
I Want To See You [Sequel to I Think I'm Sick]

Author's Note: Hello!! *waves* hope you like the last chapter! I'm pretty excited cuz I have this story sorta plotted out in my head and all. Hopefully it'll turn out great and you guys will enjoy it! Thank you for reading and commenting! I love and appreciate you guys LOADS!!!! xx


This chapter's in Miyuki's POV!


I wandered around the library, looking at the various literature texts. It was strange, but literature did intrigue me. 

An hour had passed and I was lost (in a good way) in my little own world. Though I did remember to remember how to exit the library later on. I ought to leave the library to wait for them outside their class room soon. I had a book in my hands, and I dcided to kill the next few minutes immersing myself in the sea of words.

"Stalker kid, 5 o'clock" Syaoran warned. 

I laughed to myself. Stalker kid probably wasn't any dangerous. He had short brown hair nad had his fringe gelled up neatly. He had quite a distict jawline and a pair of docile eyes. I noticed him coming over, but I pretended I didn't notice. 



"What's a pretty girl like you doing here?" a boy asked.

"What a lame pick up line" Syaoran said to himself. 

"I came to look for my friends" I answered as I continued walking. 

"Do you need help with that?" he asked, pointing to the box of steam cakes.

"Anniyo, I'm fine" I said, shaking my head.

"Indeed you are" he said, raising his eyebrows playfully, which sorta amused me a little.

"Who does this little brat think he is!" Syaoran snapped. 

"My friends are waiting for me" I smiled, pointing at them.

They had been watching the entire time, Jiyong seemed unamused by the situation. Seungri and Daesung looked like they were about to flick the poor guy on the forehead. The other two just seemed fascinated by the attention I was getting. 



"Annyeonghasaeyo" A voice said, knocking me out of my thoughts. 

I turned to see that boy standing next to me, peering at the book that I had in my hands. 

"I'm Jong Hyun.. Kim Jong Hyun" he introduced, bowing. 

"Oshiru Miyuki." I replied with a small bow. 

"Ahh, you're Japanese. You speak Korean very fluently!" he said enthusiastically. 

"What a little loser" Syaoran said, I snicked inwardly and his meanness. 

"Yeah, moved here a few months ago months ago" I smiled.

"How do you know them?" he asked. 


"The ice princes. They're like the kingkas of this school." he said in a matter-of-a-factly tone. 

"Ice princes?" I asked, they're not just any princes..

"They're known to be so good looking, but they never really talk to anyone else. They've never been seen dating a single girl." he said as if it was a huge deal. 

I nodded simply. It was no surprise, considering who they actually were. 

"So, are you related to them?" he asked.

"You can say that." I smiled, returnng my attention to the book I was reading. 

"You like Literature?" he smiled. I nodded without looking up. 

I wanted to wait for them alone. I wasn't good with people, honestly. I was horrible with people. I was brought up an introvert and I pretty much liked it that way, getting used to the princes was pretty taxing already. If this was what school was going to be like when I started next year, I hope college ends quickly.



"I see a dude holding a board with your name on it" Syaoran said. "Corner of your eye" he directed. 


I turned, to see 5 rather good looking guys, who seemed to have quite outstanding tastes in fashion, not to mention hair colour. I expected that they'd camouflage their hair but I guess they wanted to pass off as fashionistas. They were talking amongst themselves, looking a little shock and flustered. They noticed me.

"Looks like they just diguised their eyes.." Syaoran laughed. I smiled inwardly. "Are you sure you want to behave like this?" he asked.

"You know I don't like meeting new people, and you know that I have to avoid the Jiyong dude especially or else he'll find out" I said, keeping my face straight and expressionless. Somehow I was really good at that.

"Right.." Syaoran said dismissively. "Let's go then.." he sighed as I walked towards them 

"Annyeonghasaeyo" I said, giving a polite bow.

"Annyeonghasaeyo" They replied, returning the bow. They seemed a little thrown back.

"The red head seems like he'd bite me.." I said inwardly.

"That's Jiyong." Syaoran stated.

"Do you think he senses it?" I asked, getting worried that Jiyong was a little more powerful than expected.

I could always drain his powers, but then again it'll be even more obvious. And they'd probably think I'm gonna kill them all eventually. No.. I should just keep quiet until the right time comes. 

"Would you be mr Lee Seungri?" I asked Seungri. Duh he was, but I guess asking would be the right thing since I was meeting them for the first time like this.

"Dae" he said, looking at me strangely. 

"I'm Oshiro Miyuki" I smiled.

"I'm Seungri," Seungri replied, he turned to the rest, "This is Jiyong, Taeyang, Seunghyun and Daesung" he introduced.

"They're totally buying it.." Syaoran said in amazement. 

"Perhaps only Jiyong seems a tad bit more suspicious since he has the strongest mental ability.." I sighed. It was going to be harder than I thought. 



"Do you study here too? I haven't seen you around campus" he asked, said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him, I was beginning to get a little irritated that he was interrupting me, but I kept my face expressionless.

"You know.. you can just walk away. The princes will be done with class soon.." Syaoran said.

"Right" I said inwardly "I don't actually," I answered Jong Hyun, who nodded. 

"Ahhh, no wonder" he said to himself. 

"Anyway, I believe I should get going" I said, giving a small bow and proceeded to return the book.

"Hey wait up!" he said. 



"College would be good for you..." Ottosan told me.

"But.. People..." I trailed off. "Can't I be home school-ed for college too?" I asked. 

"I knew it was a bad idea to shelter you from life.. But your Okasan really wanted you to be home schooled" he sighed. 

"Ottosan.." I said, holding his hand. 

"If you really don't like it, its okay.." he smiled, grabbing my free hand. "But you have to promise me to at least give it a shot" 

"Hai." I smiled. 



I had walked out into the halls, feeling a little flustered by his presence. Daesung was bubbly like him but at least he gave me space, this guy just followed me like dead weight. People stared at us along the hallways as I made my way to the classroom that the princes were in. 30 minutes until they were released. Shouldn't be a problem. 

"You're different from them" he said. I turned to look at him.

"How so?" I asked airily. Syaoran laughed. 

"Well, they don't really talk to anyone.." He shrugged. "They're pretty much jerks in my opinion, I don't get why every girl swoons at their feet. They're freshman too and they've already been the biggest topic on campus since they set foot here!" he said.

"Well, they're really nice. Perhaps they just want to keep to themselves." I shrugged, getting a tad bit annoyed that he dared speak of them like that. 

I stood by their classroom door. Sadly Jong Hyun had followed me. I hope their class ends soon. 

"He's totally jealous" Syaoran said spitefully. 

"I didn't think he'd be this pathetic.." I sighed. 

"So anyway, are you one of their sisters?" he asked as he stood a tad bit too close to me. "No wait, you're from Japan! Are you their cousin then?" he concluded.

"She's my sister." Came Seungri's voice from behind me, putting an arm over my shoulder, pulling me to him.

"Ya.. why are you bothering her?" Daesung said, looking at him.

Jiyong looked like he was going to flame him, literally. 

"Anniyo.. I was just.." Jong Hyun stuttered. 

"Yuki-ah, was he bothering you again?" Jiyong said, turning to me. I shook my head, Jong Hyun let out a sigh of relief, but Jiyong did not release his glare. 



"Someone has a thing for the Fire demon.." Syaoran teased. 

"No I don't.." I said. 

"You keep that soft toy by your bed. He gave it to you. And you're blushing." Syaoran analysed.

"I just feel shy around him." I snapped. "It's hard being around him." 

But what if Syaoran was right? What if I did have something for Jiyong? But how could it be?



"Let's go, Yuki-ah" Seungri said, steering me in the opposite direction down the hall. 

"OMO OMO!" girls began to scream as they caught sight of the princes in the hallway. 

"Kyaaa I wish I could walk in between Jiyong and Seungri too!!" 

"Ahh!!! Seungri has his arm over her shoulder! I wished I was her.."

I sighed inwardly as the girls who noticed them squeal. The princes seemed to e enjoying the attention. The guys in school didn't seem to fancy them much but kept their words to themselves, though an occassional "Woah, they're cool" could be heard. They walked me to the roof.

"Here's one of the highest points of the school. You can see everything here" Seungri said. 

"The school field's just below us" Daesung said. 

"And just over there would be the poolside" Jiyong pointed. "And the practice rooms are in that block"

"The sciences are at that far end" Top pointed.

"And the atrium and theatre is at the other end" Taeyang pointed.

I took in the scenery, which seemed rather breathtaking. It seemed nice. I felt a smile creep up on my face and I noticed Jiyong had mirrored my smile and I felt something odd twitch inside me. 

"Shall we head home?" Seungri said. I nodded, shaking the thought off. 


That night Seungri had to do some work for my Ottosan that night after dinner. It has been pretty hectic lately since his passing. I'd lie if I said I was okay, then again I'd be lying if I say that I didn''t see it coming. I knew it well, I just wished it didn't happen so soon. I'm not close to Ottosan, since he's always away, but that didn't mean I wasn't sad about it, or that I didn't miss him. 

I sat on my bed, or rather I curled up in a ball, facing the window and back facing Syaoran who sat comfortably on the soft toy that Jiyong got for me. 

"Just admit it.." Syaoran whined.

"Admit what" I said blankly.

"You're just afraid to love again, aren't you?" he said. I shrugged. "It's about time you broke out of your shell, Zuuko was a jerk." 

It just came to me every now and then. I have been able to forget Zuuko for the past few years, but the familiar butterfly feeling in my chest came back when I was around Jiyong. 

"I just don't want to hurt myself again by presuming..." I said.



"What do you mean?" I asked

"It's just not going to work, we're too different.." Zuuko said with a sigh.

"I don't understand" I stuttered. 

Zuuko sighed again. I thought we did have something special going on, though we weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend, it was obvious we had feelings for eachother.

"I'm sorry, yuki-chan. I don't think we should meet anymore" he said, walking away.

Walking out of my life.



Syaoran sighed. Just a few seconds later, there was a knock on the door.

"Dae?" I called. 

"Yuki-ah.." Came a voice. Jiyong? 

I opened the door to see Jiyong standing at the door. 

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked.

It took me a few minutes to digest this. I blinked. 

"What about the rest?" I asked.

"They've ordered take-out, and I need some fresh air" he said. I nodded.

"Give me a fwe minutes to get changed." I smiled.

"Araso~" He said in a sing-song voice and closed my room door. 

"He just asked you out.." Syaoran reminded me. His voice seemed expectant.

"Yeah I know.." I said blankly. Then it dawned on me..


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Chapter 24: SEQUELLLLL!!!!!!!! NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!!!
Chapter 24: SEQUEEEEEEEEEEL !! <3
iamasushiaddict #3
Please please author-nim! Jiyong and Yuki deserves another sequel! <3
I'll be waiting author-nim, you are forever the best and this is the best fanfic of BB i've ever read in AFF! :3
Nado Saranghae!
Chapter 24: Sequel please...hehe!!:)
grt stry...
I wnt to c Yuki n Jiyong moments!!
Authornim yo stry is Daebak!!
iamasushiaddict #5
Chapter 23: AWWWW FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER! HE CONFESSED! YAAAAAAAY! This story is sooo perfect Author-nim, this is like the only story I check for updates whenever I go online here. <3 Please make this into a trilogy! I'll truly support this! Even if it reaches it's 10th or 100th sequel already. <3 Kamsahamnidaaa, update soon author-nim!
Chapter 22: Aigoo!! D Great Dragon finally let out his feelingz ...wat vl b Yuki 'z answer ...!!!??
iamasushiaddict #7
Chapter 21: OF COURSE HE LOVES YOUUU! -.- I hope they confess to each other soooon~
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! <3 Update soon, nae?
Chapter 21: I CRIED . OMO .
Chapter 20: Ooooh, maybe Princess Seohyun is Ji's ex ? :o Or .. a past princess he loved
iamasushiaddict #10
Chapter 20: OH NOOOO! Cliff hanger! -.-
I wonder what happened...Thank you for the update, Author-nim!
Update soon, please. <3