The last day

Will I ever be able to see you?

"Welcome home!"

Min Jee freed herself from the hug and walked to the guys, hugging them. They all laughed.

"Well, we did came back on the right moment. Congrats!" Minho said and he hugged Jonghyun who had also come to his friends. 

Lily was still standing a little scared at a distance watching the strange guys. Key was the first one to notice her. "Well, hello. You must be Lily. What a beautiful girl you are. Come on, I won't bite you." He said and he smiled at her. Lily hesitated for a few moments, but then walked to Key and let him hug her. She smiled brightly looking at Min Jee. Min Jee felt her looking winked at her. She was glad Lily adjusted so well to a new situation. 

After the hugs and congratulations they all went to sit in the backyard. It was beautiful weather and while they were enjoying the sun, the boys told all kind of stories form their little trip. Lily in the meanwhile had jumped on Min Jee's lap and started to doze off in the hot sun. 

"Now it's your turn to tell us something. For example: how did you two come together?" Taemin asked curious after all the stories had been told. 

Min Jee blushed. Jonghyun looked at her and smiled. He began to tell the story from the moment Lily had come walking in. Min Jee noticed he didn't tell about the breakfast kiss that morning and she was glad he didn't. That was something between them. 

Lazy she caressed Lily's hair and a loving smile came on her face. She knew the farewell tomorrow would be difficult, but it was inescapable. Listening to Jonghyun's voice she felt becoming sleepy. She yawned and closed her eyes. The familiar darkness was for once a comfortable place. 

"And that's when I told her I loved her." Jonghyun said and he looked at Min Jee again. The boys all looked at her too and they smiled. Min Jee had fallen asleep with Lily on her lap. The two girls lay there in total peace enjoying the sun and their nap.

"You've done well, Jong. I'm glad you gave Min Jee something to live for again." Key said and the other guys nodded. 

"I was almost afraid you wouldn't dare to act on your feelings and that she would eventually not wait any longer, but luckily you weren't as stupid as I expected." Onew teased and Jonghyun playfully slapped him. 

"You really love her, don't you?" Taemin suddenly said and Jonghyun blushed while he nodded. 

"I really love her, guys, and I'm not planning on leaving her any time soon." He said and his friends nodded content.

"She has an appointment with the doctor next week, right? To check for her sight again?" Minho then asked and Jonghyun felt his smile fading. 

"Yes, but I'm afraid nothing has changed since last time." He whispered and they looked at Min Jee. She had a little smile on her face and was sleeping peacefully. No one would guess that girl had been through so much already in her short life. 



The next day they decided to go to the park to enjoy the nice weather. Because it was the last day Lily was with them, they wanted to make the day as fun as possible. Hana would come to pick her up just after dinner. 

From the moment Min Jee had waken up, she felt strange. Like something was different today. She didn't know what so she tried to push the thought aside. While having breakfast she unconsciously rubbed her eyes. They itched a little, but Sakura didn't pay too much attention to it. She was convinced it would go away after a while, but it didn't. It was even getting worse. 

Jonghyun noticed her rubbing her eyes furiously when they were in the park. "Babe, what's the matter? Why are you rubbing your eyes?" He asked worried, but Min Jee shook her head. She didn't want to worry Jonghyun if she didn't even know what it was.

"It's nothing. They're just itching a bit. Don't worry it will go away." She assured him and she smiled putting her hands down. The moment she knew Jonghyun wasn't looking she started rubbing again. *Man, why do they itch that much?* She thought irritated. She put her hands down again and tried to ignore the itch, but after a few seconds her eyes started to tear up. She started to rub them again and wished she knew what was happening.

"Unnie, what are you doing?" 

Lily was standing beside her and Min Jee could hear her worries in her voice. She managed to smile and forced her hands down again.

"It's nothing, sweetie. Shall I play with you for a while? What do you want to do?" She asked and she was glad when she noticed Lily wasn't still focused on her. The last thing she needed was a worried little girl who she cared for way too much to let her worry.

Lily agreed happily and with some effort Min Jee stood up.

Jonghyun looked at her while she walked with Lily to the grass to play with her. He watched her play and noticed she was still rubbing her eyes now and then.

"Hyung, something is not right with Min Jee." He said worried to Onew and Onew nodded.

"I've noticed it too. There is something with her eyes. I hope nothing is seriously wrong. She's blind already. I just hope she can keep her eyeballs." He said and Jonghyun looked at him in terror.

"You can't be serious, right?!" He asked shocked, but Onew looked really serious.

"Well, I've heard enough cases of people who became blind by an accident and eventually lost their eyes because of infection and stuff." He explained and he immediately felt stupid for bringing this up when he saw Jonghyun's face. A look of pure angst and terror had taken over the face of the younger boy while he looked at his girlfriend.

"Hyung, what's the matter?" Minho asked worried when he saw his face. Jonghyun didn't answer and just continued staring at Min Jee. She seemed to notice and looked into their reaction. She couldn't see anything anyway so she shrugged and went on playing with Lily.

Onew quickly filled in the other guys, but emphasized he wasn't sure either. The other boys now understood Jonghyun's expression and also felt anxious.

"I'm going to move her doctor's appointment to tomorrow." Jonghyun suddenly decided and he grabbed his telephone. Quickly he dialed the number and ten minutes everything was settled.

"Don't you have to talk about this with Min Jee?" Taemin asked hesitated, but Jonghyun shook his head determined.

"No, she would just try to deny it. This way she'll have to go tomorrow." He said and the other boys had to agree. Min Jee wasn't girl who would soon admit something was wrong. They just hoped everything was still alright and they looked at the playing girls again.

Min Jee wasn't aware of the talk from the guys. She was too busy trying to hide the itching feeling of her eyes from Lily. It seemed it became worse every second. Suddenly she couldn't hold it in anymore and she growled. Lily looked at her in surprise.

"What's the matter, Unnie?" She asked worried, but Min Jee didn't answer. She fell on the ground squeezing her eyes shut, rubbing them like crazy and wishing the pain would disappear. Lily just stood there not knowing what do to and eventually ran to the guys. 

Jonghyun looked up when he heard Lily coming. He immediately saw what was wrong and jumped to his feet. He ran to Min Jee and hoped everything was still alright with her. 

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I will update tomorrow! Please wait for it. ^_^


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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)