The Kissing Game (Party Part 4)

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)

 After the Freeze dance went over so well, Ae Cha decided to try another group activity, however it wasn’t pairs.
“Ok EVERYONE!” She called to the trainees. “Everyone grab a paper.” She point to Alanna, who was holding white slips of paper, fanned out so it was easy to grab.
People began to crowd her, pulling a paper and quickly fading into the background. People looked at their slips of papers and then looked at their friends. Some people, noticing a pattern in the slips, traded with people to have the same as their friend.
“Alright everyone!” Ae Cha got their attention again. “Now everyone should have a slip of paper.” She looked around to make sure everyone did. “On the paper there are two numbers, right?” Again everyone nod. She smiled, “The first number is for your group, so find people with the same number as you. There should be 6 to a group.” She confirmed. When everyone was in their groups, she continued. “The next number will be your position in the group. Line up according to that second number.” The kids lined up for 1 to 6 within their groups before Ae Cha continued her announcement. “This is your group and position for a wonderful game that all kpop artists must know.” She paused and eyed the kids with amusement. “The Kissing Game.” She smiled at them.
People looked at their groups and positions. Some of them cheered while others sighed and complained.
“Should we get the first group up?” Ae Cha asked ignoring the complaints.
Alanna helped set everything up. A table was set in the front of the room, on one side was the waxy papers that they would be passing from mouth to mouth.
“Ok first group!” Ae Cha called them up as they set themselves up in their order.
First was Hwang Geum, who was in charge of the papers, then was Baeyoung, followed by Kairi, who was next to Ki Jun and Da Seung, and Kyuchae finished the line and was in charge of the completed papers.
“Ok,” Ae Cha started them, “When the music starts, start, when it’s Stops, time is up and we will count how many you have.”
Hwang Geum looked at Baeyoung. He was happy. He wasn’t next to one, but two girls. He had the chance to possible kiss either one of them and he couldn’t help but smirk at that fact. He was happy he had to be paired with a guy for the first grouping game, since it was way better to be stuck with girls here then a boy or two. Hwang Geum looked at him hesitantly. It wasn’t that she couldn’t don’t it, he just made her feel a little uncomfortable, but her urge to win was strong and when the music hit her ears she dived right in.
Hwang Geum quickly picked up the paper and leaned into Baeyoung who quickly took the paper for her, he seemed to have some experience. He turned to Kairi, who looked at him for a moment questioningly. However, skinship didn’t scare her. She leaned in and took the paper from his mouth and turned to the guy to her left. Jun Ki quickly turned to her and took the paper from her lips. She could feel his lips through the paper. Ki Jung turned to Da Seung. They looked at each other uncomfortably. Ki Jun seemed to be the more uncomfortable one. Da Seung took the lead, leaning in and quickly taking the paper from Ki Jun as if their lips never touched. Kyuchae was very calm and tried not to care. She leaned in and took the paper from Da Seung before spitting it out on a plate that she held, which symbolized the finished pieces. This continued for a while. They actually got into the groove and the beat of the music helped them. There was a few slip ups between Hwang Geum and Baeyoung, some thought he was just doing it, but it was Hwang Geum who didn’t get a tight enough grip on the paper. There was also some troubles between Ki Jun and Da Seung, the fact that they were both guys, made Ki Jun really uneasy. At one point, Ki Jun lost grip on the paper and his lips touch Da Seung as they both made faces and the crowd laughed and awe’d. The song ended and Alanna counted the papers before going to Ae Cha to tell her the result.
“Group 1 successful got 12 papers.” She smiled at the group as they cheered. They joined the audience to watch the next group.
“Let’s bring up Group 2” Ae Cha cheered like a game show host.
Group 2 had some tension as they dragged themselves forward. The one replacing Hwang Geum place was Haewon, he was in charge of the papers. After him was Riley, who was calm and smiling. After her, was Jihyeon who was over all in a good place and didn’t complain. Next to her was Minki. She was a little uncomfortable because of the atmosphere but she tried to ignore it for the ground. Beside her, was a glaring Na Eun. She was really annoyed she was placed on a team with Haewon. They both had the same feeling, but since Haewon wasn’t near her and they were just playing a game, he tried to ignore her and focus on his job. Na Eun on the other hand just glared at him, though she was happy she wasn’t next to any males. The line ended with Hyun Ju, who was very nervous and uncomfortable around Na Eun after everything that happened during the Speed Quiz. She was so nervous but she tried to be strong for her group. She didn’t want to let them, more importantly Na Eun, down again.
The music started and Haewon quickly picked up a piece of paper with his mouth. He looked at Riley and was very hesitant. It wasn’t like he was going to kiss her, but there was a chance their lips could touch and he didn’t want that. He leaned in to get rid of the paper fast, Riley quickly took it from him and turned to Jihyeon. Jihyeon in return took it quickly from her. Minki, not wanting to add to the awkwardness the group already had, quickly took the paper and turned towards Na Eun. Na Eun blushed as she looked at Minki, taking Minki back slightly. Na Eun leaned in and took hold of the paper with her lips but dropped it. When the paper came around again, she successful took it in and turned to Hyun Ju. Hyun Ju also blushed as she saw Na Eun ready to give her the paper. Na Eun tried not to look at the girl at the girl as the paper passed between their lips. One paper down. It continued for a while. Everything was fine until it got to Na Eun or Hyun Ju who would mess up for the uncomfortable situation. When the song ended, the papers were counted once again by Alanna, who told Ae Cha.
“Wow!” Ae Cha announced, “Group 2 got 10 papers! Looks like Group 1 is still in the lead.” Group 2 left, trying not to think about the embarrassing situation.
“Lets have Group 3 come up!” Ae Cha waved them forward.
Group 3 took their place where Group 2 once was. Chanhee took Haewon’s place, who wished him luck. Next to him was Ae Rin. After her, was Daejung. Following him, was Jae Rin who sat next to Bochil. Avery finished the row.
Ae Rin was a bit embarrassed to be between two guys, two handsome ones at that. But her urge to win was greater and she tried not to think about it. When the music began Chanhee picked up the paper and looked at Ae Rin. He liked skinship but he wanted to make sure he didn’t kiss her. He couldn’t mess up. The paper passed between them and Ae Rin turned to Daejung. Daejung, though he had met her previously was still not comfortable enough to do this with her. Daejung was really hesitant. Because of this, Ae Rin dropped the paper. She was annoyed at herself for dropping it, but it wasn’t her fault. Haewon started again.
When Ae Rin turned to Daejung, he knew he had to do it. He took the paper and turned to the girl next to him, Jae Rin. Again, he failed causing them to start over.
When Daejung turned to Jae Rin his second time, Jae Rin moved forward before Daejung could get away and took the paper from him. Bochil quickly took the paper from Jae Rin and passed it to Avery who put the paper down on the plate. One completed, it took a lot of time too. From then on things went quicker. Daejung messed up from time to time, but the group got the hang of it.
The song stopped and their game ended. Alanna went to count the papers. She told Ae Cha who announced to the crowd. “Group 3 got 7 papers. That means Group 1 is the winner!” Ae Cha cheered as other joined her.
With that, Ae Cha dismissed the groups and gave the kids some time to mingle and get refreshments, before they were forced to do other activities.

So guys, what did you think? I just want you all to know the groups were chosen at random. I didn't choose the groups.

HAND IN YOUR APPLICATIONS OR EDIT THEM BEFORE THE END OF TONIGHT! I work forward to the deadline! It's going to be so hard to choose. Btw, if you are chosen I may not be able to give you the position you want, but I will try my best. :D

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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3