A year after...

Will I ever be able to see you?

With a loud scream Min Jee woke up from her bad dream. Covered in cold sweat she wiped the tears of her face. She knew why she had the dream of the car accident this night. Tomorrow would be exactly a year ago that the accident happened. 

She took a deep breath and lay down again. She folded her hands under her head en closed her eyes. It didn't matter anyway. She could still see nothing. 
She thought about what was going to happen today. She had a check up in the hospital and after that she would probably visit the graves of her parents. She hated the hospital. It reminded her every time of her handicap, ever more than it already did. 

Since she's been released out of the hospital three months after the accident, she lived with her aunt. Every month she had to do a check up to look if her eyesight had improved.

*Of course it didn't.* She thought while she shut her eyes even tighter. She let out another sight. How could she ever learn to live with her handicap?

"It looks like you're fine. Your eyesight hasn't worsened, but also not improved unfortunately." The doctor gave her a little squeeze in her shoulder.

*Of course it didn't improve, Captain Obvious!* She thought irritated. She sighed. She knew it wasn't his fault so she smiled at him.

"Thanks anyway, doc." 

"You can go now. Do I have to you?" He asked but she shook her head. No, she wanted to walk out of this hospital with her head held up high. So she carefully began to walk out of the door, almost feeling the gaze of the doctor on her back. 

Then she heard the most beautiful sound she ever heard.

A voice.

She stopped in the middle of the hallway en held her breath. Who was that angelic creature who had such a voice? 

Vaguely she noticed people bumping into her and scolding her, but she didn't mind. She just HAD to find out to whom that voice belonged. So she turned around and followed her ears. Luckily she had developed an excellent hearing when she'd gone blind. 

She kept following the voice and while she approached it, it became even more beautiful. Then she walked into a room. She didn't see, but she noticed because the echo changed.

It became quiet. Then a voice spoke.

"Who are you? Go away. I don't know you."

Min Jee actually wasn't surprised because of the reaction. Of course it was weird that a total stranger suddenly came into your room, so she felt a little embarrassed.

"Oh, uhm... I'm sorry. I heard you sing, at least I think it was you, and I just wanted to know who you are, but I understand you're surprised, I would be too and I'm very sorry, but could you please sing for me, just a little bit. If you don't want to I understand and I'll leave now and burry myself deep in the earth."

She heard the boy (she had heard from the first second that it was the voice of a boy) chuckle. 

"No no, it's okay. I was just really surprised. I'm Kim Jonghyun and who are you?" The boy asked.

*Oh my god, Kim Jonghyun... What a beautiful name!* She thought and she felt herself blush. *You idiot! You don't even know the boy and you're already blushing? Man, you're pathetic.*

Then she realized she still hadn't answered the boy.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Lee Min Jee." She said soft.

"Nice to meet you, Lee Min Jee." The boy said and Min Jee almost heard him smiling.

"Why can't you look at me? I'm not that ugly, am I?" He asked suddenly and Min Jee mentally facepalmed herself. *Of course! He doesn't know I'm blind.* She thought.

"I wouldn't know, 'cause I can't see you. I'm blind, you know?" She said lightly, but she felt being squeezed. How often did she have this conversation already? She knew what would come next. First an apology and than sympathy and the last one was the one she hated the most.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jonghyun said.

*And there you have your apology.* She thought bored. *Now the sympathy. Come to mama, baby.*

"Well, that for you, but it seems like your ears have become better than those of others. You're the first to hear me sing outside the room."

Okay, that caught her of guard. Wait, what? He didn't cry for her or told her to cry? He was the first. She unintentionally blinked. 

"What? Are you surprised by my answer?" Jonghyun asked.

"Uhm, well... To be honest, yes!" She answered while she still tried to get what just happened. 

Jonghyun laughed and Min Jee felt a tingle go down her spine. *Oh no, Lee Min Jee. You're not falling for a complete stranger. Are you crazy? You can't even see him!* She thought. *Well, not I like I will ever be able to see him.*

"Why are you here?" The question just popped out of her without realizing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. That was really rude of me." She gasped and she slapped a hand before .

"That doesn't matter. I'm not ashamed for why I'm here. My mother is terribly ill so I came to visit her, but she's asleep now. I often sing for her, 'cause she really likes it." Jonghyun answered and Min Jee relaxed a little bit. 

"I'm very sorry for your mother. Will she become better?" She asked carefully.

It remained quiet for a while.

*Okay, bad question. How stupid can you be, Min Jee.* 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. Please forgive me." She said and she bowed.

"No no, it's okay. It's just... I really love my mother. She's my everything and she's about to slip away from me." 

Min Jee was shocked. Not really by what Jonghyun had said, but more the way he had said it. The pain in his voice went straight to her heart and she flinched. 

"I... I'm so sorry. I didn't know. You know, if you want to talk I'll be there for you." She said and the moment she said it, she regretted it. 

*You fool! You have enough problems of your own. You don't even know the guy. He'll probably think you've gone mad or something like that.*

"Okay, thanks. I'll keep it in mind. The same goes for you. If you ever need company or someone to talk to, just ask me. They know me here by now, I think." He said and for a moment it remained quiet.

"Oh I winked by the way. I forgot you couldn't see anything." He followed.

"That doesn't matter. I have to go now, but I'll see you around?" She asked hopefully and she mentally facepalmed herself. How desperate could you sound? Well, it did fit her, 'cause she was really desperate. 

"Yeah, sure. Nice meeting you, Lee Min Jee. I'll see you around."

While Min Jee walked out of the door, she knew her life had changed forever. She didn't know how exactly, but she would find out soon enough.


So, people, what do you think? Should I just stop with the story or go on? The next chapter will contain more of Jonghyn and SHINee, so please keep waiting! Thanks everyone and Hwaiting! =D


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I will update tomorrow! Please wait for it. ^_^


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ayooitscathy #1
Chapter 12: wait so is her name sakura or min jee? it's min jee right? then who's sakura!?ASDFGHKKSLJKHDJAL I FEEL SO LOST AM I THAT DUMB? ;_____;
Chapter 18: This fanfic... omg. It's so perfect. I can't like.. So sweet and stuff. Jjong has a kind heart that he fell in love with Minjee despise her disability.
Did you know I laughed so hard IN CLASS when she grabbed his crotch instead if his hand? LOLOL IT'S A HIGHTLIGHT FOR ME. And oh, the scene. (; hurhur
But zomggggg sequel!!! Me wants. *^*
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 19: You're story was AMAZING <3 it made me feel all lighthearted when I reached the last chapter haha
Chapter 19: Woahhh AWASOME FF!! :)
blakenese #5
Chapter 19: Thought there was going to.be a twist about why jonghyun didn't want to sing, other than that, awesome story!
Chapter 19: oh! I just found this story yesterday i guess and its done already? T.T

you did a really great story its awesome!!! ^^
Chapter 19: noooo i can´t end here. Thats not fair!!!!
I dislike that it ended there T_T but the rest was awesome =)
Chapter 18: uahhhhhhhh this chapter was just soo awesome and romantic I totally love it =)