Practice Makes Prefect....?

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)

 Now that the fun and games was over, it was time to get down to business. The next day Ae Cha had a packed schedule laid out for the members of MissU.
“Good Morning!” She greeted in a cheery voice as the tired kids groaned. Ae Cha just smiled at them as she directed them towards the room they would be working in.  “You will start with your vocal training.” She brought them into a room with a piano attached to a recording studio through a sealed soundproof door. “You will begin work immediately on your debut songs, following the other songs on the CD.” She quickly began to explain.
There was a pause as a man entered the room from the recording studio. He had a lanky body, long hair and full lips. As he looked at the kids, he smirked.
“Perfect timing!” Ae Cha clapped her hands in delight as she looked at the man. He just smiled back at her. “This is Nam Jae Sun. He will be your vocal director.  He helped compose both of the sub-group’s debut songs and has spoken with the composer of MissU’s debut song and understands what needs to be done to make you perform it at the highest level.” Ae Cha introduced him. “I will leave you in his care. I’ll be back in 3 hours before your next practice.” She smiled as she left the room, leaving the young members with the strange man.
He looked at them for a moment before speaking, “So who are the vocals?” He asked the group waiting for them to answer.
“I am the Male Main Vocal, Kim Haewon.” The leader was quick to introduce himself, “We also have Kim Da Seung our Male Lead Vocalist, Riley Keller the Female Main Vocalist and Choi Kairi our Female Lead Vocalist.” After Haewon introduced the members in question, he waited for what the man wanted next.
Jae Sun just looked at the four, studying them for a moment. “That’s too difficult to remember,” He stated calmly. “You’re male 1.” He pointed to Haewon. “Male 2” he poked Da Seung. “Female 1” He looked towards Riley, “and Female 2.” He turned towards the youngest. “You will be assigned cardio for everyday. If you do not do as I assign you, I won’t allow you to sing.”
He turned for a moment before looking at the rest of the group. “Sub-vocal’s step forward.” He ordered. Daejung stepped forward a little uncomfortable as Minki followed suit.
“You’re the dancers?” He questioned after getting a good look at them.
Daejung answered still not comfortable with the man, though he knew he would be in time, or at least he hoped. “Yes we are.”
Jae Sun nodded as he thought, “You will be required to do vocal warm ups every day. Once in the morning when you wake up and once before you go to sleep. You will be warming up with me as well. If you don’t this, you won’t be allowed to sing.” He warned just as he did with the vocalist.
He ignored them after that and looked at the rest of the group. “And you must be the rappers.” He smirked. Na Eun glared at him. She didn’t like him the moment he stepped into the room and she felt her anger build up inside her as he spoke to them.
She was about to say something back at him but Riley grabbed her arm. Na Eun quickly looked at her and glared ripping her arm away from her. For the moment, her anger was directed elsewhere.
Jae Sun saw the moment and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Rappers will have to do both cardio and vocal warm ups. As before, those who don’t do it won’t be allowed to, in this case, rap. Sub-rapper just work on the vocal warm ups.” He let them off the hock as he smirked at Na Eun.
She was about to shout at him but was cut off once again.
“How would you know if we did or didn’t do it?” Hwang Geum asked a little annoyed he was forcing them to do work.
Jae Sun just smirked. “I’ll know,” he simple answered before moving towards the piano. “Here is the sheet music for your debut song, ‘Why?’  Study it before we begin working on it. I’ll give you 5 minutes to read over it. You have 2 minutes to ask questions. We will listen to the song once, then we will begin work. Your parts have been marked.” He quickly planned everything out. “Ready?” He smirked once again. “GO!” He cheered before the kids had time to complain or argue back.
Though people wanted to argue back at the odd man, they were more curious about the music selection. They began to skim through it.  Some worked together reading it, but other’s like Na Eun, worked on her own avoiding the crowd.
The 5 minutes ended as soon as it started and Jae Sun allowed questions to be asked. The group was unsure of what to ask him. Since they could understand how to read music, they didn’t think there was much to ask.
When that 2 minutes ended, Jae Sun played their first debut song, followed by the two other sub-group debut songs. When that was finished he brought everyone together.
“Should we try it once?” He asked. A chorus of yes’ followed. He smiled, “Alright then, lets begin.”
The instrumental music began to play, as the group followed along with their sheet music, singing when they each had to sing.
“Ok OK stop stop stop” Jae Sun waved his hands around, ending the song early. He studied the group again with a frown.
“WOULD YOU STOP LOOKING AT US LIKE THAT?!” Na Eun’s temper finally broke.
Baeyoung remained silent and watched the scene unfold, taking notes in his head about how each member reacted towards different situations.
Jae Sun looked at her with a smirk. “We got a fiery one here.” He joked.
Na Eun was about to say something back but was once again cut off.
“She has point.” Riley spoke up as she folded her arms and looked at Jae Sun. “You’re not really teaching us anything. You’re ordering us around and telling us what to do, while you stare at us in a creepy manner.”
Na Eun wanted to argue back at Riley for cutting her off, but seeing as she was on her side for the moment, she let her off the hook.
Jae Sun just laughed again, “Oh, to be young.” He joked again, “You guys don’t know anything yet. Start the song over.” He ignored their complaints and tried to start them up again.
“Why should we?” Na Eun shot back, “We barely have any parts.”
Jae Sun sighed, “That’s what happens why you join a group, especially as big as yours. Be happy you got any lines, we can just take it away from you if you don’t fit the part.” He smirked adding fuel to the fire.
Na Eun gripped her hands together, it looked like she was about to explode, but someone jumped in before her.
“ENOUGH!” A loud voice sounded, “Excuse me hyung, but I would prefer it, if you taught us the songs with less jokes, to you we may just be kids, but we worked hard to get here, so please be more professional about your mannerisms.” Haewon was annoyed at everyone’s reactions and everyone could tell it was radiating from his skin.  
“I will when you will.” Jae Sun shot back.
The rest of the practice continued like that. He would send them away to work on their own, allow them to ask questions, make them sing and stop them only to have another argument break out.
When the three hours were up, Ae Cha walked in on another argument.
“Will you stop that? You keep doing it wrong! It’s your fault we always have to stop and start over again.” Na Eun was yelling once more.
“Maybe I’d do it better if someone kept on beat.” Hwang Geum argued back.
“Stop it, both of you!” Jihyeon tried to stop the argument, but neither girl back down.
When Haewon tried his shot at it again it only backfired. “You’re the worst!” Na Eun shouted at him, “You think you’re so great because you’re the leader! Well, you’re not my leader and you will never be. You can’t even keep the group in line without losing your temper. Some leader you are.” She huffed at him.
“Well, maybe the group would be better without you.” He spat at her, “You complain about everyone and everything. It’s your fault no one can work together. If you don’t like us then leave the group, we never asked you to be in it anyways.” He was fuming.
“Maybe I don’t want to be it this stupid group.” She glared back at him as she stomped away from him.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Ae Cha raised her voice causing the room to fall silent immediately. “Jae Sun!” She looked around the room for the man, “ I left you to teach them and look what is going on.” She pointed to the kids arguing.
He shrugged his shoulders, “They have no discipline, it’s your own fault.”
Ae Cha glared at him before turning to the group members. “Get ready for your next practice.” She ordered in a low voice. She was incredibly mad and the group members didn’t question her, they got ready immediately and left the room.
Jae Sun laughed, “They’re an interesting group.” His tone grew happy. “I was just letting them blow off some steam.” He confessed to her with a hardy laugh.
“That wasn’t blowing off steam.” She glared at him. “We only have so many days to the debut and you can’t even teach them one song. You’re discipline is just as bad as theirs.” With that, she stalked away to follow the group members to their next practice.
Jae Sun just sighed as he watched them leave. He walked into the recording studio and laid down, falling asleep until his next training group began.

So I didn't get all I wanted to get into this chapter but I thought this was a good place to stop.

Anyways new character:

Nam Jae Sun- Vocal Trainer/Composer - 27 years old

I will focus on more character's next chapter sorry if I didn't get to feature your character as much. :/ I'll work hard on it for next time. The next chapter will still involve training.


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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3