
I Want To See You [Sequel to I Think I'm Sick]

Author's note: Whoops! Udpated this without greeting my wonderful readers! :D Anyway, halloween's around the corner so I wanted to do a little special to celebrate it! But I'm not sure if my writing made it scary cuz I'm pretty spooked by my own ideas right now (plus it's 12 midnight where I'm at so..) But I hope this update would be a great one! (: Thank you for reading/subscribing/commenting! x


This Chapter's in Jiyong's POV!


We sat on the ride without exchanging a word.. I probably should have struck a conversation, but I didn't know what to say.. She sat on the golden horse that she had chosen, or perhaps it just caught her eye while we were in the queue since she darted straight for it as soon as we got through the gate. She sat with her legs to one side, holding onto the pole gently, looking out. There was this light in her eyes that seemed to be a whole other world. I didn't realise that I was staring at her until she stood right in front of me when the ride was over. 

"Do you like carousels too, Jiyong-ssi?" she said, staring at my expressionlessly. 

It was odd enough that she had intitiated the conversation, but I guess she wouldn't want to just grab me off the carousel like how Jaeri probably would.. No, Jaeri would probably be too excited and run off to the next ride without me.. 

"Ah.." I stuttered. She merely blinked and glided off. 

I followed her, still in a little daze, partially cuz I was still absorbing the fact that Miyuki was too quiet for her own good. It looked like she really wanted to have fun and run around, but it was either she was maintaining her image for her father's sake or she was probably just uncomfortable with 5 guys constantly surrounding her. I caught up with her and continued wondering to myself about things I should just let go of. You can't blame me, I couldn't help it. 

She stopped in her tracks, in front of the haunted house. She can't be serious...




"It's okay now.. you can open your eyes!" I said, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring her for a scary movie afterall. "There there.. the movie's over!" I cooed, pulling her hands away. 

"Oppa, that was scary!" she said, whacking my shoulder and pouting. 

"Let's get some ice cream then. It'll take your mind off everything" he smiled and got out of my seat to walk out. "Jaeri!!" I called. She still seemed to frozen by the movie to run over. 

"Coming!" came her response as she walked up the aisle 

I took her hand in mine and surprisingly she didn't pull her hand away, but she held my hand too. Perhaps she was still scared, but I wished we could stay this way forever. I gave her a comforting smile as I lead her out of the cinema. 

"It's only a movie Jaeri~" I teased, pinching her cheeks lightly.

"I'm not good with scary things!" she pouted. 

"Ice cream's on me then" I laughed, swinging our hands slightly. 




"You... want to go in there?" I confirmed.
"It is pretty fascinating.." she replied.
"Would you like to wait for the rest?" I asked, she shrugged.
"I don't see why not, it could be fun!" she flashed her smile at me, taking me off guard again. 
Was she getting comfortable with me? I knew I wasn't completely comfortable with her just yet, or maybe I was just not comfortable being around someone who reminded me so much of Jaeri. I noticed Miyuki glanced behind slightly and just before I could turn around to see what she seemed to have glanced at, someone slapped my shoulder. 
"THERE YOU ARE!" Top's voice boomed.
I realised it was Daesung who had slapped me on the shoulder and I gave him a playful punch. 
"We you guys about to go in without us?" Taeyang asked, pouting at Miyuki, who didn't seem the least bit affected by his facial expression.
"We were waiting for you, actually" Miyuki replied. 
"You like this kinda stuff?" Seungri asked, obviously as puzzled as I was. 
"Not really, but I am intrigued by it." she answered.
Seungri shot me a you-can't-be-serious look. I raised my eyebrows in response. I mean, come on, it was a complete flip in personality here. But given the situation, it's not like we could totally expect Miyuki to react to things like Jaeri did since they were brought up differently.
"Well, I guess we can give it a shot." Seungri shrugged. 
"AWESOMEEEEEE" Top pumped his fist in the air.
"Let's do this!" Taeyang cheered.
"Uhhhh" Daesung said, obviously worried. 
"Are you scared Daesung?" I asked, about to laugh.
Miyuki turned to look at him, seemingly worried. We all knew he didn't really like scary stuff like Jaeri did but Miyuki seemed to have sensed this right away. I looked at Miyuki, she seemed to be debating on whether we ought to go in or not, but for some reason she seemed like she really wanted to go into the haunted house. 
"If Daesung-ssi isn't comfortable we shouldn't go" Miyuki finally said. We turned to face her in surprise.
"It's like she never talks" Top said quietly as we left Seungri's appartment.
"Probably only when she's spoken to" Taeyang replied just as quietly. 
"Maybe she's just shy" Top reasoned. 
"Who knows..." I shrugged, completely uncomfortable about the uncany resemblance.
"I'm not sure if I should try making her feel comfortable around us, or be afraid of her quietness" Daesung pondered aloud.
"She'll be fine.." I said, waving it off.
"Ahhh..." Daesung said bashfully, scratching his head. Miyuki kept her glance on him. "Its okay! You don't get to go into one everyday you know!" he laughed.
Miyuki shrugged then proceeded to the haunted house entrance. 
"She's really fearless.." Daesung whispered under his breath, only loud enough for us to hear, I nodded in response.
Miyuki returned to us in a few seconds with the entrance bands. She fanned the bands out and handed them out, watching our faces as she gave them to us. The look in her eyes seemed almost sorry that she had suggested going into the haunted house. But she was probably going to be the one who'd scream and cry in there later on. 
We walked were about to enter the haunted house, but we got stopped by the entrance personnel. 
"I can only allow you in groups of maximum 3 at a time." he said. 
"How about Jiyong and I go with Miyuki and the three of you go in after us?" Seungri suggested.
"Sounds good." Top agreed. Daesung's face seemed to be drained of colour by now. 
"Alright, you three in first." the guy said and let us in, Seungri went in first and I offered to walk behind Miyuki, she nodded greatfully, almost in a slight curtsy and followed behind Seungri. The guy handed Miyuki a map.
The three of us walked closely together in the darkness. It was only bright enough for me to make out the slight expression on Miyuki's face and the directions in the map that was given to us. 
"YA!" Seungri jumped suddenly as something came up from the floor to give us a scare as we walked along the hallway.
Miyuki merely blinked in surprise. Seungri recovered himself and huffed slighty, clearly embarrassed that he was the only one who got scared. We entered a room  that seemed like a kitchen. The counter was strewn with blood and there was a head on the chopping board we stood in the middle of the kitchen, staring at it... Its eyes were gorged out and its teeth were rotton. The red light that illuminated the place poorly just made everything more nauseating than it was probably supposed to be. 
I heard Miyuki's feet shift slightly. The cupboards were broken and a chopping knife had been stabbed right in the middle of the fridge door which was hanging open. Jars of human innards were visible, truely a creepy and disgusting experience. I half wished I didn't agree to come in here. The only comforting thing was that the place smelt of rubber and not actual blood. I heard the heel of Miyuki's bot click against the floor, I turned to face her to see that she had taken a step back. I couldn't tell what she was looking at since it was so dark. 
She had opened to speak when I heard a grunt coming from the door we were supposed to exit by to the next room. 
"YAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Seungri screamed, noticing what Miyuki had probably noticed a few seconds ago.
I heard myself scream in shock when a zombie with a bloody butcher knife came staggering towards us. It was a rather huge zombie, it had pasty skin with a greenish tint and a bloody apron. I'd rather fight of a million of the queen's guards right now that have myself get shocked to death. The zombie grunted again and looked right at Miyuki, as if expecting her to hug either one of us in fear, but she looked at him, probably too terrified to move. As it inched towards us, I heard Miyuki hiccup slightly, but stayed where she was, watching the zombie. 
Seungri darted out of the kitchen area, past the zombie who growled at him, earnng another shocked yelp. I grabbed MIyuki by the elbow and dragged her out as well before the zombie came any closer. He grunted again as we past him, making me jump. 
"Where are we now Miyuki-ssi?" Seungri asked. 
"The first bedroom" she answered, her voice wasn't shaky like I had expected it to be. 
As we made our way through, I noticed it was a child's room that we were in. I noticed soft toys that were torn apart were all over the floor, and creaky sounds were coming from just around the corner. Miyuki stopped in her tracks again before we made a turn, but thinking that she was just being scared, I took the turn first and had another heart stopping shock when a zombie girl pounced right at me.
Her ankle was in a shackle that was attatched to the bed frame and she began screaming and clawing at me, not that she could reach me but it looked like she wanted to bite my head off like she did to her toys. He nightgown was torn and dirty, so was her face. Her eyes were glowing red, just like my original demon eyes, which I was temped to show her to show her what a real demon looked like. But still, she was pretty terrifying for something so small. She began throwing a tantrum and that was when I realised Miyuki was already standing next to me, as well as Seungri who wore a pained expression on his face. 
Under the ultraviolet light that illuminated the centre of the child's bed, I could still roughly see Miyuki's skin glow and that her face was as expressionless as ever. But her eyes said otherwise, in fact, her eyes almost seemed mortified by the child's thundeorus tantrums. A scream was heard from the distance. 
"Sounds like Seungri, Top and Taeyang are here." I said casually. The child zombie growled. 
"Yeah" Seungri nodded, walking out the door. 
Just as Miyuki and I were heading out of the door, the child pounced at us again, hurling part of a soft toy at us which she had probably ripped earlier. We went past the next two bedrooms, the master bedroom had two adult zombies who were tied to the bed frame. Their mouths bloodied and their clothes drizzled in blood. The threw themselves around on the bed as we walked past, reaching out to as and occassionally gnawing at their bloody wrists as if in desperation to break free.  
The next bedroom was probably the grandparent's or rather, grandmother. There she sat on the rocking chair by the window, knitting what seemed to look like bleeding yarn that made squelchy noises as she knitted them together. As we walked past, her head turned with a sickly cracking sound and beckoned for us to come closer. Miyuki had taken a step towards her, only to be hastily grabbed away by Seungri, who was practically getting nauseated by all the gruesome zombie make up. 
The last room was the living room. The sofa had been slashed and was covered with blood and picture frames were smashed, there were broken chairs along the corners as well, like they had been smashed against the wall. As we stood to look around, Miyuki took a step forward and turned to her right slightly before taking half a step back, as if anticipating something to pop out of nowhere. Daesung's scream from the previous rooms echoed, I wasn't sure if I was going to laugh or jump from shock. 
"I don't think there's anything her already, Miyuki, it's the last room" Seungri said. 
"Yeah, it's just the final decoration" I added. 
We were so wrong. 
Singing came from the direction Miyuki had been staring at, and out came a young girl - around 16ish, in a maid's outfit, which was of course, bloody and torn. She was carrying something in her arms as she sang. As she made her way across the room to us, I noticed it was a bloody baby that she held in her hands. I felt sick in the stomach but I didn't let out a scream, but of course, Seungri let out a disgusted gasp. Miyuki just stayed where she was. 
Before we expected anything else, the maid's head shot up to face us and the supposed fake baby began crying. The maid's eyes were red, as I had somehow anticipated, and she had long fangs. Unexpectedly, her fangs pierced right through the crying baby. It was completely morbid, enough for me to feel the absolute need to flea from the haunted house. Which I did automatically, lugging Miyuki and Seungri with me. 
As we went through the exit, I felt a huge wave of relief sweep over me. The sky was still relatively bright, checking my watch, it was only 6pm. Seungri let out a sigh of relief. 
"Are you alright, Miyuki-ssi?" He asked after he had composed himself.
"She wasn't scared at all..." I said flatly. 
"Actually, I was quite terrified, especially when the zombied came out." she said, looking at me. Her face may havebeen stoic, but I noticed her eyes seemed to show how relieved she was to be out of there. 
"Yeah?" Seungri said in disbelief. 
"YAAAAAAAA!!!" Daesung screamed as he came running out of the exit, Taeyang and Top following him a few seconds later.
"How can someone like you be so afraid?" Top said, slapping his back.
"I bet Miyuki was terrified too!!" He panted.
"She barely made a sound" Seungri said flatly. 
"Eh?" Daesung sighed in defeat as we headed to the restaurants. 
"I assure you, I was extremely terrified" she reassured Daesung. 
I couldn't be sure if she was just saying that to make him feel better or she just had the worst case of a poker face. 
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Chapter 24: SEQUELLLLL!!!!!!!! NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!!!
Chapter 24: SEQUEEEEEEEEEEL !! <3
iamasushiaddict #3
Please please author-nim! Jiyong and Yuki deserves another sequel! <3
I'll be waiting author-nim, you are forever the best and this is the best fanfic of BB i've ever read in AFF! :3
Nado Saranghae!
Chapter 24: Sequel please...hehe!!:)
grt stry...
I wnt to c Yuki n Jiyong moments!!
Authornim yo stry is Daebak!!
iamasushiaddict #5
Chapter 23: AWWWW FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER! HE CONFESSED! YAAAAAAAY! This story is sooo perfect Author-nim, this is like the only story I check for updates whenever I go online here. <3 Please make this into a trilogy! I'll truly support this! Even if it reaches it's 10th or 100th sequel already. <3 Kamsahamnidaaa, update soon author-nim!
Chapter 22: Aigoo!! D Great Dragon finally let out his feelingz ...wat vl b Yuki 'z answer ...!!!??
iamasushiaddict #7
Chapter 21: OF COURSE HE LOVES YOUUU! -.- I hope they confess to each other soooon~
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! <3 Update soon, nae?
Chapter 21: I CRIED . OMO .
Chapter 20: Ooooh, maybe Princess Seohyun is Ji's ex ? :o Or .. a past princess he loved
iamasushiaddict #10
Chapter 20: OH NOOOO! Cliff hanger! -.-
I wonder what happened...Thank you for the update, Author-nim!
Update soon, please. <3