What a lovely ending....♥♥♥♥ happy new year to you too..!!
rossy80 #6
Chapter 20: Happy New Year....haehyuk are together again....thanks for sharing....
Chapter 19: They still love each other. *happy*
I hope that soon everything will turn out fine for them. They both deserve to be happy. Please let them be together in the end, author-nim.

ThanKYU for uploading. Please update soon.
Chapter 19: they just miss each other so so so bad, I hope they back together soon
thanks for updating :D
Chapter 19: kyaaaaa still love each other . . .

oh Hyuk don't cry . . .

gosh Hae just kissed hyuk because he missed and love him . . .

sooooo sweet . . .