
I Want To See You [Sequel to I Think I'm Sick]

Author's Note: Annyeong everyone! Well I just want to thank everyone who has read/subscribed/commented on my story! It means so much to me! You guys make me feel like a celebrity xD But anyway, here's another chapter~ Enjoy! x


This Chapter's in Seungri's POV!


"Seungri-ni-chan.." my head snapped up in response.

"You haven't called me that in a while.. Did something happen between you and Jiyongie?" I said casually, she smiled weakly in response. "Looks like its something good.." I nodded in approval. 

I knew Jiyong would be able to melt her heart. I was glad it was Jiyong, I didn't want anyone else to be exclusive Miyuki.

"He brought me to dinner, and even a movie." she began, as if she were telling me a fairytale from her childhood. "Then we sat by the benches and talked." her face fell a little. 

"About?" I asked.

"There was this guy in Japan, we weren't officially together, but there was something between us. But he left.." she said. I knew she wasn't telling me the entire story, but I understood. 

"Why?" I asked.

"He said I changed and that I was becoming distant." she wore a sad smile as she said this, he must have meant a lot to her. "I guess he's the reason why I've turned out this way, and made it so hard for me to trust people" 

"Well, if he set foot in your life I'll kick his " I told her. 

I understood now that she was being so cold from the beginning because she wanted to protect herself. It made perfect sense to me, at the same time, it felt heart wrenching that someone would be so mean. That would never happen again, because she had me and the rest to protect her from anyone who would hurt her. 

I knew very well that Jiyong would NEVER hurt her. 

"Syaoran would be happy to hear that" she smiled. I half expected Syaoran to say something, but he didn't. Perhaps he had decided to stay out of the conversation for now. 

"We ought to talk like this more often, yuki-ah." I laughed. "Looks like Jiyong's doing a good job at melting our ice princess" I added, taking the empty mug from her and dumped it in the sink.



"Where's yuki?" I asked as I stepped into the house after work.

"Jiyong brought her out." Syaoran answered.

"Eh?" I said. "Out of the blue?"

"Anniyo, I asked him to." came his reply. "But he was a little excited about it, I didn't actually think he'd drag himself out of the house.." he laughed.

I smiled, knowing that Jiyong was finally doing something about his feelings. 



The next morning, Miyuki was not up at her usual time. Perhaps she had decided to sleep in for the weekend. 

"Oh good you're awake" Syaoran's voice came. 

"Yeah I am." I answered, still a little sleepy.

"Yuki's sick" Syaoran said. 

I looked at the clock, it was 12 noon. Something didn't seem right, she couldn't have overslept for more than 6 hours.

"Wow, it's late" I said as I walked into her room, opening the door quietly to not wake her. 

Yuki was under her blankets and curled into a ball. Syaoran was next to her pillow as he always was.

"She's awake but she doesn't want to move" Syaoran told me. 

"Yuki-ah" I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. 

" chan" she said from under the blankets, her voice muffled.

"Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?" I asked, feeling her forehead. "You've a bad fever" I said. 

"Ni-chan..." she whined, her face burried in he blankets. 



"Oppa.." Jaeri whined as she rolled over on her bed. 

She abandoned her pillow and put her head on my lap instead, I could feel the heat from her forehead. 

"Jaeri-ah, your fever's bad" I said flatly. 

"I don't want to move oppa" she said, the blankets pulled all the way up, covering half her face. 

I sighed and scooped her up with her thick blankets.



"Come on let's get you to the doctor." I said, scooping her up.

She was lighter than Jaeri, perhaps because she was a little smaller than her. As I entered the living room, Jiyong came into the apartment. 

"Ya.. Syaoran said Yuki had a fever." he said.

"Cuz you two were out in the rain!" I snapped. 

"Mianhe, I'll take her" he said, holding his arms out.

I stared at him. He probably had a fever in his sleep too but being a demon, we recoverd fast. But why was he so eager on taking her to the doctors? 

"Ni-chan..." Miyuki said as she shivered. "It's okay.. Let me re-"

"Let you rest at home? I can't let you do that, your fever's terrible!" I snapped. 

"She hates the doctors" Syaoran chimed. 

"Oh.." Jiyong and I said dully in unison.

I sighed and eyed Jiyong. Meh! She's all sick now because of you! But I decided not to play the blame game now. I handed Miyuki to Jiyong.

"Take her to her room... I'll make something for her" I added, heading to the kitchen. 

I proceeded to bring some water to boil and prepared ingredients for some chicken soup for her. I sighed to myself. 



"I'm fine oppa" Jaeri whined. 

"At least eat something" I said, placing the tray on her bedside table. 

"Komawo, oppa. I'd be dead without you" she smiled. 



I heard Jiyong drag his feet to the kitchen to grab a towel and a small basin, filling it with lukewarm water. 

"Did you take her temperature?" I asked.

"Yeah.. about 39.5 Degrees" he answered worridly.

Damn right you gotta be worried! I gave him a look and he left without another word. 

"Jiyong's mentally beating himself" Syaoran informed.

"Well, he should" I said. 



"Don't worry too much about me Seungri-ssi" she smiled. 

I looked at her. 

"I've been raised to take care of myself, no matter how hard I fall, I've learnt to force myself back up" 



Well, I'm not letting you struggle alone again, Yuki. 

I headed to her room after the soup came to a boil. Jiyong was gently placing a towel over her forehead. There, I recognised it. That look he wore only when he looked at Jaeri. It was there again. It's been way too long since I saw that look on his face. 

"Mianhe, Yuki-ah.." I heard him whisper.

That tenderness in his eyes and that preciousness he felt towards her was so obvious on his face as he her hair as as slept. His head snapped up when I cleared my throat. Clearly he thought he was alone in the room with her. 

"Should we let her sleep a while longer?" he asked. 

"Yeah, the soup's still really hot anyway" I said, placing the tray on her bedside table. 

Miyuki didn't move for the next few minutes, laying still. 

"Does she ever move in her sleep?" Jiyong said casually, clearly not taking his eyes off her.

"Her mind's excessively active actually.. But she never really moves" Syaoran answered. 

"Do you get access to her mind 24/7? Doesn''t she ever find it like an invasion of her privacy??" I asked.

"I only listen when she lets me." Syaoran answered, "which is most of the time."

"Yuki-ah," I called, shaking her gently.

She stirred in her sleep, her voice droning. Jiyong helped her sit up and leant her head against his shoulder, squeezing her gently. I expected to feel a little wave of uneasiness like I used to when I knew Jaeri was out with Jiyong, but the feeling didn't come. I blinked a few times before realising that this was it.. I was finally able to let go and accept that she had grown up. If only she lived to witness my change in heart, perhaps she would have been more at ease too. 

"Have something to eat alright? It'll make you feel better" I told her. 

She nodded in response, barely keeping her eyes open. 

"My head's spinning" she mumbled. 

"Do you want to sleep more?" Jiyong asked. She shook her head.



"Drink up, will you?" I said. 

How on earth was she going to get any better like this? Jaeri had her head leaning on me and I was trying to get her to drink the tonic soup. Her fever was so bad that it felt like she was burning through my shirt. 

"You'll never get better if you don't eat" I told her, holding the spoon at her lip.



"Should we get Top in here? Maybe her can cool her off" Jiyong suggested. "It's no use for me to hold her-"

"But I'm cold oppa.." she mumbled.

"Oppa?!" we both said mentally in unison.

She was so adorable.

"I'll get Top to come in.." I said as I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my lip.

Jiyong was in a shock himself, though I swore I heard Syaoran sniggering secretly. 

"Whatsup Seungri?" Top said as I entered his apartment.

"Jaeri's got a fever" was all I needed to say, he nodded and left with me. 

It was good having him around, or at least someone who could control water. She had finished the bowl of soup, which Jiyong placed on the table the moment we walked in. 

"Top-ni-chan" she slurred.

Top looked at me, a little dumbfounded by the nickname. Syaoran probably knew she was calling us by these names in her head the whole time but she just wanted a slight distance. Or perhaps she was just so sick she came up with the names in a shot. 

"This is pretty nice" Syaoran said, pretty satisfied. 

Top shook his head slightly before he proceeded to slurring a controlled puddle or water over Jaeri's forehead, ommiting the use of the towel immediately. Jiyong had his arm over her shoulder awkwardly, since she couldn't lean on his shoulder. 

"She's got a pretty bad fever" Top stated. "I have to keep changing the temperature of the water" 

"Well, because somebody didn't dry her off last night" I said, eyeing Jiyong who simply narrowed his eyes at me, a smirk pulling at the edge of his mouth.



"You're a mess!" I snapped. 

Jaeri looked at me through tired eyes. Her hair was so unkept and it looked like the had been thrown right into a tornado. 

"I'm fine, just had a little fight" she answered. Aish, this girl.

"Uee again?" I sighed. She nodded blankly, slumping down on the chair.



A few days past and Miyuki did get better, though I had to say it wasn't easy. She barely ate and Top had to come in often to do that water treatment thing. She slept for most of the day and often dismissed anything and everything around her. Eventually she was well enough to get out of bed and hang out with us during meals and everything was back to normal.

Yuki had fallen asleep in between me and Jiyong while we were gathered at my place for a movie marathon. Her head slipped onto my shoulder.

"Ya, she's fallen asleep" I said, looking at her. 

"Get her blanket" Taeyang suggested. 

"Ni-chan.." Miyuki said, waking up. 

I looked down at her, she looked like she had a really bad dream. 

"Who is Princess Seohyun?" she asked, only loud enough for me to hear. 

"Eh?" I asked. 

Jiyong stood up and proceeded to her room when she was about to repeat herself. The moment he disappeared into the corridor, a loud crash was heard, followed by a hiss.

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Chapter 24: SEQUELLLLL!!!!!!!! NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!!!
Chapter 24: SEQUEEEEEEEEEEL !! <3
iamasushiaddict #3
Please please author-nim! Jiyong and Yuki deserves another sequel! <3
I'll be waiting author-nim, you are forever the best and this is the best fanfic of BB i've ever read in AFF! :3
Nado Saranghae!
Chapter 24: Sequel please...hehe!!:)
grt stry...
I wnt to c Yuki n Jiyong moments!!
Authornim yo stry is Daebak!!
iamasushiaddict #5
Chapter 23: AWWWW FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER! HE CONFESSED! YAAAAAAAY! This story is sooo perfect Author-nim, this is like the only story I check for updates whenever I go online here. <3 Please make this into a trilogy! I'll truly support this! Even if it reaches it's 10th or 100th sequel already. <3 Kamsahamnidaaa, update soon author-nim!
Chapter 22: Aigoo!! D Great Dragon finally let out his feelingz ...wat vl b Yuki 'z answer ...!!!??
iamasushiaddict #7
Chapter 21: OF COURSE HE LOVES YOUUU! -.- I hope they confess to each other soooon~
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! <3 Update soon, nae?
Chapter 21: I CRIED . OMO .
Chapter 20: Ooooh, maybe Princess Seohyun is Ji's ex ? :o Or .. a past princess he loved
iamasushiaddict #10
Chapter 20: OH NOOOO! Cliff hanger! -.-
I wonder what happened...Thank you for the update, Author-nim!
Update soon, please. <3