The Other Half

I Want To See You [Sequel to I Think I'm Sick]

Author's Note: Hey y'all!! ^^v I'm trying my best to update as much as I can, school isn't very schedule-friendly so I guess its hard to update. I'm kinda running low on plot ideas again but hopefully I do come up with something great! Thank you for reading/commenting/subscribing!


This chapter's in Seungri's POV!


The windows had been smashed, like something had broken in. The couch had been slashed mercilessly and the foam was everywhere. The picture frames were either cracked or on the floor. 

"YUKI!" I called, but no reply came. "YUKI-AH!" I hollered. 

I ran into the kitchen, to find it in a bigger mess, plates that were apparently set up at the table had been smashed and a knife had been stabbed right into the counter top. 

"MIYUKI!" I called again, I heard footsteps on my wooden floors, I whipped around, only to be face to face with Jiyong's flame red eyes. 

"She was right" He huffed.

"What?" I said.

Before I could say another word, Jiyong grabbed me by the arm and lugged me over to his apartment, which was in just as bad as a mess as mine was. 

"Yours too?!" was all I could manage to say.

"Yeah, ours too.." Top said, entering Jiyong's apartment. 

"They didn't take any money" Daesung reported. 

"They didn't take anything valuable..."Taeyang reported as he came out of his room. 

"They weren't looking for anything valuable then" Top concluded.

"They were looking for Miyuki..." Jiyong spat. 

"How'd you know?" I said, my heart raced. 

"On the bus, the Jaeri's ghost was calling out to me, I thought it was just a silly thought so I shook it off." he began. 

"What did she say?" I said, almost yelling.

"All she said was 'She's in trouble..' " Jiyong said.. 

With that, I got up to go back into my apartment, she could still be in there somewhere, probably hiding somewhere. The rest calling my name, but I couldn't waste anymore time. As I went out the front door of Jiyong's apartment, I crashed into someone. I sprang up immediately, preparing to attack. No one else lived on this floor and for all I knew it could be someone trying to ambush us. 

"Seungri-ah!" The person panted, flustered. 

I looked at the person who was still on the floor, rubbing the back of his head. His clothes were tattered and torn and he had a few bad cuts here and there. His hair was grey and messy. Hold on... that's...

"Mr Oshiro?" I said, still on guard. 

"They've got my Miyuki..." he said, he sounded like he was suffocating.

"Ya... Seungri-ah, isn't that your boss?!" Top said.

Nodding, I helped him up. He was in really bad shape and he looked like he had run a million miles.

"Seungri-ah.. they've got... Miyuki..." he whispered, before passing out.

"Mr. Oshiro!" I said, shaking him.

"I've called an ambulance" Jiyong said.

I hope this isn't what I think it is..



I guess it'll be time for dinner soon. It was already getting late and Jaeri wasn't home yet. I wanted to head out, but it would be rude to leave umma and appa alone at home. Afterall, it felt good to have them home for the weekend. Umma was cooking tonight so I could have a break. I heard something drop and crash. Sounds like umma dropped something while setting up the table. 

"Umma! Are you alright?" I yelled from my room, no response. 

The house had grown quiet except for the TV that appa was watching. But he wasn't laughing at the comedy he always watched. A weird feeling came over me, I got up from my chair quietly, preparing myself. I headed down the hallway, Jaeri still wasn't home yet, her room door was still open. 

"UP THERE" I heard a a voice growl. 

They'd come for me. I bared my fangs as I took on the demons that came at me. There were so many of them. As I fought them off, I vaguely saw blood on the floor. I scrambled down the stairs to find appa slumped on the floor in front of the television and umma on the floor next to the dining table, both dead. Kimchi soup was all over the floor and so were the pieces of her porcelain bowl.

I felt rage wave up inside of me and killed every guard in sight. I fought hard, but being the demon of air, it wasn't hard for me to be airborne, and that gave me an advantage. I sliced, kicked, punched at them in every way I could. No way was I letting them take me to the demon world. I escaped to the roof when I knocked out the guards that had followed me into my room. There were probably guards waiting on Jaeri at the living room, ready to kill her. There wasn't a sound left in the house. Just mere silence.

I couldn't let that happen. Not Jaeri. Not my little sister. 

I saw her walking down the pavement towards our house. I froze, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I couldn't just grab her from the streets, she'd scream and end up kicking me in the face. I got ready to jump at the front door as she approached the front porch. She suddenly froze when she was about to unlock the door. She wheeled around and headed to the back, that prat Jiyong was probably watching her and talking to her again. I climbed over to the other side to wait for her.

"There you are!" I snapped and grabbed her just before she reached her window ledge. "Pabo! Why didn't you call me?!" I snapped, releasing my hand that was cupped over . 

"Oppa.. What happened to you?" she panted.



We followed Mr Oshiro to the hospital, apparently he had lost a lot of blood. Well, obviously, sinceh is clothes were practically bathed in it. But it didn't make any sense, how did he know that Miyuki was missing? He knew where I lived of course, but why didn't he just call me instead of physically coming all the way down? Unless he knew beforehand that Miyuki's kidnappers were coming.. 

"This doesn't make sense" Jiyong said, interrupting my thoughts. 

"We'd have to wait until Mr Oshiro wakes.." Top said. 

"But we have to find Miyuki.." I reasoned. 

"You and Jiyong wait here.. the three of us will head back to the apartment to search." Top offered.

"I'm going with you" Jiyong said sternly.

"Then I'll stay with Seungri." Taeyang decided.

So it was settled, Top, Jiyong and Daesung headed back while Taeyang and I stayed to wait for Mr. Oshiro to wake up. 




"However, from the dreams, I'm very certain that you guys meant a lot to her." she turned to jiyong, smiling "I could feel that warmth and secure feeling she felt when she was around you." she said before turning to me to say "And I could tell that she looked up to you and understood you. She felt safe with you and your presence" 

Jaeri ah..

"I'm glad she did.." was all I managed to say as I cried, holding onto her for the last time. 

"I wished I had her memories. It would have been nice to be cared for by someone like you." she smiled.

With that, she swooped down and kissed my forehead. 

"Its time for us to go." as she did this, Jaeri's body disappeared into fuschia glitter, which swirled around her. 

The emptiness hit me even before I felt the weight of Jaeri's body disappear. I felt myself choke so hard, the emotional pain was unbearable.. I cried so hard that I'd probably cause the ground to split into two if I had Daesung's powers.



My phone budged me out of my thoughts, I realised I had fallen asleep. My phone was ringing loudly so I stepped outside to take the call. Jiyong was calling me. 

"Yeobosaeyo?" I answered the call. 

"Ya.. She's not here" he said, panting. He sounded like he ran a million miles.

"Oh.." came my reply. 

"But her doll isn't here either.." Jiyong informed, sounding serious this time. 

"What?" I said. 

"We looked everywhe-"

"YA! YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BE CARING ABOUT THAT DOLL NOW?!" I heard Daesung yell in the background. 

"Oshiro's waking" Taeyang said, popping his head out from the ward. I nodded and hung up. 

As I walked in, Mr Oshiro was stirring and holding his head. 

"Miyuki.." he said, as he winced in pain. "Where's my Miyuki.."

"We'll find her." I assured him. "I need to know some things, Mr Oshiro.." I said.

He looked at me, desperate for his daughter to be safe. But his expression also told me that he was ready to give me answers. 

"When Miyuki was born.. Her mother passed away due to some complications during her delivery. Even so, I loved my Miyuki.. I couldn't give her much love and attention since I was always busy, but she always showered me with her love. I bought her anything she wanted, had her home schooled, let her take up shamisen and ballet classes, I wanted her to be happy." he said, smiling to himself. 

"What happened?" I asked. His smile faded. 

"When she was about 5 years old, I realised there was something different about her. You see, Miyuki sleepwalks..-"

"She has yet to sleep walk in my apartment, Mr. Oshiro" I confronted.

"Because he protects her from the demons that call to her at night" he explained.

"He?" I echoed.

"She has that doll of hers doesn't she?" He began. "Whats did she name him, Syaoran?" he tried to remember. 

I nodded.

"I got that doll for her when she was 5 years old. She slept walk very often, and I found that she was actually in a trance when she was sleepwalking one day. It was so peculiar. She seemed like she was talking to herself. I noticed she sleepwalked with her eyes half open. When I tried to shake her awake, I saw that her entire eyeball had turned jet black, and she was completely unresponsive. I brought her to a medium, and he had told me she was being beckoned by the demons from some other world of some sort. I begged for his help, so he hand made and blessed Syaoran with some form of pure ancient magic. Since then, I didn't see her sleep walk." he explained. 

"That's probably why she's so intrigued by scary stufff" Taeyang concluded. 

"It's dangerous for her to be around such stuff" Mr Oshiro said. "Especially if she isn't near that doll." 

"So in other words, Syaoran's like a form of protective talisman?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"He's actually a spiritual bodyguard." he corrected. "She can sense these things, and the protective spirit residing in Syaoran basically wards off the demons that try to hypnotise Miyuki. But recently, I realised protecting her that way it wasn't enough. A few months ago in Japan, she had been having bad dreams. I brought her to the medium again, thinking the magic had worn off, but apparently, the demons were finding a way to get around Syaoran's magic .." he paused.

Was that why we couldn't sense things about her that well? Syaoran had been blocking us out from the start.. 

"I know what you are, Seungri, you and your friends" he continued. 

"Eh?" I asked.

"I know you and your friends are the demon princes" he said, confirming what I just heard.

How on earth did he know?! He looked at me dead in the eyes.

"There's a reason why my Miyuki and your sister look exactly the same.." he admitted. 

"How.." I stuttered. 

"You bought a book from a bookshop when you were young, remember?" he said. I nodded. "That was my mother's shop" he informed. "My family has been involved in all this magic and philosophy for centuries. My great great grandfather was the last of the line of brilliant sorcerers in my family. Our family were the ones who created the gems under an agreement with the demon princes. Unfortunately, My great great grandfater was murdered by the demon queen just when his first son was born, which was when the generations of demon princes had died trying to destroy her.. From that generation onwards, the magical powers had stopped. But not completely. I had suspected that some powers had been inherited by my Miyuki at first, but I didn't think that-" 

"She has amazing intuition" Taeyang said. 

"That's whats left of all our family's powers. Why do you think I'm doing so well in my industry?" He said, giving a light hearted laugh. 

"But, I don't really understand, why would the Queen just kill him?" I asked. 

By now, the three had returned back from the apartment... Jiyong looked more heavy hearted than ever just listening to what Mr Oshiro was saying. 

"We've been mortal enemies with the demon king and queen for centuries, even before the Queen had murdered my great great grandfather." He looked at us. "She had been on the throne for ages, destroying generations of the Demon princes who went against her. I knew your sister was the gem.-"

"But it had to be destroyed, so you didn't tell him.." Taeyang ended. He nodded.

"I'm so sorry, Seungri." he said. 

"But that doesn't explain why Jaeri and Miyuki look the same" I stated. 

I knew he had no choice but to not tell me. He knew I'd try to keep her alive. By keeping her alive, the demon queen would be alive because only the gem could destroy the queen. There was no other way. 

"Jaeri was created to protect the gem, but what's been residing in her was only half the deal. The master gem consists of two parts. The half inside Jaeri possessed the magic that acted as protection for you and acted as a catalyst" he explained.

"Catalyst?" Top asked.

"She's supposed to be something that attracts all of you, which is probably why all of you have met her yourselves and why all of your were naturally drawn to her. As for Seungri, you were around her for the longest time, her powers reacted and sensed you on their own and shielded you from being detected" he said. 

I finally understood, so it wasn't a coincidence afterall.




"Wait, but you've met all of them." JaeRi said, interrupting my thoughts. "You've actually met the other princes, unlike in the prophecy" she pointed out. 

"By accident, but they didn't know my true identity." I pointed out, thinking twice about Daesung. "For some reason, they were unable to detect that I've matured."

"You can hide your features" she pointed out.

"All of us can." I said. 

"Oppa must be special." she said, finally smiling. 

"Anniyo, I'm lucky" I said as I returned the smile.

"Do you think you'll be able to defeat the king and queen?" she asked.

"I don't know.." I sighed, worried. "But when they find me, it's the end." 




"What about Miyuki?" Jiyong asked. 

"She's the source of your powers" he said after taking in a deep breath and wincing slightly. "That's why the demons have been trying to get to her. To destroy her, and it'll destroy all of you and the queen would be successful" 

"But the queen's dead, why are they still going after her?" I questioned.

"She's the half that can revive the queen. As long as Miyuki lives, the queen cannot be ressurected." he said solemnly. 

"So.. they have to kill her.." Top analysed. Mr Oshiro nodded.

"It's the same as it was with Jaeri.. She had a white rose, didn't she?" he asked. "Miyuki has a black rose. The two work a little oppositely because of how they were created. Jaeri was meant to be the pure one... While Miyuki was to be the tainted one.."

"She seemed completely UNtainted to me.." Taeyang spoke aloud.

"I think he means she's tainted cuz she's the source of our powers, and our powers are dark magic.. Jaeri's form of magiv " Top corrected.

"That's right." Mr Oshiro nodded. "Syaoran was create for the sole purpose of hiding her identity, in a way"

"But then, how did the demons find her?" Jiyong asked

"I don't know, I knew they were finding her in her dreams, that's somewhere where Syaoran's powers can't reach. Which was why sending her to you was my only option. Perhaps it wasn't right of me to throw her into your care so suddenly.." Mr Oshiro said regrettably. 

"How long have you known that she was the other half?" I asked. 

"About a year ago when I had retrieved some of my family's old material." he explained. "Miyuki had called me the other day, saying she had a dream about a ghost that came to her, warning her that 'they' were coming, so I figured I did a little research." 

"A ghost..." Jiyong said. 

"Who's 'they' ?" Daesung asked. 

"She didn't say. But that was the last time I spoke to her." Mr Oshiro sank in his bed, weak. 

I didn't understand one thing right now.. Why did he look like he was attacked?

"Mr. Oshiro, who attacked you?" Jiyong asked, as if reading my mind.

"I had wanted to find her, to tell her what I found out, but I guess the demons got to her first." he said, wincing. "I ran after them-"

"You saw them take her?" I said, feeling flustered. 

"I only reached to see the demon jumping from the house win-" He began gasping for air, and the heart monitor began acting up. 

"Mr Oshiro!" I called, he clenched at his chest. 

Taeyang had ran out to call for help, but by the time they had come, the heart monitor showed a line. we were asked to step out as they tried to revive him. There were so many questions I needed to ask him. Miyuki may not have treated me or any of the guys like a brother, but now I understood why. 

She had been frightened of us.

Perhaps trying to be more forward with her wasn't too much of a brilliant idea. But I knew now that I had to find her. I wouldn't make the same mistake again, she may not fill Jaeri's place exactly, but she was important to us all now. We had to find her and save her.

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Chapter 24: SEQUELLLLL!!!!!!!! NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!!!
Chapter 24: SEQUEEEEEEEEEEL !! <3
iamasushiaddict #3
Please please author-nim! Jiyong and Yuki deserves another sequel! <3
I'll be waiting author-nim, you are forever the best and this is the best fanfic of BB i've ever read in AFF! :3
Nado Saranghae!
Chapter 24: Sequel please...hehe!!:)
grt stry...
I wnt to c Yuki n Jiyong moments!!
Authornim yo stry is Daebak!!
iamasushiaddict #5
Chapter 23: AWWWW FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER! HE CONFESSED! YAAAAAAAY! This story is sooo perfect Author-nim, this is like the only story I check for updates whenever I go online here. <3 Please make this into a trilogy! I'll truly support this! Even if it reaches it's 10th or 100th sequel already. <3 Kamsahamnidaaa, update soon author-nim!
Chapter 22: Aigoo!! D Great Dragon finally let out his feelingz ...wat vl b Yuki 'z answer ...!!!??
iamasushiaddict #7
Chapter 21: OF COURSE HE LOVES YOUUU! -.- I hope they confess to each other soooon~
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! <3 Update soon, nae?
Chapter 21: I CRIED . OMO .
Chapter 20: Ooooh, maybe Princess Seohyun is Ji's ex ? :o Or .. a past princess he loved
iamasushiaddict #10
Chapter 20: OH NOOOO! Cliff hanger! -.-
I wonder what happened...Thank you for the update, Author-nim!
Update soon, please. <3