Seeing the light - part 1

Will I ever be able to see you?

The moment Jonghyun got to Min Jee, he knew that she had to go to the doctor right away. Although he had just moved her appointment to tomorrow, he knew that would even be too late. He lifted her up in his arms and immediately walked out of the park. Key took Lily by the hand and walked after Jonghyun together with the other boys. 

They went to the hospital by taxi and the drive seemed to take an eternity for Jongyun, while they were there in less than twenty minutes. The whole drive Jonghyun kept Min Jee in his arms. She had gone unconscious from the moment he had picked her up in the park. The pain had become too much for her. Jonghyun looked down on her in panic. *Why can't this taxi go any faster?* He thought irritated, but he knew he had to be patient. The rest of the boys sat in a taxi following them. Lily had gone with the boys. Jonghyun didn't want the little girl to panic if she saw her unnie in this state. 

Finally they reacted the hospital and Jonghyun rushed to the emergency room. "Someone! This girl is blind, but there's something wrong with her eyes." He yelled through the hall and immediately a bunch of doctors came rushing to him. They took Min Jee out of his arms and laid her on a stretcher. She disappeared into the examination room, leaving Jonghyun behind on the verge of tears.

Taemin put a hand on his shoulder and Jonghyun looked behind him. His friends all looked at him with worried eyes. Onew was carrying Lily who had tears in her eyes. "Unnie is going to be okay, right?" She asked with a squeaky voice. Jonghyun managed to smile and walked to the little girl.

"Don't worry, Lily. She is now with a few really good doctors. They will make her better." He assured her, but he didn't believe it himself. 

They sat down in the waiting room, all very anxious for some good news. Taemin and Minho played with Lily while Key and Onew tried to get Jonghyun's thought away from Min Jee, what didn't really succeed. 

After what seemed hours, one of the doctors came out and walked towards them.

"Kim Jonghyun?" He asked and Jonghyun stood up.

"How is she, doctor? Is she alright? What's the matter with her?"

The doctor held his hands up as a sign that he asked too much. Jonghyun immediately shut his mouth.

"She will be alright. Actually she will be more than alright after the operation we planned for her." He said and he smiled a little.

The boys looked at each other surprised. 

"What do you mean, doc?" Key asked and he also stood up. 

"It's something we've never seen before with someone who became blind through an accident. We did say she had a change of seeing again, but that change was so small we never expected it would actually happen. I've only seen this once in all the years I work here. That woman said she had been so happy she believed everything would work out. She had been in a really big depression before that and when she came out of it her body made some cells that made her able to see again. Although it was a painful experience for her, she is now able to see again. I think it's the same for Min Jee. Something make her intensely happy and her body produced those cells, but because she is still not convinced she will be cured the process will be even more painful for her. With the operation we hope we can help the body a little. We'll operate her in an hour. After that she will get back her vision little by little, we hope. She will be in a lot of pain the coming days, so I hope you'll support her." 

It became quiet for a few moments. Jonghyun was progressing what the doctor just had said. *She will be able to see again? It... It can't be possible, right?* He thought confused and somehow he expected the doctor to burst out in laughing every moment, telling him it was a joke, a cruel joke. The doctor just kept looking at him with a little smile on his face and slowly Jonghyun began to believe him. He felt a huge smile creep on his face. He looked behind him and saw the other boys also smiling at him. 

"I-I can't believe this. After all she's been through... I'm so happy for her." He whispered and he thanked the doctor. The doctor nodded before going back to the examination room.

Jonghyun slowly turned to the boys. "That's amazing, right?" Minho said and he hugged Jonghyun. Jonghyun felt tears drop from his eyes. All the tension and misery from the last few hours finally came out of him and he felt the tears start to drop faster. Minho kept hugging him and the other boys also joined the hug. 

"Everything is going to be alright now. In a few days she will finally be able to see how beautiful this world is and of course how handsome you are." Key whispered in his ear and Jonghyun smiled a little. 

"Thank you, guys, for coming with me." He said softly and the boys all let go. Lily just stood there a little lost and Jonghyun picked the little girl up.

"So Unnie is going to be alright?" She asked hesitated. Jonghyun smiled through his tears. 

"Yes, she's going to be just fine. In a few more days she will be able to see you for real." He said and he saw Lily's face lit up. 

"Chichaa? That's so great! I can't wait." The little girl said excited and she bounced up and down in Jonghyun's arm. Jonghyun laughed and put her down again.

"Can't we see her for a moment before she will be in the operation?" Taemin asked and Jonghyun wondered the same thing. That moment the doctor came walking to them again.

"She just woke up. Maybe you wanna see her before the operation? Not more than two people a time." He said firmly and Jonghyun immediately took Lily by the hand.

"We'll be going first." He said and the other boys agreed. Jonghyun walked after the doctor and soon he looked down on his girlfriend. 

"Hello..." Min Jee said softly and she managed to smile. She looked dead white and her eyes were really red from the rubbing. 

"How you're doing, babe?" Jonghyun asked softly and he grabbed her hand. 

"I feel fine. Can you believe what the doctor said? I may be able to see again in a few days." She said and she smiled brightly. 

"I heard, but let's just wait till the operation is done. You never know what will happen in there." He said and he tried not to sound too worried.

"Unnie, are you really going to be able to see me and Jonghyun-oppa?" Lily asked curious and Min Jee smiled.

"Hi there, Lily. Yes, I will be able to if the doctors are right." She said and Lily giggled. 

"I'm so glad, Unnie! Don't be scared of the operation. It won't hurt, I think." She said and Min Jee had to laugh after hearing the little girl talking so grown up. 

"Thanks, Lily. I won't worry. I'm really tired now, so maybe you can let me get some sleep." She said softly and she squeezed Jonghyun's hand. 

Jonghyun smiled. "Of course, baby. The boys will be disappointed that they won't be able to see you before the operation, but they'll understand. Just get some sleep and I'll see you after the operation. Stay strong." He said and he kissed her softly on the forehead. 

Min Jee smiled and after Lily had said goodbye, the two left the room leaving Min Jee behind. 

Min Jee just couldn't believe this was happening to her. She still thought it was some joke, but the itch that she had had, wasn't a joke she knew. She sighed and closed her eyes. She felt really weird. Of course she was happy to be able to see again, but somehow she had become comfortable with the darkness before her eyes. It had become a place where she was always save. Nobody was able to get to her there. Now she had to give it up. She could still close her eyes, but it wouldn't be the same. She felt a tears drop form the corner of her eye.

*Why am I crying? I should be happy right?* She thought confused, but she couldn't help letting more tears fall. Soon she was crying soundlessly and she took a deep breath. She squeeze her eyes shut and opened them wide again, hoping she would see something already. She still stared into the familiar darkness. She wiped her tears away and yawned. Slowly her eyes closed and a few minutes later she was fast asleep. 



"Come on, let's eat something. It's almost time for dinner anyway." Minho said and the other boys agreed. 

After Jonghyun had come back and explained that Min Jee wanted to sleep, the boys and Lily just sat in the waiting room. Jonghyun felt his stomach growling the moment Taemin suggested it and he smiled.

"I think that's a great idea. We can't do anything for her now anyway. Let's go to the canteen. Come on, Lily. We're going to eat." He called Lily and she came running to him from the kids play area. 

Soon they all sat in the canteen eating their dinner. Jonghyun didn't eat much. He felt the nerves running through his body when he thought about the operation Min Jee was in right now. He really hoped everything would work out and she would be able to see again. He still took into account that the operation could fail miserably. If that would happen, Jonghyun wouldn't know what he would do.

"Everything will be alright, Hyung." Taemin said and Jonghyun smiled at him. He was glad he had such good friends who knew exactly what to say at the right moment.

"I know, Tae. I just hope she will survive the operation." He whispered and Taemin nodded understanding.

When they were done eating, they went back to the waiting room. Suddenly Jonghyun remembered Lily would be picked up today by Hana. He called her and also told her what had happened. Hana said she would bring Lily home and then come to the hospital.

Five minutes later Hana came to pick Lily up. Lily didn't want to go and grabbed Jonghyun's hand. "I don't wanna go, Oppa! I wanna stay with Unnie." She yelled and she hugged Jonghyun tightly.

"I know, sweetie, but your umma will be worried if you don't go now. We will let you know as soon as possible if we have news, arrasso?" He said and Lily slowly nodded. Then she let go of Jonghyun and said goodbye to the other boys. After that she followed Hana out of the hospital and she was brought home.

"I'm gonna miss that little girl." Jonghyun said softly and Onew agreed with him.

"She was so bubbly. Well, it's not like she is gone forever." He said and he smiled at his dongsaeng. Jonghyun nodded and sat down again.

"Now let's hope it's the same for Min Jee." He said softly to himself watching the doors of the operation room in awe. 



Hello there! Like the twist in the story? I know it's a little unbelievable, but I wanted her to be able to see again at the end of the story. I'm all for a good ending where everyone is healthy and happy. ^_^

The story is coming to an end. I think there will be three of four chapter? I'll see... 

Hope you still enjoy it and comment please! 

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I will update tomorrow! Please wait for it. ^_^


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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)