Avoiding you, kissing you

Will I ever be able to see you?

I'm so sorry for updating so late! My other story is going really well and I just had to upload something there first. And, to be honest, I had a little writers block. ;) Now it's over and I will update another chapter soon!

Enjoy and comment! Those really pull me through my boring life. ;)



A week later Min Jee was released. Key and Minho came to pick her up. 

"Jonghyun isn't with you?" She asked when she noticed they were just with the two of them. 

It was quiet for a while. "No, he... uhm... He had something to do." Minho said uncomfortable. Min Jee sighed.

Jonghyun had been avoiding her all week, ever since she had asked him to sing for her. She really didn't get what the problem was. Singing had been his life, if she had to believe his friends. 

"Well, let's go. Your aunt is waiting for you at our home. We insisted to pick you up." Key said and he took her hand. Together they walked out of the hospital. Min Jee had talked with her aunt and they both had agreed that she would stay at least two weeks at the boy's. After a week in the hospital being visited almost every day by one of the boys (except Jonghyun unfortunately) she didn't really mind anymore. She had discovered that all the boys were really nice and dorky. 

She smiled when she thought about Onew. He could sometimes say something totally irrelevant and that always made her laugh. 'Onew Condition' the other boys called it. She liked his dorkyness. Key was a real diva. He always was the one to make her feel pretty. He did her hair while talking to her and sometimes she felt like he was her best girlfriend in stead of guyfriend.

She giggled. Minho, in contrary, was really reserved. He was kind and calm and when they were alone, she could really talk with him. It seemed he understood her better than anyone. 

Taemin was just too cute for words. His laugh and the things he said could make her laugh even on her saddest day. She had began to love all the boys. She only hoped Jonghyun would also accept her. 



"Welcome home!"

Hana and the rest of the boys all hugged her when she came walking into the room. Min Jee laughed. "Thanks, guys! Can you give me some space, please. I can't breath." 

Soon they all sat down in the living room. "So who are all here?" Min Jee asked and she let her blind eyes glide over the boys.

"Everyone except... Uhm well, except Jonghyun." Minho said hesitantly. Min Jee's smile faded a little, but she soon recovered it. 

"Oh thank you guys so much! You really helped me realize my life isn't worthless." She said and she hugged Taemin who was sitting next to her. The boys all laughed. 

"Of course, everything for you, my dear." Her aunt answered. "I have to go now, but please call me if there's anything want to talk with me about." She said and she stood up. She hugged Min Jee before she said goodbye to the boys.

The moment she left the room, Jonghyun came walking in. Min Jee didn't see it, but felt the tension in the air rise. *Oh good, Jonghyun must be here. Now the fun really begins.* She thought and she sighed.

"I think we will begin to prepare dinner, right guys? Let's leave those two alone for a while." Key said and he walked out of the living room. The other boys immediately followed. 

When Min Jee was alone with Jonghyun, it became quiet for a few minutes. She heard Jonghyun walking to the chair on the opposite of her. She waited patiently till he would begin talking. 

"Min Jee.... I'm sorry I didn't visit you the last week. I just couldn't face you. I know it's not an excuse, but-" 

"Jonghyun, I don't care. It really hurt me when you stalked away after I asked you that question. I don't really understand why that question made such an impression on you, but you could have explained it to me, instead of stalking off. After that, you just didn't come by for a week. A WEEK! Don't you know how miserable I felt? Just think about another for a change!" Min Jee didn't mean to come off so angry, but she just couldn't contain herself anymore. 

It remains quiet for a while. 

"I know I was wrong. I should have just told you why I don't ever want to sing anymore. I'm sorry, but you're not an angel yourself, you know! Who was the one to cut her wrist when she was just in a fight with her aunt? That's not normal to do and by the way I had already told you I didn't want to sing anymore. You don't have the right to get that mad at me. I know I didn't do the right thing, but look at yourself for a change. You're not perfect either!" 

Min Jee felt the tears burn behind her eyelids. She had her eyes closed, but she opened them now. She looked at where she thought Jonghyun sat and stared at him. Slowly the tears started to roll down her face. 

"Maybe... Maybe I should leave the house. I thought we could work it out, but now I know we will never work it out." She whispered and she stood up.

"Wait, Min Jee!" She heard Jonghyun yell when she walked out of the room. 

The next moment she felt two arms around her waist. "Don't leave. I didn't mean to fall out that way. Please let's try to get on with each other. I just don't want to lose you." Jonghyun whispered in her ear and Min Jee felt a shiver go down her spine. They stood like that for a while when Min Jee turned around.

Jonghyun saw the tears on her face and he gently wiped them away. "You know what? Let's make a deal: you'll never ask me about singing and I will never remind you of your wrist cutting okay?" He hugged again.

Min Jee nodded and pulled him closer. Yes, she did want to get on with Jonghyun. More than with anyone else, she realized. 

"Can I still ask you one favor?" She asked while she pulled back. 

"Of course, Minnie." Jonghyun said and Min Jee smiled. She liked her nickname.

"Can I touch your face? I want to know how you look and maybe if I touched your face I can make a picture in my head." She rambled on. She stopped when Jonghyun grabbed her hand.

"Of course. That favor I can do you." He said and he brought her hand to his face.

Slowly Min Jee let her hands glide over his forehead, over his nose, over his eyelids and his cheeks. At last she let her fingers glide over his lips and she blushed. She imagined how those lips would feel on hers and she heard Jonghyun chuckle.

"What are you imagining, Minnie?" He asked teasingly. She blushed even deeper now.

"N-Nothing." She whispered, but she couldn't help but smile. 

Jonghyun took her hands away from his face and Min Jee felt a pang of disappointment in her heart.

Then she felt something on her lips. Something warm and moist.

Jonghyuns hands slit around her waist and he pulled her closer. 

Suddenly Min Jee realized what he was doing.

*He's kissing me!*

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I will update tomorrow! Please wait for it. ^_^


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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going to.be a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)