Coincidence or fate?

Will I ever be able to see you?

"Min Jee, are you coming? We're about to leave you behind, arrasso?" 

The voice of her aunt pulled her back to reality. She had been thinking about Jonghyun and especially his voice. She wanted to see him again, she realized. And she wanted to see him soon. 

"Coming!" She yelled and she carefully walked down the stairs. Although it had been a year since she'd been blind and lived here, she still was careful not to trip and fall down the stairs. The last thing she wanted was extra visit to the hospital.

When she was finally down, her aunt grabbed her hand. "Are you ready?" She asked and Min Jee nodded. *It's now or never.* She thought.

They went with the car and when they reached the graveyard, Min Jee felt her heart began to beat faster. It was actually the fist time she visited the graves of her parents. Till now she never had the guts to confront the reality of her parents death.

"Don't worry, honey. You'll be fine. Just say hello to your parents and we can go." It seemed like her aunt could read her mind. She nodded quietly and let her aunt lead the way.

"Here we are, sweetie. I'll give you some alone time. Just call me when you're ready to leave, arrasso?" Her aunt squeezed her shoulder and left.

Carefully Min Jee searched the area with her hands. She felt the moist earth beneath her hands and the flowers that were planted. She moved her hands up and felt the tombstone. Slowly she let her hands go over the words engraved in the stone. It took a while, but finally she could imagine what was written:

Here lies Lee Kibum and his wife Lee Eun Hee. Too young to die, but fate decided differently. 
May they rest in peace and always stand by their daughter Lee Min Jee.

Min Jee felt the tears roll down her face. She missed her parents so much. She buried her face in her hands and let the tears flow uncontrollably. She hated fate. She hated destiny. She hated God. It had taken her parents away from her when she needed them the most. Now she was all alone. Her friend had also abounded her. In the beginning they were very supporting and helpful, but slowly they tried to avoid her when she wanted to meet. They didn't feel comfortable when she would stare at them with her blind eyes, so instead of being there for her, they decided to avoid her. 

After a few minutes the tears stopped and she sighted. 

"Come on, Min Jee. I think it's time for us to go." Her aunt said while she helped her stand. Min Jee nodded and let her hand slide it over the words for the last time. 

"We have to go to your braille lesson."

*Oh no, not that.* Min Jee thought hopelessly. She hated her braille lessons. Well, actually she hated everything that reminded her of her handicap. So she practically hated her whole life. 

At that moment her aunts mobile went and her aunt picked up. It was quiet for a few minutes than she heard her aunt gasping. 

"No! Are you serious? Poor boy... Yes, of course. I understand.... Okay, I'll go. Bye." 

"Min Jee, you won't have to go to braille lesson today."

*Oh yes, maybe God is nice sometimes?* She thought, but she knew there was a reason why she didn't had to go. 

"Why? Who was that?" She asked therefor and she heard her aunt sigh shaky. 

"It was my work. I told you about my colleague who had fallen ill, right? Well, I just got a call she deceased a few hours ago. We will have to visit her son. The boy is not in his right mind now. The hospital called my work, because the boy doesn't have any relatives. They called me, because she was my partner at work. My god, I never thought it would come this far..."

Min Jee could immediately hear the regret in the voice of her aunt. She could understand why they had to go, but she didn't want to go. *I have enough problems of my own. Now I also have to comfort a boy I don't even know from whose mother just died? No way!*

"Okay, I get why you have to go, but why do I have to come along?" She asked desperately.

"Because he's your age, so maybe you two can talk about stuff and you can make him feel better. Not the whole world revolves around you, Min Jee. Just thing about an other for some time." Her aunt said and Min Jee could here the disdain in her voice. 

"Okay okay, I'll come with you. Jeesh, no need to be so angry about it." She mumbled. 



"Okay, here we are. Now I know this is difficult for you, but please try to consider some ones feeling before saying something, arrasso?" 

Min Jee sighed. "Oh come on. I'm not stupid, you know." She answered and she heard her aunt chuckle. 

They stood before the house of the boy and they walked to the door. 

"Be careful. There is a small step here. There you go." Her aunt leaded her to the door.

A moment later the doorbell rang and not much later after that the door opened. 

"Oh you must be Oh Hana. We weren't expecting you so early." A feminine looking guy asked after opening the door. Of course Min Jee didn't know he looked feminine, but she could almost hear it in his voice.

"Yes that's right. And you are?" She heard her aunt ask.

*Oh god, there were more boys in this house?* Min Jee thought desperately. *I really don't like boys, well except Jonghyun maybe. Okay, wait where did that come from? Oh well, I won't see him anymore anyway so it doesn't really matter to admit I like him or more his voice.* She thought. 

"Oh, Mianhee. I'm Kim Kibum, but everyone calls me Key. I'm his best friend. Please come in. We could use some female guidance in here." The boy answered and Min Jee felt herself being pulled inside. 

"Key, who is it?" A voice shouted from the living room. *Oh god, ANOTHER boy? Now way, she had really died and gone straight to hell.* Min Jee thought while she flinched. 

"It's the woman we where expecting, rembemer?" Key shouted back. "Come and greet them, Onew-hyung."

"Oh don't bother. We will come to you." Her aunt reassued him and she led Min Jee to the living room.

"Hello, you must be Onew. Nice to meet you, Onew. This is my niece Min Jee." 

"Nice to meet you too, miss. And hello to you Min Jee. May I ask how old you are?" Onew asked and he looked at the girl standing before him. There was something strange about her. She had her eyes closed and when she opened them and looked up to him to answer him, he realized what was wrong. This girl was blind. 

"I was born in 1990." She answered bored. She was careful to put as much as disdain in her voice as she could. She didn't want that boy to think she was an easy prey. 

"Min Jee! That's not how you talk to an oppa, arrasso?" Her aunt gasped surprised. "I'm so sorry. She has been this way since... Well since her parents died a year ago." She said to Onew. 

*Yeah, just tell the whole world, why not?!* Min Jee thought angry. Now that boy was also going to have pity for her. Now way in hell she was going to let that happen. 

"Oh I'm so sorry for your lost, Min Jee. You know, maybe you could talk with Jonghyun for a while. His mother died today and he could use someone who had been through the same thing, I think." Onew said and on that moment Min Jee's world stood still.

*Wait, did he just say Jonghyun? Did he mean HER Jonghyun? Okay that was absurt. Fist he wasn't her Jonghyun and second there were enough Jonghyuns in this world.* She thought, but something kept nibbling at her thoughts. 

"I'll help Key in the kitchen. You can go and talk to Jonghyun if you want." Her aunt said and she walked away. 

*Now I have to see him.* She thought and she actually didn't regret it. Maybe it WAS him. 

"Come on. I'll bring you to him. He's upstairs resting, but I think he will be glad to have someone to talk to. Oh, and you're blind right? Well, that doesn't matter to him I would think." Onew said and he took her hand.

*What a strange fellow.* Min Jee thought when he guided her upstairs. She slowly felt her heart began to beat faster. 

"Here we are. Just open the door and he'll be there. Take your time and if you need something, just call me or Key, arrasso?" Onew opened a door and pushed her inside. Before she could even answer the door was shut behind her. She felt hopelessly out of place and let her hands slide down the walls.

Then she heard his voice. Her breath was caught in . 

"Min Jee? What are you doing here? How do you know I live here?"

It was him. She had actually knew it from the moment she had heard his name. 
*Was this coincidence or fate?* She thought while she opened her eyes and stared in absolute darkness. 

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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)