How about singing?

Will I ever be able to see you?

The boys all looked surprised when they heard a little scream coming from upstairs. 

"What is she doing?" Jonghyun asked out loud. The four other boys shook their head. They didn't know either. 

"I'm going to take a look." Jonghyun said and he walked out of the room. The others looked at each other in concern. They hoped nothing was wrong with Min Jee. 

"Min Jee, is everything alright?" Jonghyun called when he reached the first floor. He didn't know where she was, so he started to look in every room one by one. He didn't find her in any of the rooms and she didn't answer either.
"Min Jee! Where are you?" Jonghyun slowly felt panic coming and he looked at the one door he hadn't opened yet: the bathroom door. He swallowed. If she was in there and still hadn't answered Jonghyun had a hence at what she'd done there, but he hoped he was wrong. 

Slowly he walked towards the door and opened it. He knew his hence was right the moment he saw the bright red blood on the floor and he felt himself going dead white.

"Guys... Guys! Quick, call an ambulance! Just... go! Do something! She cut herself!" Jonghyun screamed while not able to move. He heard the boys downstairs curse and soon after that Onew and Minho came into the bathroom.

"Oh my god... She didn't..." That was all Minho was able to say. He looked in shock at the blood on the floor and felt lightheaded. 
"Hyung, we really have to get her to the hospital. Key is already calling an ambulance." He insisted when he saw Jonghyun standing there in shock. Jonghyun slowly nodded and then seemed to come back to reality.

"Okay. Onew, call her aunt. She has to know what happened. Minho, would you clean up this mess?" He asked at his friend and he took Min Jee in his arms. *I hope we're not too late.* He thought while he carried her downstairs. 

The ambulance came racing down the street not more than five minutes later. Those five minutes felt like eternity for the boys. They had tried to stop the bleeding by pouting a towel around her wrist.

When they were about to give her to the doctors, Hana came walking in, hysterically crying. "Where is she? Is she alright?! Oh my god, this is all my fault. I fought with her. My poor baby..." She couldn't say more because of the tears and collapsed in Onews arms. He seemed a little uncomfortable with that, but he knew she needed comfort now, so he let her stay. 

The boys and Hana all went with the ambulance to the hospital where Min Jee was brought to the emergency room. She disappeared in the room and the boys and Hana had to wait till they would get news. Nervously they sat them selves down in the waiting room, hoping for good news. 

Thirty minutes went by before a doctor came to them asking if they were here for Lee Min Jee. The boys and Hana all nodded and the doctor gestured them to come along.

While walking to the hospital room, the doctor explained the situation. "She's still not out of danger, but she's at least stable. She's in a coma right now and if she makes it through the night there will be a change she will get better. You found her right in time. A few minutes later and she would be dead."

The boys all looked at each other in shock. They didn't know it had been such a close call.
They entered a room full of machines peeping and buzzing and in the midst of it, Min Jee lay in her bed. She was dead white and was barely breathing.

Hana rushed to the niece and broke out in tears again. Jongyun put a arm around her shoulder while looking down on the girl he thought was so special. She looked so vulnerable now. Her skin was as white as snow and when Jonghyun touched her hand, she was really cold. 

The other boys went to the other side of Min Jee and stared down on her. They really hoped she would survive, 'cause they knew how much Jonghyun already cared for this girl. 

After a while Hana calmed down a bit  they had to leave the room. Hana could stay in the hospital that night, but the boys had to go back home. Reluctantly they walked out of the hospital and went home by taxi. They would stay in touch with Hana about Min Jee's condition, so they didn't have to worry if they would miss something. 



"How is she doing? Still no change?"

Jonghyun came walking into the room Min Jee was laying in. She had survived the first night, but was still in coma. It had been four days now since the accident and she still didn't show any sign of waking up any time soon. She had a little more color on her face now, but she was still breathing very lightly.

Hana looked at the boy standing beside her. Jonghyun had been the only one of the boys to visit Min Jee every day. Hana felt very grateful to him, because she knew he had his own sorrow to cope with. 

"Still no change. The doctors find it strange she's still not awake. I hope she will wake up soon." She said. "I'm going down to get something to eat. Will you stay with her?" She asked the boy and Jonghyun nodded. Hana walked out of the room and Jonghyun was alone with Min Jee.

He took her hand and squeezed it. He hated the way she looked right now. He touched her forehand very lightly and let his finger slide over her cheek. When he touched her eyelashes, he felt them move. Shocked he pulled back his hand and looked very carefully to her face. 

Slowly Min Jee opened her eyes. She looked confused, but when she noticed Jonghyun sitting beside her she smiled. 
"Min Jee? Can you hear me?" Jonghyun asked carefully. He didn't want to get exited too soon, but Min Jee nodded. 

"Oh my god, Min Jee. Don't you know how worried we were? Never ever do that again, arrasso?" He yelled and he hugged her tightly. Min Jee didn't know what was happening, but let it all just happen. 

"Jonghyun, what am I doing here?" She asked when he finally let go. 

"You cut yourself after a fight with Hana. Luckily we found you just in time. You've been in coma for four days now." He explained and he saw that Min Jee was surprised.

"Oh yeah, now I remember. I wanted to see my parents so bad, I just couldn't live on anymore. My life is nothing now that I can't see anything anymore. Don't you know how it feels to explain every time to people why I don't look at them when I talk to them." She whispered while she felt a tear run down her face.

"I understand how you feel, but that's not the way to solve it, Min Jee." Jonghyun said while he wiped the tear away. "I've lost my mother just barely a week ago and now I was about to lose you too. Please don't do that to me."

Min Jee turned her head towards him. "Do I mean that much to you?" She asked surprised and Jonghyun felt himself go red.

"Well.... I mean... You're the only one I can really talk with about some stuff, so it would be a shame if you were gone." He said, but Min Jee immediately heard he lied.

She giggled. "Yeah, that would be a shame, right?" She played along. Then she became serious again. "Jonghyun, could you do me a favor?" She asked and Jonghyun looked at her curiously.

"Of course, Min Jee. Everything you want." He answered and he smiled at her.

"Okay, could you sing for me?" She asked.

Jonghyun looked at her sadly. "You know I don't sing."

"Please just do it for me this once." Min Jee went on, but Jonghyun turned away. He let go of her hand and stood up.

"No, Min Jee. I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I'll go get your aunt, so you two can talk. And don't ever ask me that again, arrasso?"

Shocked Min Jee tried to progress what just happened and noticed he had stalked out of the room. 

*Would he ever be able so sing again?* She thought sadly and she lay down again, waiting for the sleep to come.  

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I will update tomorrow! Please wait for it. ^_^


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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)