Being there for each other.

Will I ever be able to see you?

"Hello, Jonghyun. Nice to see you again. I mean... Uhm..." She heard Jonghyun chuckle.

Min Jee wished she could disappear right there. *Nice to see you again? Man, how stupid can I be?! I can't even SEE him! Jeesh, Min Jee, you're already acting like an idiot and you haven't even talked properly with him.* She thought while she mentally facepalmed herself.

"It's okay. I know what you mean. How do you know I live here?" He asked again. 

"Oh I actually didn't know. My aunt brought me here. She's gonna help you with the household and stuff. I'm just here... Well, I don't know actually." She mumbled. 
"I heard about your umma. I'm so sorry. How you're doing?" She asked carefully while she still stayed in one place.

It stayed quiet for a while.

"Come here. I want you beside me."

Min Jee froze. *Did he just say he wanted me beside him?* She asked herself in disbelief.

Just than she felt a hand slip in hers. "Come with me. I'll lead you." The voice of Jonghyun tickled her ear.

She felt her heart skip a beat. *Wow, what is happening to me? This is really weird and a bit scary.* She thought while she followed Jonghyun and was overly conscious of their hands locked. 

Carefully she walked through the room. She didn't noticed, but Jonghyun was watching her intensively. 

*How come you're to one to comfort me when I'm down? Is it fate?* He asked himself while he squeezed her hand. Her blind eyes searched the room, but didn't see anything. On that moment Jonghyun made a promise to himself that would change his life.

*I'll promise myself I'll help her see again, with or without eyes.*



"We're home!"
Taemin and Minho walked inside with bags full of grocery. They seemed very content with themselves, till they saw there was a woman in the house.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't think we've met before." The woman said. "I'm Oh Hana, a colleague of Jonghyun's mother. I'm here to help you today."

Taemin and Minho looked at each other surprised. 
"Oh hello, I'm Taemin and this is Minho. It's nice of you to come by, miss." Taemin answered and he dumped the groceries in the kitchen. 

"I see you did the shopping. Well done. I'll make you some nice dinner then." The woman said and she walked in the kitchen. On that moment Key and Onew came in the living room.

"Hyung, what's that woman doing here?" Minho asked at Key.

"Oh her? She came right away when she heard Jonghyuns mother died. She brought her niece with her. She's now with Jonghyun. She also lost her parents so I think it will be good for them to talk for awhile. Why don't you guys make yourself at home? I'll help miss Oh in the kitchen. That's what I love to do, right?" He said and he winked.

The other boys sighed and smiled back. Yes, they knew Key really loved to cook. And he was good too. They settled themselves on the couch and began watching some TV.


"Key, could you give me the knife?"

Oh Hana looked at the boy and was still surprised by his feminine looks. She realized he was very handsome, but she was way past the age to care about that. She smiled. It was a good idea to bring Min Jee with her. That way her niece would be able to meet some friends of her age. 
It really hurt her to see her niece so down. She understood why Min Jee was feeling down, but she just wished she could do anything about it. 

"Of course, miss. Here you go." Key passed her the knife. "Are you staying with us for now on?" He asked carefully. He didn't really know if he would like that.  He liked her and all, but he never really felt very comfortable with women around. 

"No, after dinner I'll go away and leave you guys. If you need anything I'll always be there to call, so don't you worry." She said and winked at him. 

Key felt kind of relieved. "And your niece?" He asked when he remembered the mysterious girl that was now with Jonghyun.

"If you don't mind, I think it's good for her to stay a few days here. She really is feeling down these days and I think being with some people of her age will cheer her up, if you know what I mean." Hana said while staring out of the window.

"Uhm, sure. I'll ask the other boys if they agree." Key said and he walked to the living room. He didn't know if he liked the idea of a girl with them 24/7 for a few days, but her aunt was right. He had seen right away that that girl didn't feel good. He almost felt responsible for her. He decided he would let her stay if she wanted to. At least it would be good for Jonghyun to have someone to talk to who had been through the same thing just a year ago. 

"Guys, miss Oh asks if Min Jee, her niece, could stay with us for a few days. She thinks her niece needs some cheering up and of course we're the one for the job, right?" He asked the boys and the boys all agreed. Of course they wouldn't turn down an opportunity to have fun and cheer someone up.

Key nodded approvingly and went back to the kitchen. "Miss Oh? The boys are all alright with it. She can stay for a few days if she wants to." He said and he saw her face lit up. 

"Oh thank you very much. She'll be thrilled, I'm sure!" She answered. *What a pair of nice boys.* She thought. *Min Jee will really be thrilled to stay with them.* She thought content.

How wrong could she be?


Min Jee carefully sat down on his bed and waited till she felt him place himself beside her. He still held her hand, but she didn't really mind actually.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He asked after a while.

"I... I lost my parents a year ago through a car accident." She said and she felt the tears from that morning forming in her eyes again.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. It's terrible, right? To lose someone you love so dearly?" Jonghyun asked softly and Min Jee heard the pain in his voice. She squeezed his hand. She didn't want to cry right now. She was here for him. He lost his mother just a few hours ago, so he needed support the most.

"You don't have to be sorry. You're the one who's suffering." She answered softly and suddenly she felt Jonghyun letting go of her hand. She felt kind of disappointed. Her hand felt so cold now. Then she realized she heard a weird noise. *No, wait. It wasn't weird. I know this sound, 'cause I made it often enough myself.* She thought to herself.

*Jonghyun is crying. He's crying hard.* She realized and without any thought she hugged him. It was actually a bit difficult for her to do so, because she couldn't really see where he was, but she just felt his presence, so she went for it. She knew she was right the moment she felt him leaning in to her.

"I'm so sorry. You must think I'm crazy right now. Crying like there's no tomorrow in the arms of a stranger." He said when he calmed down a bit.

"No, Jonghyun. I don't think that. I understand your suffering." Min Jee answered while she let him go. Meanwhile she felt her own tears stream down her face.

"You're crying too..." Jonghyun said with some shock in his voice. Carefully he removed the tears on her cheek with his thumb. "Lets promise each other we will be there for each other when the other is crying, okay?" He asked before realizing what he was saying. 

Min Jee turned her head to him and 'looked' at him. How much she wanted to know who he looked. She sighted. "Okay, lets do that. One more thing: could you sing for me?" She asked him and she felt Jonghyun freeze. "I just really love your voice and I wanted to hear it again." She explained quickly, but Jonghyun didn't relax.

"I... I don't think I'll ever be able to sing again." He then answered softly. Min Jee felt her world collapse. 

"What? Why not?" She asked shocked. 
"I... I always sung for my mother and thought it would make her better. Now I know it was all a lie and I never want to sing again. It only brings sorrow." He said and Min Jee realized Jonghyun was in a lot more pain than she had ever been.

"It wasn't your fault your mother died, Jonghyun. Don't ever think that." She said to him and she grabbed his hand again. At least, she thought is was his hand. She squeezed hard and felt Jonghyun gasp.

"Uhm, Min Jee? Could you please let go of my crotch?" He said and Min Jee felt herself go red.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought it was your hand." She said and she quickly retrieved her hand. She heard Jonghyun chuckling. 

"A way to ruin the moment, Min Jee." He said and he started to laugh harder. Min Jee now also felt the corners of turn upwards.

A few seconds later they were both laughing like idiots.

After ten minutes they calmed down, but the smile never left their faces. Jonghyun looked at Min Jee and studied her face. *She was actually quiet pretty.* He thought while he looked at her black long hair and full lips.

Min Jee didn't notice the intensive stare of Jonghyun and still smiled like an idiot. 

"Guys, dinner's ready. You coming?"

The voice of Minho downstairs both brought them back to reality.

"Let's go down." Jonghyun said and he grabbed her hand. "I'll lead you."

"Thanks Jonghyun. I'm glad I met you." She said and as answer Jonghyun squeezed her hand.

*I'm glad I met you too, Lee Min Jee. Let me be your guidance for now on.* He thought while he led her down stairs and watched her following him carefully. 



Yeah, I have my first ten subscribers if you take the two stories together. Never thought it would come this far. It's so nice to know people want to read your story. Thanks everyone! Please try my other fanfiction: The maid and her Boss. It's totally different from this own, but also has SHINee in it and Taemin this time as main character. 

Thanks again and enjoy the rest of the story! ^_^

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I will update tomorrow! Please wait for it. ^_^


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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)