Mental Block

I Want To See You [Sequel to I Think I'm Sick]

Author's Note: Hello! Well do forgive my tardiness.. School and work has been crazy and I've been falling sick lately. >: I hope the story's going in an alright direction for now~ Enjoy! xx


This chapter's in GD's POV!


Miyuki was sandwiched in between Seungri and myself. She wore her blank expression again,

"You sure this is a good idea?" Seungri said telepathically.

"I'm quite confident about it" I replied. 

"She's a tad bit suspicious" Syaoran piped in. The cab came to a halt a few rows before the ice cream shop that Jaeri and I always went to.

"We're here" I said, getting out and holding the door open for Miyuki. 

As she got out, her vision snapped fixed right at the ice cream parlour, as if she knew we were going there.

"Told you she had suspected something" Syaoran said. 

"Yuki-ah" Seungri called. She snapped up from her thoughts and turned to me. 

"Jaeri likes this place" she said. 

I mentally slapped myself, but I kept a straight face on and nodded. 

"Ahh, I thought so, it had a familiar feeling." she answered, walking towards it.



"However, from the dreams, I'm very certain that you guys meant a lot to her." she turned to me with a smile "I could feel that warmth and secure feeling she felt when she was around you." she said before turning to Seungri to say "And I could tell that she looked up to you and understood you. She felt safe with you and your presence" 

"I'm glad she did.." Seungri replied, his tears falling freely.

"I wished I had her memories. It would have been nice to be cared for by someone like you." she smiled.



"Did Jaeri's ghost tell you that?" Seungri asked. 

"She wouldn't know these things since she doesn't have any memories.." she said as she looked at the menu on the front door.

She smiled to herself, supposedly choosing what she had wanted and headed in as I openend the door for her again. 

"But even so, the heart remembers. And what's remaining of her has dissolved into my power.. The little memories she has from the dream and from her awakening are now my memories" Miyuki explained as she pointed at the flavour she wanted.

"Raspberry Cheesecake?" I said, a little taken aback. 

"It looks good" She nodded, clearly, she had no idea Jaeri and I always had that flavour. 

"Can you finish it all by yourself?" Seungri asked, probably reading my mind. 

"Shall we get a slightly bigger one for all of us to share?" she laughed. 



"Jiyong-ah, one serving's way too big!" she pouted at her half eaten sundae and she looked at me. 

"I'll finish it for you then" I smiled, helping her since mine was completely finished.

"We have to share next time!" she insisted. 

She looked so cute..

"Araso, araso" I laughed, pinching her cheek lightly. 



So we sat down at a table that Miyuki subconciously walked to. It was beginning to irk me that she sat down right at where Jaeri and I would sit. 

"Did you know this would happen?" I asked inwardly

"Not entirely. But it has been bothering her lately that the last of Jaeri's gone." Syaoran explained.

"Jaeri's completely gone?" Seungri asked.

"Pretty much, since what was left of her and Miyuki are one person and one soul.." Syaoran said. 

"Why did Jaeri do that?" I asked. 

"Because she and Miyuki knew you didn't need her anymore." Syaoran answered.

"Yay Ice cream!" Miyuki smiled as we dug in. 




"Ji.." she stammerd, almost like a beg, she lifted the sword. "" she forced through gritted teeth.

She coughed, blood sputtered from . 


Before she stabbed me, I heard a familiar bell chime. 

"Jaeri..." Seungri said.

I looked up, to see Miyuki's sword stab right through Jaeri's ghost. Black fluid was flowing from the her wound. The ghost turned to me.

"Only this sword can cut through the gem" were her last words before her features disappeared into white light which encircled Miyuki, trapping her. 

"T...take.. the sword.." Miyuki begged. I knocked the sword out of her hands, just in time for Jaeri's ghost to disappear into Miyuki's chest. 

As this happened, the gem on Miyuki's forehead shattered.




"It was Miyuki who asked Jaeri to come in between you." Syaoran said, peering into the memory I showed him. 

"But.." I said. 

"The queen would have been able to take over her completely." Seungri said.

"She knew that, but she cared more about saving Jiyong.." Syaoran answered flatly.

I looked over at Miyuki who seemed too happy about the ice cream to notice. She looked exactly like Jaeri... 

"She begged Jaeri to save you, and I guess that was Jaeri's way of doing so Jaeri's ghost knows a lot.." Syaoran said regretfully. "She probably knew that by doing what she did, Jaeri's and Yuki's powers blended much more easily since Jaeri didn't have either a spiritual or physical form and they're from the same origin. Perhaps it was something Jaeri wanted as well" Syaoran said. 



...."Mi.. Mian.. Mianhe" Miyuki coughed, blood flowing from . I realised she was looking right at me.

...."It's time.." Jaeri said as she disappeared from the dream.



We were walking along the streets after ice cream and Miyuki seemed to be in her own world again.

"Jiyong's weapon only managed to materialise when Jaeri had fused powers with Yuki's" Seungri observed. 

"She wasn't supposed to drain all that power out like that" Syaoran said fiercely. "She could have died" 

"Then why?" I asked. 

"She wanted to drain herself so that the queen had nothing to feed on.." Syaoran began.

"So we wouldn't need to fight her." I said.

"Or at least fight a weaker her" Seungri concluded. 

"That's right" Syaoran said. "The only thing that sustained her was Jaeri's ghost.. She barely had enough power to complete the daggers, so I guess Jaeri's ghost had sensed this too and fused with Yuki so that she had enough power fight off the queen and to finish the daggers."

I'm sorry Miyuki, it must have been really hard on you.. 



... "Would her father mind? She's a princess afterall.." I said, secretly implying how she seemed to be to uptight for her own good.

She eyed me, though I couldn't make out what her expression was... Perhaps she felt a tad bit insulted.

"I'm sure he doesn't have to know about everything that I do..." She began, her expression still the same. "Plus it would be good to expose myself to some culture around here" she gave a small smile, which threw me off a little.

... A stick of fishcake in front of my face had knocked me out of my thoughts. Miyuki was holding it in front of me, looking at me with that stoic expression of hers. I looked at her for a while, and it felt like her emotions were all over the place. 

"Jiyong-ssi.. Do you not like fishcakes?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

... "I do not want to be of anymore trouble to you than I already am" She replied flatly, though she seemed thankful for his offer at the same time. However, she looked at me when she continued "I'm sure my mere presence bothers you enough."  



Miyuki had walked into the arcade and had been drawn immediately to a soft toy on the shelf. She stood there, unmoving, looking at it as if she had never seen anything prettier in her life. 

"Do you want that?" I asked. 

She turned to me, and I swore I saw her cheeks turned a little pink. I heard Syaoran laugh slightly, then a smile tugging from the corner of Seungri's mouth. 

"Yuki-ah, you like cotton candy don't you? I'll go get some" Seungri said, walking away immediately. 

"Ya.." I snapped. 

I turned back to her and she was looking away, probably scanning for something else to look at. It began to dawn on me that she was probably blocking all of us out on purpose again. But I knew something was on her mind. 




"Yuki-ah..." I knocked on her door. 

"Come in" came her answer. 

I entered and stood behind her, looking at her reflection. I knew something was bothering her, but I wasn't sure what it was. But perhaps it wasn't right to just tell her that she could always confide in me if she needed to. I decided not to ask her about it.

"Don't beat yourself up anymore.. It's not your fault and you did all you could" Was all I said, deciding to drop the matter for now.

She looked at me, a little dumbfounded, I gave her a reassuring smile and gave her a pat on the shoulder.  

I hope that you'll learn to fully trust me soon..



"Come on, shall we give that game a try?" I asked. 

Her eyes widened a little before she smiled. I noticed it didn't reach her eyes, like before. 

"Why not?" she said.

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Yuki-ah..

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Chapter 24: SEQUELLLLL!!!!!!!! NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!!!
Chapter 24: SEQUEEEEEEEEEEL !! <3
iamasushiaddict #3
Please please author-nim! Jiyong and Yuki deserves another sequel! <3
I'll be waiting author-nim, you are forever the best and this is the best fanfic of BB i've ever read in AFF! :3
Nado Saranghae!
Chapter 24: Sequel please...hehe!!:)
grt stry...
I wnt to c Yuki n Jiyong moments!!
Authornim yo stry is Daebak!!
iamasushiaddict #5
Chapter 23: AWWWW FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER! HE CONFESSED! YAAAAAAAY! This story is sooo perfect Author-nim, this is like the only story I check for updates whenever I go online here. <3 Please make this into a trilogy! I'll truly support this! Even if it reaches it's 10th or 100th sequel already. <3 Kamsahamnidaaa, update soon author-nim!
Chapter 22: Aigoo!! D Great Dragon finally let out his feelingz ...wat vl b Yuki 'z answer ...!!!??
iamasushiaddict #7
Chapter 21: OF COURSE HE LOVES YOUUU! -.- I hope they confess to each other soooon~
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! <3 Update soon, nae?
Chapter 21: I CRIED . OMO .
Chapter 20: Ooooh, maybe Princess Seohyun is Ji's ex ? :o Or .. a past princess he loved
iamasushiaddict #10
Chapter 20: OH NOOOO! Cliff hanger! -.-
I wonder what happened...Thank you for the update, Author-nim!
Update soon, please. <3