Amercian-style breakfast and a surprise

Will I ever be able to see you?

The next day Jonghyun woke up in a unusual quiet house. *Where are the guys?* He asked himself confused. Normaly the guys were already up and making enough noises to wake up an entire country. He walked to the door of Min Jee's bedroom and listened closely. He heard nothing and decided to look if she was awake.

"Min Jee? Are you awake? Can I come in?" He asked and in the mean while he opened the door. He peeked inside and felt his breath caught in his throat.

Min Jee was obviously not awake yet and was sleeping soundly in her bed. Jonghyun carefully walked in and looked down on her. She lay on her side with her face in his direction. He smiled when he saw her beautiful face. A few strands of hair covered a part of her face and Jonghyun softly moved them aside. He sat beside her on the bed and just wachted her sleep for a while, taking in the smoothness of her skin and enjoying the sound of her steady breathing.

Suddenly Min Jee moved and Jonghyun froze. Before he could react she grabbed his hand and snuggled against him. A little uncomfortable, Jonghyun tried to free himself, but Min Jee didn't let go. Therefor he sighed and let her stay like that. She had layed her head on his thighs and she sighed happily in her sleep. Jonghyun noticed he had been smiling ever seen he had seen her sleep. He blushed a little. He felt like total idiot now, but he didn't really mind.

Then he remembered why he walked in her room in the first place and whispered in her ear: "Min Jee~. Please wake up. There's something I wanna show you." 

First Min Jee mumbled a little, but then she opened her eyes. Her blind eyes stared up in his face and Jonghyun felt a chill go down his spine. Normally blind eyes were very scary, but somehow her eyes were even more beautiful than those of a 'normal' girl. He stared in them for a while, but suddenly Min Jee seemed to realized in what kind of position she was and she jerked up.

"Wh-What are you doing in my room? You ert!" She yelled and she pushed him of her bed. He fell hard on the ground and let out a growl.

"He, no need to be so mean! I knocked before I came in, but you weren't awake yet. And you were the one who was snuggling up to me like a lost puppy." He said and he stood up, rubbing his behind in pain.

Min Jee blushed. "I-I did NOT snuggle up to you! You must have imagined that, you ert! Now get out of my room!" She yelled and Jonghyun chuckled. Although he didn't like her false accusation, he thought she was really cute blushing like that while covering herself with her blanket.

"Arrasso, arrasso. I'm going already. Just come down for breakfast fast, 'cause I have the feeling the guys have something up their sleeves." He said and he walked out of the room.

Min Jee sat there for a moment and recalled the moment she woke up. She had felt a pleseant warmth and she didn't want to wake up. The voice of Jonghyun woke her up eventually and took her away form her safe and warm dream.

She blushed. *Oh my... What must he been thinking?* She thought embarassed, but she smiled. She knew he secretly liked it. She took a deep breath and came out of her bed. *I'm curious what he meant with the guys having something up their sleeves." She thought while she was carefully dressing herself. She had to be careful not to bump into something. Luckily she had been living here long enough to know where everything stood, so she only bumped into something sometimes.

After getting dressed, she walked downstairs and noticed a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen and sniffed.

"Do you like it?" The voice of Jonghyun asked and Min Jee just could hear him smirk. She smiled.

"Yes, it smells good. What are you making?" She asked curious and she felt Jonghyun grabbing her hand. She blushed when she thought about the event this morning, but Jonghyun didn't seem to care.

"I'm making American-style breakfast. I hope you like it. Here, sit down. I'll be ready in a moment." He said and he leaded her to the livingroom and sat her down on a chair.

"Thanks, Jonghyun." She said and she smiled. She was glad they were able to get on with each other so well, even after the awkward kiss. She still wanted to hear him sing, but she pushed that thought out of her head. *He will eventually. When he's ready.* She thought, but she didn't know for sure if he would ever be ready. 

"Here we go~. Some nice eggs for the lady." Jonghyun came walking in and layed some eggs on her plate. "You can eat them yourself, right?" He asked. She had been eating by herself ever since she came her, so he didn't really thought she needed help. He just wanted to be polite and ask her.

Min Jee on the other hand, decided to be the damsel in distress and shook her head. "Well... I can eat Korean food, but I've never tried American food to eat on my own." She said and she tried to sound as helplessly as possible. 

Jonghyun immediately knew what she was trying to do and smirked. "Well then I'll have to help you, right? Don't worry, I'll be careful." He said and Min Jee blushed. *He walked right into it.* She thought, not realizing Jonghyun had already seen through her the moment she had said it.

Jonghyun smiled when he saw her blushing and sat down next to her. He put some egg on a spoon and turned towards her.

"Say aah~. Here you go." He said sweetly, but Min Jee didn't open . She couldn't, 'cause she was laughing so hard. First she was just giggling, but the whole situation just made her laugh so hard. She put her hand for and turned away from Jonghyun.

"I-I'm sorry. I-It's just so funny." She said gasping for air. Jonghyun pouted, but Min Jee couldn't see that. What she did notice, was that he tensed up a bit and she immediatly felt guilty. She controled herself en turned back to Jonghyun. "Okay, I'm ready now. I'm so sorry. Please continue." She said and she tried to keep her face serious.

It stayed quiet for a while, but then Jonghyun talked again. "O-Okay, let's try again." He said, not really sure if he would succeed this time. "Open your mouth. Here I come." 

This time Min Jee was able to hold back her laugher and she swallowed the first bite succesfully. "Maa! Jong~, you're really good at this." She said and she heard him chuckle.

"Good at what? Cooking or something else?" He asked sneaky and Min Jee blushed. This time it was Jonghyun who laughed. "Don't worry. I know what you mean." He said and he went on with feeding her.

Soon Jonghyun was feeding her her last bite. "Are we done already?" Min Jee asked a little annoyed. She didn't really like to depent on someone else even if it was Jonghyun. 

Jonghyun on the other hand smirked and a plan formed in his head. "Almost. Just one bite. I saved the best for last." He said sweetly and it stayed quiet for a moment. 

*What the heck does he mean with "I saved the best for last"?* Min Jee thought confused, but she just waited. Suddenly she felt something slightly familiar on her lips. *This is NOT a spoon with eggs.* She thought surprised and suddenly she reconized the warm feeling against her lips and she blushed.

*He is kissing me... AGAIN!* She thought, but before she could react Jonghyun already parted their lips.

"So... What did you think? Tasty, hm?" He asked teasingly and Min Jee blushed really deep. She nodded slightly and Jonghyun began eating his own breakfast, while smiling like an idiot.

*Why is he messing with my head so much? He refuses to sing, but he kisses me randomly?* Min Jee thought confused and she sighed. Well, it was not like she didn't like it, but it really bothered her that she couldn't quit read Jonghyun. 



Breakfast went on without other events and just when Jonghyun cleaned the table, the doorbell rang. 

"I'll go." Min Jee said and she walked to the door. She knew the way well enough to not bump into something and soon she opened the door.

"Min Jee! How are you doing? Nice to see you again." The voice of her aunt made her smile. She hadn't seen her aunt in a while and she had missed her.

"Aunt Hana! Come in. Why this sudden visit?" She asked while she let Hana in. 

"Oh, nothing big." She said and she walked to the livingroom. Min Jee didn't notice the little girl following Hana and she just followed her aunt to the livingroom.

"Hello Jonghyun! How you're doing?" Hana hugged Jonghyun tightly and smiled. 

"Hello, Hana. Nice of you to come visit. Do you maybe know where the boys are? I haven't seem them this morning." Jonghyun asked, but Hana just shook her head. That moment Jonghyun spotted the little girl.

"Well, hello little one. Who are you?" He asked in a cute way. The little girl just glared at him and Jonghyun looked at Hana.

"Who is this and why did you bring her?" He asked, but Hana just smiled.

"You better sit down for this one. You too, Min Jee." She said and her niece and Jonghyun sat down confused.

"You will be taking care of this little girl for a week." Hana began and she immediately was interrupted by protests of the two before her.

"No protest! It's good for your relationship to have something to take care of." She said firmly and the two became quiet again. "And I just can't take her anymore." She confessed quickly. Min Jee laughed. 

"I knew that was the reason." She said and her aunt blushed. 

"To the point: This is Lily and she's eight years old. She is very subborn and stuck-up." Hana explained and Jonghyun looked at the little girl. She was walking around in the livingroom, randomly picking stuff up and putting them away somewhere else. 

"I'm going now. If you need me... Don't call me please." She said and while she was laughing she walked out of the room. A few moments later the door slammed shut.

"What are we going to do?" Min Jee asked at Jonghyun and he looked at her. 

"Let's call the others first. I want to know where they are and if they knew something about this." He said and he dialled Onew's number.


"Onew-hyung! Where are you guys?" Jonghyun yelled through the phone the moment he heard his hyungs voice.

"We're out for work. It will take a week and don't try to come after us." Onew said and Jonghyun frowned. They went off without letting him know? That had never happened before.

"Just come back please. We have a major problem here. Hana came to visit and brought some girl with her. We have to take care of her for a whole week. I can't do that~." He wined and he heared Onew chuckled. 

"Sorry, Jong. We really can't leave here. You'll have to manage by your own for now. We'll come back as fast as we can." He answered and before Jonghyun could react he hang up the phone.

"Well, they're not going to be a big help." Jonghyun said while he put his phone back in his pocket. "What are we going to do?" He asked Min Jee.

"Well, it's can't be that hard." She answered and she smiled.

"Lily-ah! Can you come here for a moment? Unni and oppa wanna talk with you for a second." She said to the little child, but the latter just glared at her and went on with her own stuff.

"She's not coming, right?" Min Jee asked Jonghyun. She just knew Lily had reacted.

"Nope... This is going to be hard." Jonghyun answered and he sighed.

"Don't worry. We'll manage." Min Jee said softly and she put a hand on his shoulder.

*I hope we really will.* She thought to herself while listening to Lily moving around. 

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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)