Mix-It-Up Playlist (Music Video Review Shop)


Ever wanted a blast from the past or something new to jam to that you didn't bother listening to before? Well, I, HelloKelly, will be picking out random Music Videos (in some cases a song if there is no video) and I will review the music video and song. 

I will try and look into each Music Video and Song with a professional overview, along with giving my personal opinon. In some cases I may be biased because lets be honest, I'm only human and I am not a professional. This is something I'll be doing on my own, so please keep that in mind. If you feel offended or if you get mad at me for disliking a song, I'm sorry. It is a personal opinion and I'm am very open to hearing other people's opinion.

So please feel free to comment with whatever you'd like. If you do disagree with me, please keep the harsh words to a minimum. I don't mind hearing your opinion, but swears and bashing are just plain rude, so be nice. :D

Anyways thank you!

*Also, please welcome my co-author, leejoon4ever123. She will also be reviewing videos as well. Once in a while we will do a review together.

* I, HelloKelly, will be accepting album reviews and Video comparisons. The Album reviews will only be for the songs on the album and not the music videos. The comparisons will be for two different music videos and I will compare them and maybe have a poll on who people that was better. These you can also request.

Should I start doing polls for which video I shold do next?



I am willing to take requests. 

The music video or song can be any genre and from any artist.

This isn't restricted to Kpop, however, I very much enjoy it and will most likely will be reviewing a lot of them on my own.

If you do choose to request a song, please give the following information:

Username: (So I know who requested it)

Reviewer: (HelloKelly, leejoon4ever123, or both*)

Artist: (Person or Group singing)

Song Title: (What is the song called)

Song Link: (A Youtube link to the song/music video so it is easier for me to find and that I choose the right one)

*In the case you wish both of us to review a song, it will take longer nice we only review together about once a week and may not be able to do it every week.

*In the case of an album, please write the Artist and the Ablum, please also state you want an album review and if you do have a youtube link that's great. If not it's ok. (Only HelloKelly)

*In the case of a comparison, please write Both Artists and Both Song Titles as well as giving me both Youtube Links so I pick the right two music videos. (Only HelloKelly)

When done filling this out please post in comments and I will try to get to it as soon as possible.

Please remember, if you request, you can choose anything. It can be from the early 90's. It can be American music. As long as it's music I will review it.

These are different definitions to the word music. Some people will call certain songs music, while others aren't. We all have different tastes, so please understand that. I will review anything that follows under the definitions.


*World English Dictionary
music  (ˈmjuːzɪk) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
— n
1. an art form consisting of sequences of sounds in time, esp tones ofdefinite pitch organized melodically, harmonically, rhythmically andaccording to tone colour
2. such an art form characteristic of a particular people, culture, ortradition: Indian music rock music baroque music
3. the sounds so produced, esp by singing or musical instruments
4. written or printed music, such as a score or set of parts
5. any sequence of sounds perceived as pleasing or harmonious
6. rare  a group of musicians: the Queen's music
7. music to one's ears  something that is very pleasant to hear: hisnews is music to my ears


* This definition is taken from Dictionary.com. They are not my words. Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/music



Chapter 1: Overview

Chapter 2Primary Ft. Choiza (Dynamic Duo) and Zion.T - Question mark

Chapter 3:  Girls' Generation - I Got A Boy

Chapter 4: Electroboyz and Bigstar- K-Food Day

Chapter 5: BToB- Wow

Chapter 6: Roh Ji Hoon- Punishment

Chapter 7: B.A.P. - Rain Sound

Chapter 8: ONE OK ROCK- じぶんROCK

Chapter 9: B.A.P. - One Shot (Special) 

Chapter 10: Sunny Hill- Goodbye To romance

Chapter 11: OFFROAD - Bebop (Coming Soon)

Chapter 12: ZE:A-FIVE - The Day We Broke Up (Coming Soon)





Coming Soon

 HelloKelly: OFFROAD- Bebop, B.A.P. -OneShot (Special)


Together: ZE:A-FIVE - The Day We Broke Up




Reviewed - In Process - Declined - On Hold


Empirekids9 - ZE:A-FIVE - The Day We Broke Up






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Chapter 9:
umm... in Yongguk's bad English..... it has a meaning here:


hello ^^ i really love this song so i want to see what people think about it. the mv is i think about them camping to forget the breakups. help me understand the mv please?

username : EmpireKids9
reviewers: both
Artist: ze:a5
Song Title: the day we broke up

Song Link: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1M1beIdYUl0&;desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1M1beIdYUl0
Hi. :D wanna be affiliates? :3