Broken night

Remember that summer when we kissed?

Donghae hung up the phone and ran to his closet, his heart was beating. He was meeting Hyukkie soon! They'd decided to go out and eat and then go to a night club. Donghae was super excited and he wanted to see Eunhyuk right away.

He jumped when the doorbell rang and he hurried to open. There Eunhyuk stood as handsome and y as ever in his black jeans, silver belt and black sleeve shirt.

“Hey” Eunhyuk said, smiled and surprised Donghae by giving him a deep kiss.  Donghae happily kissed him back.

“Are you ready to go?” Donghae nodded and they waked to the car.                   

  The restaurant that Eunhyuk had picked out was really cute. They ate food before deciding to go to the night club. They walked inside the club pounding of music.   Eunhyuk took Donghae’s hand and squeezed it.

“Let’s by a drink.” Donghae nodded and followed him, just enjoying Eunhyuk’s company. They reached the bartender. He hummed along with the music.

“What can I get you?” He asked. Donghae and Eunhyuk glanced at each other. The man’s sprawling bangs were almost hanging in his eyes, his head was quite large yet his hands were small like a females. He was handsome thought, no doubt, but the thing that had made Donghae and Eunhyuk making eye contact was the small turtle head sticking out from his cheast pocket.

“Ehumm”, Eunhyuk said losing track of what he was saying.

“Two soju please.” Donghae filled in glancing back and forth to the man and his turtle.  They got their soju and they found a place to sit down to drink it.                       

After taking a few round of soju Eunhyuk wanted to dance. “Fishy please! Dance with me.” He gave Donghae puppy eyes.  

“No way!” He gently pushed Hyukkie away.

“Fine I’ll just dance by myself” Eunhyuk said walking out about 2-3 steps in front of him making a weird dance that made people turning heads. Donghae laugh,

“you’re acting like you’re drunk.”

“I think I am” Eunhyuk shouted back at him to drown the high music. “

Want another glass of soju?” He asked. Eunhyuk nodded. Donghae walked to by another round for the two, it was a line so he had to wait for about fifteen minutes before getting his drinks. When he got back he saw Eunhyuk still standing and dancing, but with a girl. Donghae glanced a bit at the two but ignored it. Eunhyuk had to have some fun since he himself wasn’t dancing. He drank up his soju and laughed for himself as Hyukkie danced. He was incredibly good, but right now he was drunk and the combination was really amusing.  

After sitting watching Eunhyuk dancing with the girl for three songs, he got bored and he had to go to the bathroom. He walked through the crowd of dancing people and arrived at the empty bathroom. He went inside and suddenly he heard a slamming, like someone was being beaten up against a wall. He heard it again. What is that? He said highly to himself. He walked out and stopped like he had been struck by the lighting. The view of Eunhyuk passionatley making out with the girl was heart breaking. Unknowingly he gave up a sob. The couple in front of him immediately stopped and turned around.

“D-Donghae...” Eunhyuk stuttered. Donghae swallowed hard.

“Donghae I…It’s not what it…” Eunhyuk started. Donghae opened his mouth and closed it again. Without a word he rushed out from the club with tears forming in his eyes.

Eunhyuk had danced with the girl for a while now, he was drunk he knew it, but he was really impressed by her dance moves.

“You dance really good” He told her.

“Thank you” She answered and placed a hand on his chest. Eunhyuk smiled.

“You should meet my boyfriend, maybe ha wants to dance with you to, he’s good.” She nodded.

"I think he went to the bathroom, come on." He grabbed her hand and she willingly followed. They reached the bathroom door and Eunhyuk turned to her.

"Wait here I’ll go and get him." He was just about to walk inside when she suddenly grabbed his arm in a tight grip.

"What are you doing?" Eunhyuk asked a bit nervous.

"I think your boyfriend can wait," she said with a seductive smile and suddenly pushed him against the wall and kissed him. Eunhyuk was taken back, he tried to get out from her grip but she was amazingly strong. He pushed her away.

“What the hell are you doing?!” She didn't answer she just pushed him harder against the wall and kissed him again. She tasted alcohol and cigarettes Suddenly the door opened, Eunhyuk heard a sob. The girl quickly let go of him.

“D-Donghae” Eunhyuk stuttered when he realized what Donghae had seen and what it must have looked like...

“Donghae I…It’s not what it…” He started but he realized how lame it sounded at the moment. Donghae suddenly rushed passed them. Eunhyuk glared at the girl, without a word he ran after Donghae.

“Donghae! Donghae!” He called he was almost panicking. He blamed it all on himself. Suddenly a taxi drive by him, Eunhyuk saw Donghae’s turned away face just as it passed him.

“Donghae!” he called. But the taxi disappeared around the corner.



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Chapter 20: Just so sweet. Love it!!!
--chickenbunny #2
Chapter 20: whee~~!! atlast i reached the ending..
the first time i was reading this it makes me feel depressed on chapter where there's a ____ girl..

but now! hyaa!! it has a good ending! love your fic author-ssi it was a great job.. <3
Chapter 20: I’m happy that everything ended so well. They deserve to be together.
Thank you so much for writing this fanfic. I enjoyed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: awwww sooo cute and happy ending . . .

Chapter 20: What a lovely ending....♥♥♥♥ happy new year to you too..!!
rossy80 #6
Chapter 20: Happy New Year....haehyuk are together again....thanks for sharing....
Chapter 19: They still love each other. *happy*
I hope that soon everything will turn out fine for them. They both deserve to be happy. Please let them be together in the end, author-nim.

ThanKYU for uploading. Please update soon.
Chapter 19: they just miss each other so so so bad, I hope they back together soon
thanks for updating :D
Chapter 19: kyaaaaa still love each other . . .

oh Hyuk don't cry . . .

gosh Hae just kissed hyuk because he missed and love him . . .

sooooo sweet . . .