News Release MissU's Newest Member

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)


YS Entertainment continues to promote their lastest Group!

By Unknown Oct. 22, 2012 at 8:30 pm                                                                                                          748392 views | 3647 comments



TS Entertainment releases MissU's latest member, Mister Chance, also known as Chance, his stage name. Chance's birthname is Choi Chanhee. He is MissU's and Mister-E-Us' Lead Dancer and Sub-rapper. He is 18, soon to be 19, years old born on December 17th, 1993. He is the older brother of Teen Top's Chanjo. Chanhee trained at TS Entertainment before he was accpeted into the group. Fans aer excited to know more about him. He even got attention from Teen Top fans, who say that he is as just as good looking as his younger brother.

Congrats NewLife!!!

What do you think of the latest member?

Also, lately I was think of making a zombie Fanfic, I'm watching to much The Walking Dead... should I write one? Would You read it?

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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3