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MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)

 Meanwhile in another room, Mihi was working with Daejung and Minki who were still taking time to get comfortable with one another.
“You two, will be the main focus during the opening instrumental track. You will dancing with one another, the others will be on the stage, but you will have the more difficult choreography.” She explained to them, “It’s important that you should the feeling in this.”
They nodded as the understood what had to be done. “Daejung!” Mihi began again, “It is really important for you to show as much emotion as you can.” She began to explain, “Think of Minki as your lover.” There was a moment of awkwardness as the two looked at each other. Daejung was the first to look away as he still wasn’t comfortable with her. Minki was just silent as she tried to get accustom to him, but could only focus on how awkward the situation was.
“Daejung,” Mihi continued, “Minki is your lover, you have to hold her like one. Ok?” She asked him. He nodded before she continued, “However, as the song goes on, she dies.” She explained the concept. “You are stricken with grief and can’t seem to let her go. As a crazy man, you try to continue life as if she was there, however,” She looked at Minki, “She will be dancing with you after she has died, but she will be like a doll. You,” She looked at Daejung, “will feel even more insane, with having her, without really having her.” She continued to explain the concept, “By the end of it, you will let her go, and die along side her. Everyone else will be on lookers and try to convince you other wise. They will try to take the dead Minki away from you put you won’t allow them, because you love her so much and can’t seem to let her go. Do you think you can do that?” She asked him once she finished explaining.
He nodded, “I believe so.”
Mihi smiled, “Good,” She turned toward Minki, “You must love him too at the beginning, after that, you must act like a lifeless doll, and act as such, can you do that?”
Minki nodded, “Yes I can.
Mihi grinned, “Good, I’ll start showing you the dance moves.”

While they worked, the rest of the group members looked for Na Eun. Jihyeon was walking with Haewon. He was a bit upset with everything that was going on. He held his hand to his bright red check.
“It’s alright Oppa.” Jihyeon began, staring at him blankly. “You didn’t mean to, we’ll fix everything.” She noted as they walked down the halls together. Haewon just remained silent, not wanting to tell anyone how he was feeling about the matter.
In his head, he kept replaying the scene, as he saw Na Eun’s hurt face and it made his stomach churn in pain. As they walked he grabbed his hair in frustration trying to figure out what was going on.

Chanhee and Hwang Geum walked together down the halls looking for Na Eun. “What do you think that was all about?” Hwang Geum couldn’t help but ask when they were away from other peoples’ earshot.
Chanhee looked at her for a moment before speaking, “Probably has to do with the reason she doesn’t like males.” He suggested.
Hwang Geum thought for a moment, “Yea, you’re probably right. Something must have happened to her to make her not trust people.” She sighed.
They were beginning to think that they had thought wrongly of her. They both knew that she still should have acted rudely to them to begin with but they couldn’t help but feel a little guilt towards her.
They continued to talk as they searched for Na Eun. Chanhee puffed out his checks as it felt like hours with no luck finding her.
“Where could she be?” Hwang Geum asked a little concerned.
“Don’t worry.” Chanhee smiled at her trying to lighten the mood, “We’ll find her.”
Picking up on this, Hwang Geum changed her personality, “Yea you’re right.” She smiled back at him as the continued to search in a happy mood.

Baeyoung and Bochil were walking together as the looked for Na Eun. Due to the quiet nature of Baeyoung, Bochil couldn’t stand it. “You think maybe she’d be in the girls’ bathroom?” Bochil joked with a smirk.
Baeyoung looked at him oddly for a moment before returning to smirk. “She probably is.” He noted, “It’s that where girls go when they are upset.” He added after reading so many mangas where that happened. “I guess well have to check it out.” He smirked as Bochil followed suit.
They made it to one of the girls’ bathrooms on the floor and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Though both wanted to see inside the girls’ bathroom, they both knew now was not the time for it.
Baeyoung knocked on the door.
“Na Eun Noona!” He called, “If you’re in there say something, we’re all looking for you.” He added as he did feel the need to find her.
Bochil leaned over his shoulder. He was also concerned for her as much as he disliked her. “Na Eun Noona!” He called as well.
They looked at each other and turned away from the bathroom looking else where for the older girl.

The two youngest seemed to have formed a bond with each other. Kairi, who had spent the most time with Na Eun, was feeling very concerned. She looked up at Da Seung with big eyes.
“Where could she be?” She frowned. She felt like they had searched everywhere with no luck.
Da Seung just patted her head as they continued to walk around.
They pasted by one of the girls’ bathrooms and Da Seung couldn’t help but get the feeling someone might be there.
“You think she could be there?” He pointed to the door as he asked Kairi.
She looked at him for a moment before giving a hopefully, “I’ll go check.” She smiled as she entered the bathroom.
Da Seung was right. There was Na Eun she was huddled in a corner crying to herself.
“Unnie?” Kairi began.
Na Eun quickly looked up and shot a glared at the younger girl. “Go away!” She barked.
Kairi sighed, she felt really sad seeing her Unnie like that. She walked over towards her and placed an arm around her.
“I said go away!” She pushed the girl’s arms away.
Kairi pouted at her actions before doing it once more. “It’s ok Unnie” Kairi tried to alm he down with a soothing voice. “Just so you know where all worried about you. Everyone is looking for you.” She tried to cheer the crying girl up.
“I don’t want them to.” She shot back brushing Kairi’s arms off again.
Kairi sighed, “What’s wrong?” Kairi asked as she moved so that she was kneeling in front of her.
Na Eun just turned away. “Haewon didn’t mean to touch you like that.” Kairi tried to explain only to have Na Eun grumble and turn away from her.
Kairi’s lips twitched as she reached out and patted Na Eun’s back.
“Kairi!” Da Seung called a little nervous, “Is Na Eun there?”
“Yeah!” Kairi called back as she continued to pat Na Eun’s back. Na Eun let out a loud breathe.
“Let’s go back to practice.” Kairi suggested.
Na Eun brushed her away again and remained silent.  They sat there in silence for a few minutes until Da Seung broke the silence.
“I’m coming in!” He called as he entered the females’ bathroom. Na Eun tensed up, like a cat’s hair when it’s scared.
“You can’t come in here!” Kairi yelled at him like he was crazy. He looked at her for a moment before landing his eyes on Na Eun.
“Na Eun Noona,” He called to her. He walked up to her, like Kairi had and knelt in front of her. “Noona, we’re all worried about you. I’m not sure what happened to make you act like this, but this isn’t you.” He concluded.
“And how would you know.” She shot at him.
Kairi watched as he managed to get her to speak and react more while she couldn’t. She couldn’t help but feel a ping of jealousy as she watched the scene unfold.
“Noona is much strong than this.” He simple stated.
She turned around about to slap him across the face but stopped. He was smiling lightly at her. She turned away from him again as she took in a deep breathe.
“Come on Noona,” He continued patting her lightly on the head. She brushed his hand away.
He looked at her for a moment before continuing. “You want everyone to think you’re easy?” He asked, “They won’t think you’re tough anymore and walk all over you.” He tried to encourage her in a different way.
“I’m NOT!” She shouted at him, slowly turning into her old self. “Get out of here you ert! Who said you could come in here? No one wants you here.”
Da Seung smirked as he looked at her, “Alright I’ll leave. Fix yourself up. We still have practice, unless you want everyone to think your weak.”
She took a deep breathe in about to yell at him but Da Seung was already gone. Kairi was left helping her fix her make-up so it seemed like she was never crying.

Outside Da Seung fell into his quiet self again, noting to leave this moment between the three of them.

Just then Riley passed by and looked at him. “What are you doing?” raising an eyebrow.
“Na Eun and Kairi are together in the bathroom.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m going back to the practice room.” He simple stated and left.
Riley gave him a funny look as he left before she entered the bathroom.
“How’s it going in here?” She asked as things looked mostly normal.
“Unnie is just mad at Haewon, she’s not a fan of working with the boys.” Kairi stated. “We’ll be there in a bit, just get everyone back to the practice room please?” Kairi asked.
Riley nodded, “Alright, I got you.”
She left looking for the rest of the members. One by one she found them and ordered them to go back to the room.
Jihyeon walked next to her, “You found her?” She couldn’t help but ask, “Is she alright?”
Riley smiled, “She’s fine, apparently just like she usually is, I guess she just got sick of working with the guys and need to be away from them.” She repeated what she was told.
“I’m glad that’s all.” Jihyeon smiled as she relayed the message to Haewon.

It wasn’t long till everyone showed up again and began to work. Haewon and Na Eun, were still awkward. She refused to let him touch her, so he just danced a long side her motioning the moves without her as she did the same.
Na Eun couldn’t help but keep glancing towards Da Seung and Kairi. She studied Da Seung and couldn’t help but think something was odd about him. Something she suddenly felt the need to find out.

Finally, Daejung and Minki began to get to know each other more. Their conformability level with each other grew between the time frame Na Eun was missing. Mihi smiled as their work improved.
“I’m going to check on the others, take a break and grab a drink.” She ordered.
They did just that.
“So Hyung,” Minki began. Daejung just looked at her funny. She had recently explained it was a habit she had, but he couldn’t quite get used to it, thought it did make him feel less awkward being alone with a girl. “How do you think the rest of them are doing?” She smirked, “I wonder if Na Eun has bitten any ones’ head off.” She added in a sarcastic manner.
He laughed lightly, “Hopefully she hasn’t yet.”
They smiled at each other as they began to get more comfortable. They began to joke around more with one another, as Minki seemed to be more awake.

Ae Cha was walking around trying to get work done. She couldn’t help but feel that this group would be more work than she signed up for.
A second later, her phone rang causing her to stop in the middle of the hallway. “Hello?” She greeted on the phone, “Chung-Hee!” She said with a smile, “You couldn’t have contacted me at a better time.” She half-lied as she listened to the other end. “The apartment is almost ready?” She repeated his words with a question. “That’s great!” She cheered, “Hopefully the kids will get along better, once they spend more time together.” She said to the person on the other end, “You’ll meet them soon won’t you?” She asked the person. “Oh great!” She replied to whatever he said. “You should stop by tomorrow around 12, they have lunch then.” She instructed the other person. “I’ll announce to them that today.” She replied again to something else he said. “Ok, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Mhmmm. Ok” She replied to him each time, “Alright bye!” She smiled on the phone as call ended.
She had a bright smile on her face as if she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. She looked at the time and made her way to pick up the group members, seeing as their time was up.

Well Na Eun is back, things seem to be back to normal for them lol :D

Anyways I hope to wite the next chapter soon. I'm hoping the next one or the one after will be about them moving into their apartment.

Also a few things (I'm terrible so I'm going to advertise): Check out the apply fic, Mad House she needs more applicant so if it looks interesting to you join it. I too need more applicants for my new apply fic, Bathed in Blood. I'm also a coauthor of two other stories one is an apply fic so check it out, Zodiac While the other is just a story about YouxYoungjae (B.A.P.) called Recorded Heart She is a young writer and I would like to encourage her more so I would appracaite it if you at least check it out. Anyways I think that's it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3