Day's end.

I'm yours

(Onew’s p.o.v)

I can’t believe how clumsy I am! My condition is getting worse and worse, before I’d only hurt myself which was fine. But now Taemin got hurt because of it. Oh almighty chicken, why am I like this?

Taemin was still holding on to his nose and his eyes were all watery. I hope he doesn’t cry, I don’t want him to cry because of me. No matter how many times I told him to go to the hospital to check it out, he just didn’t listen to me. He’s so god damned stubborn!

‘Hyung, give me a piggy back.’

He halted right in front of me and looked up with his watery eyes. Wow, such a déjà vu moment. We had been in this situation too many times for my liking. Taemin had always managed to move me with his tears and made me piggy back him countless times. Well this time I guess I owed him that much. So without uttering a word, I crouched down in front of him, waiting silently for him to hop on.

For a moment nothing happened. I guess he got confused with my sudden willingness, never before did I give in without a full-fledged war of the worlds. Crouching down on the pavement isn’t exactly very fun, it’s actually quite painful and my legs were going numb.

‘Yah, if you don’t want a piggy back, it’s fine by me…’ I pretended to get back up but was stopped by a sudden force hitting me.

Yes, he literally ran the two steps and flung himself over me, like a human canon-ball! He is such an idiot. Why the hell would he do that, when I was patiently waiting for him? He could’ve just slowly walked up to me and hop on, not bombard me with his full weight. I am a mere human after all!

Oh God Jinki! Stop complaining. It’s so obvious that you liked that immensely. My inner voice piped in. Now-a-days my inner voice is having a field day, always muttering or whining away inside my head, could I be any more annoying?

As I stood up, I pretended to be very weak and made my legs wobble, letting out a long sigh.

‘Taemin, what have you been eating lately? You’ve become so damn heavy, I bet you’ve gained like ten stones or something.’ I giggled inside my head, ignoring my stupid heart doing hip-hop dancing now. Wait, hearts can’t dance! Silly me.

‘Yah hyung, don’t lie?’ He wailed right next to my ears, like only inches away from them, making me flinch forward. Since when was his voice so shrill? ‘I’m not fat am I? Am I? Oh God I knew it, I have to go on a diet now.’ He was flailing his arms and legs around like a fish on land. Well truth be told, he was light as a match stick but even so, when someone’s flailing their limbs around on your back, no matter how skinny they are, it’s hard to carry them!

‘Yah Lee Taemin. Stop. Moving. I swear I’m gonna let you go if you keep on doing that.’ I shouted. Well guess what he did. He wrapped his arms tightly around my neck, around my freaking neck. His grip could easily compete with a vice, or those hanging ropes they use to hang people! I could not breathe. Yeah that’s even better than slithering on my back!

‘Yah…Can’t….br..eathe……di..die…’ I was choking by then but his grip wasn’t losing at all! On the contrary, it tightened even more. His whole body weight was on me and his hands were wrapped around me like a baby anaconda, that’s surely normal, isn’t it. Why would anyone not want to do it to their best friend?

‘But you’re gonna let go of me…’ he cried.

So. Damned. Stupid. There was no scope to sugar coat that. My best-friend and long time crush (well more like long time I-can’t-live-without-seeing-you-hearing-you-being with-you person but oh well, same thing when I’m about to die right?)

I bet my voice was making all sorts of weird noises of being choked because after I started seeing complete blackness with pick bunny stamps, Taemin let go of me, still on my back and said,

‘Hyung you’re not actually chocking are you? Why are you making these sounds? Are you having breathing problems? Are you having an asthma attack! Wait do you even have asthma?’

Well done Sherlock! That’s exactly why I was seeing pink bunnies in a black background; I was having an asthma attack, when I never, ever showed a simple symptom of asthma! Well done! Bravo, want a medal for that?

I didn’t say any of that, more like I couldn’t! I was still trying to catch my breath and balance him on my back at the same time. Well that’s what I get for being friends with someone like him, getting almost killed, twice on the same day.

Well, thinking of the brighter side though, my heart wasn’t doing that flip-flop thing it did whenever Taemin was too close to me anymore. It was just beating normally, as normally as an oxygen deprived heart would breath. So maybe that’s what I should do, put myself in fatal situations and I’ll get over him in no time. Good idea.

‘Hyung its okay, you can put down now. I really must be heavy, that’s why you were choking weren’t you? Let me off, ne? ~’

I’ll be damned. Even under a lack of oxygen state, my heart still managed to squeeze in side my chest. He sounded a bit hurt and I didn’t like it. I would rather get choked by him than hurt him. Mentally slapping myself for even insinuating that he’s fat in anyway, I tightened my grip on his back, effectively stopping him from getting off.

‘I was only joking Tae. You’re not heavy and I’m not choking, your lack of humour, humours me!’

A white lie never hurt anyone.

‘He wrapped his hand around my shoulder this time, softly bumping our head and then resting his forehead against my hair. His hot breath was blowing on my scalp and it felt soothing, was that weird? It definitely was weird. Why did I find everything he does, cute?

‘You are so mean hyung! But be hundred and ten percent truthful, I’m fat aren’t I?’ His voice was a soft whisper. Even his softest whisper against my ear could make my knees all wobbly. God, if I really want to get over him, I have to minimise all and every sorts of skinship we shared.

After tonight, let me enjoy it one last time to the fullest. I told my inner voice.

‘Tae you are skinnier than me. If you say you are fat than that means you think I’m obese. Don’t tell me I’m obese Tae…Oh no! I’m gonna die from all those diseases.’

Taemin’s chuckle was like an oasis in the Sahara desert, it was like honey against my ear drums. Yes, I loved his laughter, his chuckles, his giggles and his voice in general really.

‘No hyung, you’re not obese. But I am fat okay? And I’m not skinnier than you, it’s just your bones are wider than mine.’

‘Excuses, excuses! If you don’t accept that fact that you are not fat, I’ll just think that I’m obese. Well I guess I am obese.’ I tried to sound sad and hear-broken. It wasn’t too hard seeing how I really had been heart-broken since forever and it got to Tae.

‘Fine hyung, I’m not fat and you’re not obese. Happy now?’

I nodded.

‘And also promise me that you won’t go on those stupid diets?’

He didn’t say anything and I wasn’t having any of that. I still remember that time he tried to go on a no-carbohydrates-allowed diet and let me tell you that the outcome was not nice! Who even invented these things anyway?

‘I knew it. uuuuuu…umma I’m obese..uuuu..’ I cried.

‘Arasso, arasso! I won’t go on any diets! Now stop whining hyung and let me go. The bus stop is here!’

Ah we were already at the bus stop? But I was having so much fun carrying him for the last time. As it was the last time I was holding him, I didn’t want to let him go, not so soon. So I just shook my head.

‘I’ll let you off when the bus comes.’

‘But hyung why aren’t we taking the train home, wouldn’t’ it have been quicker?’

Oh damn, he realized that? Truth be told, I wanted to take the bus because it takes longer than the train. The longer we stay together, the best it was for me. I know when you are letting go of someone, it’s better to do it as soon as possible but I wanted to cherish these last moments with him. Well look how dramatic my heart is. It’s not like we are not gonna see each other anymore, lesser than before perhaps but still we’ll see each other.

‘I just feel like riding the bus.’ I decided to go with that. Fingers crossed that he’d take that.

He did.

‘You are so random sometimes hyung, but I love your randomness so I guess its okay.’ I could tell that he was smiling from his cheery voice. I smiled too.

‘Well I’m awesome like that!’

Fate was mocking me I guess because the bus came right after that and I had to let him off of me. When he got down, I felt like someone has taken my heart away from its ribcage. Someone really did though, didn’t they? He took my heart with him without even knowing it and got on the bus, turning back midway and ushered me in as he saw me outside. Putting a stopper on my emotions I plastered a bright smile on my face and got on.

The day was ending as was my one-sided love for him, I hope.



I'll just distract you with cute and y gifs so that you wouldn't notice the fail that's my writing!!! :P

Now who wants to be Jinki's MVP (MOI!!!!! LOL)

Jinki Hair <3 the only that's worth watching :D  



(don't forget adam's apple either O.O)


Why do you do this to me dubu? >,< Oh just come on over and let me love you already.........

that's enough i think...more hunting for gifs = a dead yeah bye :)


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New update YAY....or not so yay coz it's crap but oh well....


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If you have a chance or would like to update please do! I REALLY LOVE THIS
Chapter 21: it's sure was old unfinished story here... :(
nmmvcr #3
Chapter 4: Authorssi?
nmmvcr #4
Chapter 4: Authorssi? Are you ok?
Chapter 21: yessss!!!!! finally taemin realizes that he loves onew, onew will be so happy with that I hope they can be together so soooon *0* after all the suffer in both sides they deserve to be happy together!
Chapter 21: OMO I'M TOTALLY SPAZZING RIGHT NOW, keke, these two are just so damn adorable, their totally cute, be brave and confess Tae you can do; I can't wait to see what happens next, ONTAE FIGHTING; update really really soon, pleeeease.
Chapter 20: awwwwww this was so adorable, I'm so glad that he talked to his umma and told her everything, and she told him what was wrong, so cute, and she knew it was Onew, yes Taemin you should totally confess, and you don't need ot make Jinki fall for you, he did that a long time ago; can't wait for more, update really soon.
Chapter 21: awww, " dialed" kekeke. they are so cute. You can do it taemin be brave and when the time is right go for it.

ontae fighting!
Chapter 20: aw his mom is so nice *smiles really big*