Lunch Room

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)


Chanhee walked into the eating area and looked around. The room was mostly separated. Just like a middle school dance, the boys hung to one side the room, while the girls occupied the other.
Before he had a chance to go much further a voice called for him. “Hey! Chanhee! Over here!” It was Daejung, happily waving. He was surrounded by Haewon and Bochil. Haewon was slowly picking at his food, while Bochil was more or less messing around; he was too busy at the moment to pay attention to his food.
“Hey Chanhee!” Bochil playful ruffed up Chanhee’s hair when he got in arms’ reach, “So what did you and that lady do?” He playfully asked raising an eyebrow.
Chanhee brushed away Bochil’s hand. “It’s not what you think.” He smiled at his elder.
Bochil laughed, “Righttt…” He said in a sarcastic manner, adding an eye roll.
“Yeah, I’m curious too,” Daejung joined in the playful teasing. “You were gone a really long time, weren’t you?” Daejung encouraged the teasing.
“I believe it was only you two, alone, in a room, together.” Bochil continued the joke.
“Alright guys.” Chanhee decided to play ago, “You got me.” He smirked.
“Really?!” Daejung was suddenly caught in the lie. “You’re just kidding.” He light tapped Chanhee’s shoulder.
“Seriously, nothing happened. She just took so measurements and that was it.” Chanhee defended himself.
Once again Bochil smirked, “Really?” A smile formed on his lips. “She must have gotten really close to you.” Bochil brought himself closer towards Chanhee to show the explain.
“Enough guys!” A voice broke in. It was Haewon. “Enough joking around.” His voice was quieter the second time he spoke. “It’s lunch time, we need enough energy for our next practice.”
“Awww, lighten up Haewon.” The eldest, Daejung said. “We were just having a little fun.”
“Awww, does wittle Haewon not like jokes?” Bochil made a sad face at Haewon bring his hands up to his face to give him aegyo.
“Stop it, Bochil.” Haewon ordered his friend since he was feeling discomforted.
Bochil was about to say something back at him, but Daejung hit him as a sign to knock it off.
Bochil nodded and looked for something else as a form of distracting as the group began to eat.
They seemed to get a long better after they were forced to work as a group. They went as far as to become good friends and ate together every day since.
Bochil looked over where a group of girls started to form. They began to surround a boy with bleach blond hair, sitting relaxed in a chair, trying to read a manga that was currently in his hand.
He had an aura that screamed bad boy and the girls seemed to love it. The girls observed him from afar and up close. They whispered to each other on how cute and y he was.
The boy smirked when someone noted he was y, but whenever they said he was cute, he would bury his head deeper into his book in annoyance.
Bochil took notice of this. Noticing all the girls around that one boy hurt his ego a little. He wasn’t the jealous type, but he was used to the girls surrounding him and the fact that someone might have more girls surrounding them, it hit him.
He tried to look else where for the moment and noticed there were a handful of girls that could care less about the boy.
“Hey guys check that out.” Bochil pointed towards the girls who were doing their own thing, one in particular.
It was Hwang Geum causing trouble again. She pulled out her ipod she always carried with her. She grabbed some speakers she also carried and plugged it in. Soon music blasted through the whole eating area.
She jumped up on the table and started to dance. She looked down at Ae Rin, who was looking hesitant.
“Come on Ae Rin!” She tried to coax the younger girl into dancing with her.
“Nuh-uh.” Ae Rin puffed out her cheeks and folded her arms. She didn’t want to jump up on the table in fear of its height and she didn’t want to get in trouble so close to the time of elimination.
“Come onnnnn!” Hwang Geum continued.
“NO!” Ae Rin pouted.
Hwang Geum jumped down to her level and smirked. “Come on. You know you want to.”
As much as Ae Rin didn’t like to be forced to do something, Hwang Geum was right, she wanted to join in the fun too.
Ae Rin and Hwang Geum began to dance together in the café. They got a lot of attention from people.
All the girls surrounding the blonde hair boy turned away for the moment. The boy was happy to be rid of the fangirls for the time being.
He couldn’t help but look over at the commotion. Slowly, more and more girls began to join in on the fun, getting the attention of most of the boys.
Chanhee couldn’t help but move to the beat. His body just began to move on it’s own as the music reached his ears.
“Looks like Chanhee wants to join in.” Daejung joked. He wanted to dance just as much, but he didn’t want all the attention on him.
Chanhee smirked looking at Daejung. “I can’t stop when there’s a good beat.”
“It won’t last much longer.” Haewon noted, looking towards the entrance of the café.
A tall woman, the manager, stalked into the room.
“That’s enough!” She shouted trying to get the girls to calm down, and the small amount of boys that were beginning to join in. She grabbed the ipod and unplugged it immediately stopping the music.
“Hey that’s mine!” Hwang Geum called to the manager, annoyed.
“Oh… this is yours?” The manager tried to act friendly, but her face quickly dropped. “You can pick it up at the end of the day.” She began to turn around to leave the area.
Hwang Geum glared at her. “Who gives you the right to do that? We’re not in a high school?” She accused.
The woman turned around again, “If you have so much energy in you why don’t you go practice.” She advised looking at Hwang Geum. She paused a moment before continue speaking. “I know you… You’re the girl that always skips practice.” The woman smirked, “If I were you I’d be worried about your debut, if you keep doing what you’re doing you won’t get chosen. Though you’re talented you cause too much trouble. No one wants a member who causing trouble for them.” She advised.
“Oh yea!” Hwang Geum continued to argue back, “Like you would know?”
The woman smirked, “Actually, I would, I’m the manager.” She addressed herself as ending the agreement. “Alright everyone, go back to eating. If you’re done go somewhere and practice. Announcements on elimination are coming soon.” She looked at Hwang Geum, “If you don’t practice, don’t be disappointed if you don’t make it.” With that she left, leaving the eating area silent.
Hwang Geum let out a sigh in annoyance.
“It’s ok, Unnie.” Ae Rin, tried to comfort her elder. “She’s just trying to help you.” She gave her a small smile, “Like she said you are talented.”
Hwang Geum sighed again only to sound less annoyed and more upset. “Yeah, you’re right.” She tired not to focus on it.
“Unnie!” The younger shouted again trying to distract her elder, “Look what I just got!” She pulled out a little stuffed animal. It was cute with big eyes and fluffy fur.
“Wah!!!! It’s so cute!” Hwang Geum couldn’t help but fall for the objects cute charm, making her forget about the problems momentarily.
“Can I see?” Jihyeon joined in the conversation to see the cute little animal.
“Sure, Unnie!” Ae Rin threw her arms up to show the older girl.
Jihyeon smiled at the object, “It’s so cute. Where did you get it?”
A girl with chubby cheeks looked over at the object. She was tired and trying to relax but the cute animal toy caught her attention. She sat up and walked over to the girls.
“Cute” She said in a monotone voice. The girls looked at her surprised she talked.
“You-You’re Min Ki, right?” Jihyeon couldn’t help but ask.
She nodded. Jihyeon quickly introduced themselves to the girl.
“You're the girl that got to do the dance preview.” Ae Rin noted.
Min Ki nodded in a bored expression.
“Didn’t get enough sleep?” Hwang Geum couldn’t but note.
Again, Min Ki nodded. “They make us wake up way to early.” Min Ki couldn’t help but complain.
“I hear that,” Hwang Geum couldn’t help but agree. The girls began to laugh and have fun, slowly getting closer to each other.
The boy with blond hair continued to read his book, not bothered by the things around him. After the event in the eating area, some people were trying to behave better.
A girl with brown hair and big eyes happened to notice him, or more specifically the book he was reading. She made her way over and sat at the table staring at his book but not talking to him.
When he took notice of her, he pulled his book down from his face and stared at her with a blank expression.
“Can I help you?” He finally asked, breaking the silence.
She looked away for the moment. She was shy. She didn’t mean to catch his attention but that’s actually what she did.
He stared at her before sighing, “Look, I’m not a bad guy if that’s what you think, but if you have nothing to say to me, do you mind leaving? Your staring is a bit….” He was feeling a little uncomfortable about her presence. “…creepy.”
“I’m sorry,” She finally spoke in a shy voice, “I just…” She looked at his book again. “I love to read manga too, and I’ve been looking everywhere for that copy.” She pointed to his book, “I was just…” She became quiet again, “I was wondering where you got it.”
He turned to book around to look at the cover then looked back at her. “I don’t remember, I got it a long time ok.”
“Oh, I see.” She frowned a little and began to turn away.
Feeling a bit guilty he called her again, “Hey what’s your name?”
“Me?” She pointed to herself to make sure she heard right. He nodded, “I’m Hyunju.”
The boy was quiet again, “Hey Hyunju, maybe when I’m done reading it, I’ll let you borrow it.” He tried not to make eye contact with her.
A smile slow formed on her face. “Really?!” She suddenly got loud as she jumped forward looking at him with anticipation.
“Yea, I guess so.” He tried to act like he wasn’t paying attention to her.
“Thank you so much.” She said, a little calmer, but full of sincerity.
“Yeah, whatever,” He tired to sound like he didn’t care.
She began to turn away with a little pep in her step only to turn quickly back around, “I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.”
“Baeyoung.” He answered her.
“Thank you so much Baeyoung oppa.” She assumed adding a bow as she walked away again leaving him in his peace to read.
A girl sat away from most of the people. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to join in, but some girls just seemed to dislike her, while the others were busy looking at cute things and cute was something she didn’t do.
“Jae Rin!” Someone called to her. She looked up.
She smiled, “Hey Riley Unnie, what’s up?” She asked her friend.
“Not much just finished eating and saw you sitting by yourself. How did that happen?” Riley smirked.
“You know those girls, they’re just jealous.” Jae Rin played along.
Riley laughed. “Hey did you finish eating yet?” She asked her friend.
Jae Rin nodded, “Yea, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to practice for a bit. Wanna join me?” She asked her younger.
“Sure.” Jae Rin agreed, getting up and leaving the area.
They both left for the practice areas while other people continued to eat and chat.

Hey guys you have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter. I tried to fit in as many people as I could. It was really hard to make sure I still had the right personality for each person. So if I got something wrong about your character please tell me and I'll try and fix it the next time I write.

Characters featured by:













Again if your character was not featured they will be featured soon. If your character did not get featured as much as you like don't worry I'm still writing more. Next Pre-Debut chapter (which may not be the next chapter) will be about free time during/after lunch before practice begins again. I hope to go deeper into characters' personalities and add more characters into it. Again if you have a problem please tell. I hope to update soon.

Thank you everyone! And keep APPLYING!!!!


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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3