Announcing the Member/End of Party (Party Part 5)

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)

 Refresher: For all those that have been accepted please follow the rules, or something will mysteriously happen to you character, and they will be replaced!

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If you need a refresher go back to the main page, but these are the important ones to remember.

After they had played many games, Ae Cha called the group together. This party wasn’t only for the trainees to become more comfortable with each other, it was also a party to congratulate the members of MissU, who she was getting ready to announce.  
“Everyone, come over here for a moment, I have an important announcement before we can have a special dessert and you guys can go home.” Ae Cha made sure she had everyone’s attention before she continued. Sure enough, all eyes were on her, waiting to hear the important news. “We have finally come to a conclusion to whom the members of MissU will be.” There was silence at first. People suddenly became nervous and excited. They all thought they could be the one.
Ae Cha cleared . “Anyways, I will start to call out the latest members of MissU. But first, may the leaders join me on stage.”
As if it was staged, the to leaders where standing on either side of her within seconds. Ae Cha looked at them and smiled before she continued. “Alright, The members of MissU are…” She paused before gesturing towards Haewon, “Kim Haewon, Yoon Jihyeon.” She did the same gestured towards her before looking out towards the audience, “Yoon Daejung…”
There was a cheer for the area in which the called member was standing. However, it wasn’t him, but his friend Bochil. Daejung was too shocked to realize he had just been called. Haewon gave his elder a thumbs up, before a widely grin grew on Daejung’s face and made his way towards the front of the room. When he got on stage, he exchanged high fives with Haewon before turning towards the audience to see who else made it.
“Lee Riley!” Ae Cha continued to call, as there was another cheer in the crowd. Riley was smiling like crazy. She made her way up stage and waved to her other members that stood before her, before following suit and waiting for the next member.
“Next is…” Ae Cha paused for effect, “Choi Chanhee.” Choi Chanhee just stood up and smirked. He was happy and his friends around him cheered as well. He couldn’t help but laugh at them as he waved and stood up on stage. He shook hands with Haewon and Daejung as he glanced at the females in the group and flashed them a warm smile.
“Choi Kairi!” Ae Cha announced as soon as the cheering died from when Chanhee entered the stage. But once again the cheering picked up, as Kairi stepped forward. She was blushing a little as her lips twitched upward. She quietly and calmly walked up stage before she greeted her new members.
Again Ae Cha wasted no time before announcing the next member, “Lee Bochil!” There was a loud shout, as Bochil smirked and strutted up towards the stage. His head was held high as if he knew he would be called before he was called. Once again, he greeted his friends before giving a big smile towards the females.
Next Ae Cha called, “Song Hwang Geum.” Hwang Geum cheered as she ran towards the stage. She was smiling and had a strong air around her; she knew it was her time to shine. She smiled at Jihyeon and gave her a look as if to say ‘I knew I could do it.’
“Kim Da Seung,” Ae Cha called the next member.  Da Seung looked up and walked up quietly towards the stage. He was rather quiet for someone who just got into a group, but those looking at him could tell he was happy with his hard work and only looked to work harder in the future.
“Umeda Minki,” Ae Cha continued to call the members once Da Seung made it on stage. Minki was tired from all the events and had a dull look on her face as she dragged her feet there. It that she wasn’t happy, she was simply too tired at the moment.
“And our last male member is…” Ae Cha continued down the list of members before calling, “Kim Baeyoung.” Baeyoung lightly smiled as he made his way towards the stage. He didn’t completely know the members yet but he had a feeling that the ones on stage would all get along well enough.
“And our finally member!” Ae Cha began to call as everyone looked at her with hopeful eyes, only one of them got to be chosen and they all wanted to be that person. Ae Cha took a deep breath, “Jang Na Eun!” She shouted the last name as everyone looked around in the audience. There were a few groans as Na Eun made her way on stage. Her head was held high as if to look down on everyone else. She made it on stage and made a point to glare at the male members of the group before looking over the female members. She huffed and turned towards the front waiting for the rest of the announcement to be over.
“There you have it!” Ae Cha cheered. “Here is are your newest members of MissU and their sub-groups, Mister-E-Us and Miss TrUss. Everyone lets give them a round of applause. Of course there was a cheer though many people were unhappy they didn’t make it, they still cheered for their friends.
When that was done, Alanna wheeled in a big cake congratulating MissU.
“Alright everyone lets gather around and wish them luck for their upcoming debut!” Ae Cha gathered the group members around the cake and lit the candles. Together they blew them out and cheered before Alanna cut the cake and handed it out to everyone.
As everyone ate, there were congratulations being exchanged, and in further parts of the room, mummers about how some members didn’t deserve to be there.
Ae Rin jumped up to join Minki, Hwang Geum, and Jihyeon. She was trying to smile for her elders.
“Congratulations guys!” She cheered as she jumped up and down. “I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to see you on stage. I guess I’ll just have to try harder to get into the next group!” She laughed awkwardly trying to hide the fact she was disappointed she didn’t make it.
Hwang Geum looked at her and smiled, “Thank you. You’ll make it next time.” She promised before pulling the younger girl into a hug and patted her back. “Don’t be to hard on yourself.” Hwang Geum whispered in her ear. It was then that Ae Rin had a hard time holding back her tears but knew now was not the time to cry over her loss.
“Yeah!” Jihyeon joined in. “You’ll be in the next group, and we’ll be there to cheer you on.” She smiled
Ae Rin nodded at her elder, “I’ll still see you guys around right?” She couldn’t help but ask not wanting to lose her friends.
“Of course, you can come visit when ever you want!” Hwang Geum promised.
“We’ll keep you posted when we are free.” Jihyeon made it sound more reasonable. Ae Rin nodded feeling a little bit better about herself, she just had to try harder for next time.
Jae Rin greeted Riley and gave her a hug. “Good Job!”  She cheered, “I’m going to miss seeing you around.” She added.
Riley laughed, “I’m not going anywhere. We will still see each other.” She promised “Just make sure you make it into the next group that way we can share he same stage.” She tried to lighten the mood.
Jae Rin smiled, “Of Course I will, just wait for me.”
Riley nodded and the shock hands to make the promise complete.
Else where, Bochil was cheering with his friends only to be pulled away quietly. It was Kyuchae. They looked at each other for a moment, before she decided to speak first. Bochil, knew it was unlike her, and listened carefully to every word. “Congratulations!” She smiled at him, “you better work hard and not goof off.” She began to inform him, “I want to see you at your best, if your not I won’t forgive you.” Bochil laughed before she continued, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be up on that stage with you in no time. But while I’m not there to keep you straight, you better be on your best behavior.” She joked lightly, but half meant it.
Bochil laughed before patting her shoulder. “Don’t worry I’ll be perfect. Don’t be too lonely without me around.” He winked at her adding his own joke.
Kyuchae fell back into her silent demeanor as Bochil returned to his group of friends who were celebrating the latest group.

And there you have it! The party is over and the members are chosen! Congrats to all who made it! I hope you guys like it!

Next Chapter is the group practicing together! Let's see how they get along!

Also, mist07859, I'm still having trouble accessing your blog please do something about it so I can continue writing the story, without it I can't write your character! If you need to please just send the whole application to my PM, if you really can't have the blog up!

Anyways thank you all that's if for now! I hope you enjoyed it!


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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3