Ice Fingers

I Want To See You [Sequel to I Think I'm Sick]

Author's Note: Hello wello ^^ Well I hope the story's been okay, though I know now's still pretty introductory and it's probably a tad bit boring. BEAR WITH ME!!! I'm still thinking of a finalised plot her so... Hehe enjoy~ xx


This chapter's in Seungri's POV! (as requested! ^^ Though I don't think I'd do a Miyuki POV chapter anytime soon!)


"What's this?" Jiyong asked, pointing to a bag next to him.

"Syaoran." she said, placing a file on the desk. 

"What?" I said, Syaoran? What's a syaoran? 

"He's my doll" she said simply. 

She kneeled on the floor, opening the bag to reveal the scariest looking toy I've ever seen. It looked extremely human, well, obviously. Its features were crafted perfectly. It had pretty well-styled hair and clothes and its skin tone matched Miyuki's perfectly. It was almost disturbing since the doll was pretty huge and she seemed to dote on it.

"Your.. wow.." Top said he was probably as stunned as any of us.

"Does he bother you?" she said, standing up slowly, and placing Syaoran on the bed gently. 

"No... just t-that.." he stuttered.

"It's just that we've never seen anything like it.." Jiyong finished off. She looked at him and merely nodded. 

"You're not like those cosplayers are you?" I said, secretly hoping she wasn't. I wouldn't want her running around town looking like she had popped out of the television or a manga.

"Oh heavens, no. Syaoran was given to me a number of years back." she said, as if having a doll like that was not much of a big deal. Perhaps it was a typical thing in Japan..

"Well, is there anything you would need to buy?" I asked, trying to break the silence that had crept upon us. 

"Nothing I can't handle" she answered, looking around the room which her father's secretary and I had fixed up together. I guess her father liked me a million times more when I said I didn't mind playing host to her.



"Seungri.. Come here for a moment" Mr Oshiro called.

"Can I help with anything sir?" I asked, feeling a tad bit worried since he came out of the blue. 

Mr Oshiro was always kind to me, even if I only worked part time for his company, which as a global enterprise. I've been working for him for as long as I can remember, from part time in my high school days to full time after so that I could fully support Jaeri without our parents having to worry. He came to recognise me and he often asked me how Jaeri and I were doing. He did care for all his workers and for some reason he had grown fond of me too. He was rich enough to do anything he wanted, but that also meant he was busier than anyone else.

"I need a favour." He began. "You live alone in an apartment, am I wrong?" he asked. 

I nodded, not knowing what the whole point of asking me this. Did he need to crash at my place or something?" 

"My daughter, Miyuki, will be moving to Korea from Osaka in a few months. I was hoping you would allow her to stay with you." He said, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.

My eyes widened and I wasn't sure if my jaw had dropped. Whatever I did, he laughed at my reaction.

"Why me, sir?" was all I could manage.

"Well, you are a pretty lonely kid since Jaeri passed on.. I'm sorry about that." He sighed.

"It's alright sir, I think I'm getting used to it.." I sighed.

"When do you and your friends begin college? It'll take your mind off things." he suggested, which reminded me that the guys and I had discussed it a while back too.

"My friends and I are starting the first semester in a few months sir.." I explained. He nodded in approval.

"That's good. Well. My Miyuki is a lonely girl herself... She doesn't have a mother.. or siblings. So my princess is all alone in Japan." he explained. "I'm sure she could use and older brother as great as yourself. Afterall, you've been working for me for so long.. you're almost like a son to me. Plus I think it's best she mixed with someone who's going to the same college that she intends to attend. " he said. 

I felt a wave of relief, for a moment I thought he had wanted me to eventually marry the girl.. Which was way out of the question. Jaeri may be gone, but lee Seungri doesn't and never will date. 

"Oh.." I began, "Absolutely, sir.." I said. This was probably a new chance for me to relive my days with Jaeri, though it'll be a completely different person. But at least, I had someone to fuss over again. 

"WONDERFUL!" he bellowed with delight. "I will, of course, aid you in the preparations" he smiled.



An unfamiliar sound interupted my thoughts, and I drew myself back to reality. I suppose Taeyang grew impatient because Miyuki was sitting at the corner of her bed, playing her shamisen with an unreadble expression on her face. 

My my, how she reminded me so much of Jaeri.

Their faces were like carbon copies. Frankly, it disturbed me that she and Jaeri were exactly the same in certain aspects of their personality, but completely opposite on the others. 


Both of them tilted their heads to the side the exact same way, smiled the same way, ate the same way and welcomed new information like how a magpie would react to a pile of shiny objects, even if they had different ways of showing their enthusiasm. 

Both of them did enjoy various forms of arts, hated seafood, loved spicy food and they had too many of the same things, or maybe that was a girl thing. Then again, why would anyone need so many pairs of shoes for ballet? 

Then again..
Jaeri had a healthy tan, Miyuki could probably camouflage herself in snow.

Jaeri was strangely clumsy, Miyuki was perfectly poised. 

Jaeri never had a solid arguement, Miyuki's replies were short, sharp and left no room for a rebuttal.

Jaeri wore her heart on her sleeve, Miyuki didn't seem to have much variation in her feelings at all.

Jaeri could never sit still, Miyuki pretty much enjoyed moving around as little as possible.

Jaeri always asked just about everything, Miyuki liked to observe.

Jaeri never owned a doll, or ever mentioned about wanting to own one.

Plus I was certain Jaeri wasn't lonely...



"Are you sure you'll be okay without me in school?" I asked at the gate. 

I made sure that I dropped her at school before work. Working full time, rather..

"Dae, oppa" she smiled.

"Don't let people bully you alright? And don't let random boys look at you! If they do, you must scream and kick them!" I instructed.

"Oppa, I'll be okay.." She said, hugging me. "You'll be late for work if you keep worrying about me." 

I hugged her back, handing her the lunchbox I packed earlier in the morning. I knew she would do perfectly fine making friends, despite being capably shy. But something in me just felt the need to worry. Afterall, she was my little sister.



I watched Miyuki pluck at the strings skilfully with that shamisen plectrum thing.. She had probably learnt this instrument from young and it looked so natural for her. I had to admit, I was reallly impressed. As she ended the song, I presumed all of us were too impressed or too shy to clap. She put her shamisen away as if she had expected our lack of reaction. 

"That was cool!" I said, hoping to break the silence. 

"Thank you" she replied cooly. 

"We should be going.." Jiyong said, standing up. "We have to wake early for school tomorrow again" he reminded.

Right.. it was only wednesday.. Miyuki bowed goodnight as they left the apartment. Jiyong pat my shoulder just as he left, taking a swift look at Miyuki. I guess it bothered him as much as it did for me too.

"Will you be okay alone at home tomorrow, Miyuki-ssi?" I asked. "We usually start classes at 9am and end around 4pm, on Tuesdays we end at 6pm and on Fridays we start at 2pm and end at 5pm." I said, showing her the schedule which I had pasted on the frdige door. 

"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay" she smiled.

"I didn't really do much grocery shopping since I wasn't sure about your eating habits and all..." I admitted, opening the fridge, roughly showing her where was what.

She nodded quietly, seemingly carefree that I didn't have much in my fridge even though she was practically studying (and probably memorising) the contents with her eyes. 

"Our numbers are here" I said, pointing to another post-it I prepared with the guys' contact numbers and our school address and my office address in case she wanted to find me. "if you have anything that you need, you can give us a ring." I told her. She nodded in response again. 

"Please do not put so much pressure on yourself, Seungri-ssi" she said assuringly. "Father must have told you I'm quite a princess" she let out a small laugh.

I nodded in surprise, I never really registered it, or perhaps I didn't notice before.. He laugh sounded like Jaeri's.

"Even if I am, I am a princess who can take care of herself" she promised. I nodded again. 

"Well, your bathroom's just opposite your room," I said, pointing it out to her. "I will be heading to bed." I said, heading to my room slightly further down the hall. 

"Thank you" she called, her voice echoing down the hall sounded like bells ringing. 

An hour or so later, while I was neatening up everything in my room before I went to bed, I thought I heard Miyuki's voice in the hall. I knew I shouldn't really be doing it but I eavesdropped on her conversation on the phone. I then realised she was speaking in Japanese. I wasn't extremely fluent, but being in Mr Orshiru's company, there was no doubt that I'd pick up quite a bit.

"I know Jiyong-kun doesn't really like me..." I heard her say.

I thought about it, perhaps Jiyong was just uncomfortable for now. Afterall, I'm sure all of us were to a certain extent, given the situation. Though I did feel bad that she thought of Jiyong that way.

"Oh, Seungri-ni-chan really was as kind as Ottosan said he would be." she said, with an obvious tint of happiness.

I guessed she was talking to a really close friend since she seemed more at ease talking to that person. Perhaps she just needed some time to warm-up to all of us.

"He's given us this room even!" when she said this, I realised she wasn't on the phone..

Was she talking to herself? Or was there someone else in the room? I listened for another voice, but nothing came as she spoke about her day. I decided that she was having a video chat with someone on her laptop and had her earpieces in. That probably made the most sense. 




"I must be crazy" I heard her mumble. 

He was probably talking to her again. Kwon Jiyong, can't you leave her alone? You're hurting her more.

"You're in my head. It's like you were never gone" she cried. 'Liar!!" She sobbed. 

There was a pause. Her sobs got louder. He was probably trying to reason with her. I barged into the room, only to have her scream out.


"YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER LEAVE" She sank to the ground, covering her  ears. I held her as she sobbed.

"Ya, you're talking to yourself" I said, shaking her gently.

"Oppa" she cried.

It's okay, Jaeri, Oppa's got you. You're okay. Everything will be okay. I her hair, comforting her as she cried.

"I'll kill him for hurting you" I growled under my breath. Kwon Jiyong, I'll never let you off for this.



"Oh really? Is he?" I heard her say, a voice a little louder.

Before I could register what was going on, the door flew open. 

"Seungri-ssi!" she said, switching back to korean.

Her voice sounded a little startled, but her face remained stoic. She was in her pyjamas and had Syaoran in her arms, I realised he wasn't wearing his black suit anymore, but a set of blue silk pyjamas. Guess she doted on him more than we expected, the patterns on their pyjamas matched. She glanced at Syaoran before looking back at me, giving me that small smile of hers. 

"Getting ready for bed?" I asked, deciding not to ask her about who she had been talking to. "Is there anything you need?" 

She blinked at me, as if she didn't expect me to ask her that. She shook her head again. 

"Araso.." I trailed off. "If you need anything, just wake me." I said, motioning to my room at the end of the hallway. 

Miyuki gave me a glace, for a second she looked slightly confused, then she composed herself again. She cleared quietly.

"Goodnight" she said as I walked to me room.

"Oyasuminasai [Just incase, this means goodnight in Jap], Miyuki-san" I returned the greeting and noticed her small smile appear again. However, the smile faded from her face just a second later, just before she walked into her room again. 

Perhaps I was thinking too much. As I lay in bed, the first thing that came to my mind was how long it has been since Jaeri left, and how accustomed I've grown to it, but never really let go of Jaeri. Or perhaps it was because Miyuki reminded me about Jaeri too much. 


I woke up the next morning to hear unfamiliar music coming from the living room. I decided to ignore it for the time being and wash up to get ready for class. As I showered and brushed my teeth, the music didn't stop for more than 5 minutes. It dawned on me that I wasn't the only one in the house anymore. I looked at the clock: 7am.

So Miyuki was a mornign person..

I headed out to the living room, and found her by the balcony. No wonder the music wasn't too loud. I noticed she was still in her Pyjamas and had a bucket next to her. Syaoran sat cross legged on the floor, leant against the rails of my balcony, sitting opposite her. She jerked to a stop in the middle of the song, making me jump a little, she turned around to face me and got up immediately to bow in greeting. 

"Good morning, Miyuki-ssi" I said, returning the bow. 

"Did I wake you?" she said, though she probably knew she didn't. 

"Nope.. But why are you up so early?" I asked.

"I always wake up at 6am. It's the coldest outside so it's the best time to practice the shamisen." she explained. 

I looked at Syaoran who sat still behind her. Why was he everywhere with her? She turned to look as well before facing me again, as if she knew what I was thinking. 

"What's the bucket for?" I asked.

"Ice water" she replied. "When your fingers are numb, you practice more efficiently" she explained. I knew she meant her shamisen, but wasn't it cold enough outside? 

"Aren't you freezing?" I said, even I felt cold just standing by the balcony door. 

She shrugged, showing that she was probably used to it. I proceeded to the kitchen to get breakfast, then I realised there were 5 black laquered lunch boxes sitting nicely on the table. All 5 were stacked up nicely, tied up in a silk cloth. A note was stuck at the knot of the cloth.

"Seungri-ssi, I hope you don't mind me making lunch for you and your friends. It's my way of saying thank you. I've prepared something simple, I wasn't sure about the grocery shopping here, but the lady at the nearby convenience store was very helpful. The bento boxes aren't very elaborate, I hope you don't mind. Miyuki."

I looked at them and realised they were all labelled with our names. Mine was at the very top. I supposed she wasn't as icy as we all thought she was. But I did feel bad that she made us lunchboxes. It was always me preparing Jaeri's meals, and for the first time, someone else had prepared food for me. I opened my bento box and what greeted my eyes made my stomach grumble. But I had to wait for lunch time. 



"Ya.. don't forget your lunch!" I said, placing her lunchbox on the table as she munched on her breakfast. 

"I'll never forget to bring Seungri Oppa's lunches!" she beamed. "They're my favourite!"

I smiled at this and ruffled her hair. 

"Really?" I asked as I sat opposite her, taking my apron off. 

"Dae! Because anything that my oppa cooks is daebak!" she said enthusiastically, giving me a thumbs up as she finished the rest of her breakfast. 



I smiled to myself and my heel to walk out to the balcony again to thank Miyuki, but as I did, I nearly bumped into her. 

"Omo." I said to myself getting startled. Apparently she was standing behind me. 

"Sorry." she smiled. 

"When did you make these?" I asked, referring to the bentos.

"Oh, earlier this morning." she replied simply, as if waking up earlier wasn't much of a big deal to her.

"Thank you" I said. "The guys will be really happy!" 

"Wonderful! It was done in a rush though, since I got lost looking for the convenience store" she said flatly. 

"It looks fantastic!" I assured her. "We'll go somewhere fun with the guys when we all get home" I said.

She smiled in response, though I could tell from her eyes that she had wanted to smile a lot more. 

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Chapter 24: SEQUELLLLL!!!!!!!! NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!!!
Chapter 24: SEQUEEEEEEEEEEL !! <3
iamasushiaddict #3
Please please author-nim! Jiyong and Yuki deserves another sequel! <3
I'll be waiting author-nim, you are forever the best and this is the best fanfic of BB i've ever read in AFF! :3
Nado Saranghae!
Chapter 24: Sequel please...hehe!!:)
grt stry...
I wnt to c Yuki n Jiyong moments!!
Authornim yo stry is Daebak!!
iamasushiaddict #5
Chapter 23: AWWWW FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER! HE CONFESSED! YAAAAAAAY! This story is sooo perfect Author-nim, this is like the only story I check for updates whenever I go online here. <3 Please make this into a trilogy! I'll truly support this! Even if it reaches it's 10th or 100th sequel already. <3 Kamsahamnidaaa, update soon author-nim!
Chapter 22: Aigoo!! D Great Dragon finally let out his feelingz ...wat vl b Yuki 'z answer ...!!!??
iamasushiaddict #7
Chapter 21: OF COURSE HE LOVES YOUUU! -.- I hope they confess to each other soooon~
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! <3 Update soon, nae?
Chapter 21: I CRIED . OMO .
Chapter 20: Ooooh, maybe Princess Seohyun is Ji's ex ? :o Or .. a past princess he loved
iamasushiaddict #10
Chapter 20: OH NOOOO! Cliff hanger! -.-
I wonder what happened...Thank you for the update, Author-nim!
Update soon, please. <3