Problem after Problem

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)

The group traveled silently into another area. They knew they were in trouble. They walked into a plain dance studio with mirrors all around. There was no one there, causing Ae Cha to let out a loud sigh.
“Now don’t argue while I’m gone.” She warned the group, “I’ll be right back.”
It was silent for a moment, before groups began to form.
Though it was a co-ed group, it was still greatly divided by gender.
“Hey it’s ok!” Bochil quickly created a group with the leader, Daejung, and Chanhee. “It’s not your fault that she’s evil.” Bochil was talking to Haewon and referring to the incident that happened not to long ago. Haewon gave Bochil a dirty look.
“Hey I’m just saying you were right.” He defended himself, “You said what we were all thinking.” He smirked as the youngest member of the group made her way over to them.
“OPPA!” She began adding a pout. “OPPPPPPPAAAA!” She called again as she grabbed Haewon’s arm and tugged.
He looked at her with an odd expression. They never really talked to one another, but she was hanging onto his arm like they had known each other forever. “What is it, Kairi?” He asked the young girl, not being able to be mad at her after she began her aegyo.
She pouted again, “Don’t be mean to Unnie!” She cried. He looked at her oddly trying to understand.
“Unnie?” He questioned not sure which one she was talking about.
“Na Eun Unnie, don’t be mean to her! You should apologize for what you said.” Kairi shook her finger at Haewon. Haewon couldn’t help but let out a sigh. The girl’s aegyo was keeping him from getting mad but he really felt annoyed.
“ARE YOU CRAZY!?” Bochil cut in. “She’s the one that started it all, she should apologize first.”
Kairi pouted again, “But she didn’t tell you to leave the group.” She glanced at Haewon as he felt a ping of guilty. “Unnie, might not have the best personality, but Unnie still deserve to be in the group.” She looked at her leader with hopeful eyes.
He sighed again, “I can’t apologize right now. Have Jihyeon talk to her. I’ll work hard on not getting angry at her.” He compromised.
Kairi was about to argue back but was cut off, “Now’s not the time, Kairi.” The eldest member spoke.
“But Daejung Oppa!” She whined again.
He shook his head, “We need to give it sometime. Haewon has his pride you know, and Na Eun needs to apologize as well.” He explained to the younger. “Haewon said he would work on his anger towards her. But she also has to work on her attitude,” He noted reasonably, “Tell Jihyeon to help her open up more, you can help with that too, right?” He tried to encourage the younger girl.
Kairi immediately smiled and nodded her head. “Right!” She cheered.
Daejung smiled at her as Haewon watched him. “I’ll be a better leader from now on.” Haewon added, giving Kairi comfort that the group would get a long better.
“THANK YOU OPPA!” She jumped up and hugged him before she skipped away.
Haewon was frozen for a moment. He wasn’t used to the sudden skinship with a girl he barely knew. It took him a moment to regain his posture, as the rest of the guys around him laughed cause him to glare at them.
By this time, Ae Cha had return as another women entered with her. She was tall with a nice body. She wasn’t thin but she was lean and fit. She wore a sports bra and baggy sweat pants with a knitted hat on her head.
She looked around studying the members, “I’m Bang Mi Hi and I’ll be your dance trainer and choreographer for the time being.” She announced herself.
Ae Cha smiled at the girl before touching her shoulder, “I’ll leave them in your care.” She leaned closer to Mihi, “I’m sure you’ll do much better than Jae Sun.” She joked.
Mihi just smiled, “Anyone can work better than that idiot.” She noted as Ae Cha left the room to work on other things.
“Now everyone to the center.” Mihi called them, as she looked them over, “Everyone is so fit.” She smiled. “We’ll start with a warm, we’ll loosen up our bodies, before we stretch. Just follow my movements.” She walked to the front of the room as the music began to play. She danced as the group followed behind her. When that was over, she had them sit on the floor to stretch out their muscle before they began to learn the real dance.
“For this dance there will be partners during the chorus.” She said as she began to look at the members. “You!” She pointed to Daejung first, “You’re with…” She looked around the room for a female partner, “Her.” She point towards Hwang Geum. “You’re both partners so get together.”
As she ordered them to, they moved closer to each other with space between them. “That’s it?” Mihi looked at them with big eyes. “You’re partners, shake hands, get to know each other, you’re working together.” She tried to help get rid of the awkwardness of being in pairs. Hwang Geum took the lead.
“Next is…” She looked around again, “You and You.” She pointed to Chanhee and Minki, who tried to get to know each other like the other pair was forced to.
“Now You and You!” She pointed to Bochil and Riley who followed suit with the rest of the pairs. Mihi continued on, “Now you and you!” She pointed to Jihyeon and Baeyoung. Baeyoung couldn’t help but smirked as he looked towards Jihyeon. Jihyeon just smiled at him before they began to talk.
“Now the two short ones together.” Mihi pointed to the youngests in the group. Kairi and Da Seung were paired together leaving the last pair, Na Eun and Haewon.
“Now I’ll give you a minute to get comfortable with your partner. I know it’s a bit weird but you’ll have to put up with it.”
She gave them a minute to get comfortable with their pair. Most pairs worked out well, besides Haewon and Na Eun, who choose not to talk to each other.
Mihi called the group together, “Now you know the chorus right?” She asked the group as she stood in the front of the room again. “When it begins, the girls sing ‘Come to me,’ when that happens, the men follow the words and go towards your partner.” They did what they were told.
Haewon got close to Na Eun and whispered. “Let’s just work together for the group ok?” He tried to be friendly, but she only ignored him causing him to get frustrated.
“During ‘Tonight, tonight’ hold her hand and spin her around. When it says ‘break it down’ hold her hand up and drop your torso towards the floor.” Mihi ordered. She looked back briefly before continuing. “When you sing, ‘Don’t leave me’ the man has to try and walk away only to have the female pull you back. When the male comes back it’s the woman’s turn to leave. Pull her back into a spin as the words ‘I love you’ play. When ‘Hide carefully’ sounds turn around with the girl still in your arms so that your back is towards the audience and the girl is hidden by the male’s body. Finally, the last ‘I love you,’ the boy will back way and let the girl go as the girl turns around. Kneel to her and make it seem like you are telling her you love her and offer her a hand to which she will accept and the male will spin her off into the next formation.” Mihi explained the whole chorus asking them to work on it.
Over all, they didn’t do badly, but Haewon and Na Eun were having a hard time even holding on to each other.
Mihi let out a sigh, “I guess I’ll start on the next business. Who are the main dancers?” She asked, “Daejung? And Minki?” She knew the names but not the faces.
They stepped forward as she smiled, “You guys will follow me to the next room, I’m teaching you something different. For now you guys work on the routine, those missing a pair will work together for now.” She smiled as the three left the room.
Jihyeon sighed as she walked towards the front of the room, “I guess we should start from the beginning. She returned to her partner Baeyoung, who took her in his hands without any problems. He just smiled at her to which she smiled back. They got along well, however, Baeyoung couldn’t help but have erted thoughts as Jihyeon danced in a ier manner than the other females.
Chanhee and Hwang Geum joined together since neither of them had a partner, and quickly hit if off. Both had outgoing personalities and were able to talk to each other with little problems. They quickly got comfortable with one another and preferred each other to their original partners who seemed a little uncomfortable with the sudden partner work.
Bochil and Riley over all worked well together, however, when Bochil’s jokes went a little to far Riley would get mad at his behavior. Bochil found her reactions amusing and often did it to amuse himself, but when the music began they both became serious and worked hard forgetting the dispute for the time being.
Kairi and Da Seung seemed to get along well enough on their own. Both were rather quite and calm. They both worked hard. However, after each time they danced, Da Seung would pat Kairi’s head and say ‘Good Girl,’ as a way of encouraging her.
Kairi liked it as odd as it was and often gave him a small hug when it was over.
Na Eun and Haewon had the most trouble. They could barely hold hands. It was mostly Na Eun’s fault as she was unused to the contact with someone else, especially a male.
When the music began again, they all danced the chorus with their partner. When the second spin came, Na Eun refused to let Haewon touch her, causing her to trip. Because of this action, Haewon tried to catch her.
He did.
However, when he caught her his hand ended up in a not so proper area. He quickly slid his had down towards her waste in order to pull her up.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He began when she was standing up straight. He removed his hands from her so that he wasn’t touching her at all. His face was red from embarrassment. “I’m really sor-“ He tried to apologize only to be slapped across the face hard.
He held his check with his hand. “OW!” He yelled at her. “I said I was sorry I didn’t mean to!” He tried to explain to her. For a moment he couldn’t see her face. She was oddly quiet for her personality.
By now, everyone in the room was looking at them. When she looked up, he saw her face. Instead of the cold mean face he thought she was going to give her, she had a pout on her lips. Her eyes were lightly gazed as if she was about to cry.
“H-h-hey.” He noticed the changed in personality and tried to reach out to her only to have her knock his hand away. “Are you ok?” He asked a bit confused, “I said I was sorry, I really didn’t mean to.” He tried to explain. He took a step closer to her trying to fix the situation only to get hit hard with another slap as she turned around ran out of the room.
“OW!” He shouted again as he watched her go.
“What did you do?!”  The usually quiet Da Seung asked.
Haewon was confused as he looked around the room, “We were dancing and she tripped so I tried to catch her…” His voice faded as the embarrassment of the moment showed in his face, “I caught her but…” He couldn’t get the words out without turning beat red.
Some of the older group members picked up on the situation. “We have to find her.” Jihyeon began. “She’ll understand if we explain it to her.” In the back of her mind Jihyeon couldn’t help but think, ‘I hope.’
Though some of the group didn’t like her, they knew it was the right thing to do. They all headed out in search of Na Eun.

So I got to write more this time, but at the same time I still didn't get to write all I wanted to. I'll write more later. I hope you enjoyed :D

New Character:

Bang Mi HI- Dance Trainer

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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3