Flirting waitresses.

I'm yours

(Taemin’s p.o.v)

‘Here’s your menus, just let me know when you’ve decided you order.’

As soon as we sat down on our seat a waitress wearing the shortest skirt I’ve ever laid my eyes on, walked up to us. She flashed both of us with her ‘pearly white teeth’, I bet they are whitened or something. But maybe she go the vibe that I didn’t like her so she redirected it to only hyung, bending down a bit too low in front of him in the name of putting the menu on the table. She was like an exact replica of the ticket counter girl.

Jinki hyung was as oblivious as ever and flashed his eye crinkling smile at which the girl let out a mini squeal. I mean like a real squeal, squeal, who even did that anymore? She just stood there, hovering over us like a hawk over its prey! Why wasn’t she going away? I glared at her, hoping that its make her go away but she stood her ground and didn’t even notice me. One look at hyung told me exactly what occupied her attention. He had his tongue out, his eyes squinting with concentration as he looked at the menu. In one word, adorable. Even I had to admit that.

Oh God what was wrong with hyung? Was he trying to seduce girls on purpose to day, oh was that why he ‘forgot’ his glasses today? I mentally slapped myself for even thinking that. God, what was wrong with me today? I should know better than anyone that hyung was too shy to do any of that and he did say that he stepped on his glasses, didn’t he? He was against lying, so yeah!

While I was off into my own little world, the girl had gone, probably because the place was filled with so many customers. I felt a relief washing over me as I found her space empty. Onew hyung was still emerged into the menu; it looked like he was reading something that could save his life or something! Well it was a chicken shop and the menu was filled with pictures of different chicken dishes, so I guess that reaction was kind of inevitable. I could not help but chuckle a little, that got his attention though, his head snapped back up.

‘Taeminnie….you love hyung don’t you?’ His eyes were all dreamy and teary. I was taken aback, what the hell was that question?

‘Off course I love you hyung…why would you even ask me that?’ I crossed my hands on top of the table, feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden, why, I honestly don’t know.

‘Buy me this, that and two of this…’ he excitedly pointed at his menu which he shoved right under my nose and did a cute face. Oh God!

‘Hyung….you do remember that I’m not exactly rich right? And also that I’m unemployed as of now! Just get one or something!’

His smile dropped right away, replacing with a frown. He dropped the menu and pouted, yes, he pouted of all things. Sometimes I wonder who’s the younger out of the two of us, mentally. It had to be hyung, because let me tell you I don’t throw tantrums anymore when I don’t get my way, but he does. Just like any five year old would do.

‘But you said you’ll treat me! You said I can have whatever I want! Hmmpf..’

‘Yes hyung, I said that but I didn’t mean you can have the whole restaurant! God, you’re like a child…grow up!’ I rolled my eyes as his pout deepened.

He pointed accusingly at me and whined,

‘Don’t forget that you made me go on the rollercoaster..I thought I was gonna die you know! And anyway stop confusing me you bipolar you…first you call me an old man then you call me a child and ask me to grow up? Make your mind up..’ he stuck his tongue out. So, cute!

Just when he did that, the girl came back, bringing another with her. The new one was eyeing up me. I could not believe the nerve of the two.

‘Have you decided yet?’ Her fake sweet voice was like poison to my ears. Her neck line seemed deeper than before, I bet she stretched her top or something and her lips were glossier and eyeliner longer and thicker. This..This woman had no shame, none at all! I felt like vomiting over her cleavage, yeah that’d be a good idea, that’d teach her a lesson!

And hyung, he was still pouting. No, don’t pout! Not in front of them! You are only allowed to pout in front of me!

He was shocked at his own thoughts. Since when did he own Jinki’s pouts and since when did he start hating everyone who flirted with his friends. Well hyung isn’t just any friend though, he’s my best friend after all and I just want the best for him. I reasoned with myself.

‘Hmm..I wanna eat everything but he won’t let me… I’ll just get this.’ He whined to the waitress who giggled shrilly.

‘Good choice and what else did you want to eat? I can get you a free dish…it’ll be our secret..’ she shamelessly winked at hyung and he grinned like a little kid who was offered a lollipop or something. Even though he looked absolutely adorable and I wanted to cuddle him to death, I could not help but sent glares at his way. He didn’t even look at me, once!

‘Really? Oh my God! That’d be awesome…can I have chicken wings as well then?’ All his teeth were showing by now. ‘See Taemin, there’s still nice people around, unlike some people.’ He looked accusingly at me.

WHAT THE FREAKING HELL? My vision was tinged with red.

Could hyung be any more chicken- than that? And what was that about nice people? This cow was not nice; she was only bribing him with chicken so that she can have a piece of hyung herself! And what the hell was her friend’s problem anyway? She was now touching my hand. That definitely counts as ual harassment. I shoved the menu on her hand and got up. Glaring at hyung’s wide grin, I stormed my way to the restroom, opening and closing the door with extra force than necessary.  

Something was wrong with me. Something was very, very wrong with me. Was I finally becoming bipolar like hyung had suggested before and if so why now? What triggered it off? Clearly it had something to do with hyung and people’s new found interest in him. I swear I was the one who always wanted to pair hyung with someone else because I felt sorry for his forever alone status, so now that he was finally getting what I wanted, why did my heart ache like so?

Well I guess I had always been a bit possessive of hyung, whenever someone so much as approached Jinki’s way or smiled at him, my hold on him would tighten instinctively. I just didn’t want to share my best friend with anyone else. That’s normal, isn’t it? But stuff like that happened so rarely that I never really realized that.

Control Taemin, control. I mumbled to myself and splashed water on my face. I need to calm down before I do something I was going to regret later, like start a fight. Why should I care about whom hyung decides to flirt with anyway. Yes, that’s right! I should just ignore it. I should just calm down.

As I was about to open the door, the door opened from the other side and hit right on my nose. Oh God, that hurt like a , before I was seeing tinge of red but all I could see was blood, everywhere! I am so gonna beat the crap out of whoever was careless enough to do that.

‘Oh God, Tae I didn’t know you were there! Oh God I’m so sorry..’ Onew hyung’s voice rang right next to me. Talk of the devil and here he comes, banging doors on my face like it’s his favourite past time. I bet he enjoys seeing me hurt!

‘What do I do..What do I do? Let me have a loot Minnie, it didn’t break did it?’

It sure as hell did! I refused to let go of my nose and he kept on trying to move my hand, his hands wrapped around me from behind, as if in a back hug. I could feel his breath against my neck, his soft hair nuzzling against my skin! Why the hell was I noticing these things when I was supposed to scream in pain, beat the crap out of him or something? Why?

Because I got distracted by him, he managed to finally pry my hand open and turn me around. His face was very, very close to mine, eyes scrunched in concentration as he scrutinized my nose. He looked adorable and my heart was on a rampage. Why was I feeling all these, someone tell me!

‘Nah it’s not broken, it’s not bleeding either. Thank God, nothing’s wrong with it.’

Suddenly an idea struck me, an ingenious idea if I may say so myself.

‘Hyung, it hurts. I feel dizzy too.’

I swooned on my feet, pretending to almost faint. He yelped and grabbed me at a blinking speed. His arms felt so safe and warm, like always.

‘Oh God, don’t tell me you have a concussion or something? Let’s go to the hospital to get it checked out?’

‘No hyung I’m fine, I just need some rest. Let’s go hone me?’ I asked quietly, hoping that he wouldn’t suspect me. My acting skills aren’t that great.

‘Yes, yes that’s what we need to do. Let’s go home now. Can you walk?’ I slowly nodded.

Inside I was doing a victory dance. Ahhahaha, no more flirty cows to take my hyung away from me, yes!

Hyung let me lean on him and as we walked out of the restroom, he quickly got out belongings from the table, murmured a swift sorry to the waitress, cancelling our orders and helped me walk out of the restaurant.

My great plan worked, it worked beautifully. Now I have hyung all to myself. A soft smile perked up on the corner of my lips.


When the hell is he gonna realize that he loves the Dubu?? Hmm hmm hmm??

Funny how i have no control over the characters on my head...they do as they plaese and I let them...

okay that's gifs or nothing from me today....just the chapter.. :) bye~


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New update YAY....or not so yay coz it's crap but oh well....


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If you have a chance or would like to update please do! I REALLY LOVE THIS
Chapter 21: it's sure was old unfinished story here... :(
nmmvcr #3
Chapter 4: Authorssi?
nmmvcr #4
Chapter 4: Authorssi? Are you ok?
Chapter 21: yessss!!!!! finally taemin realizes that he loves onew, onew will be so happy with that I hope they can be together so soooon *0* after all the suffer in both sides they deserve to be happy together!
Chapter 21: OMO I'M TOTALLY SPAZZING RIGHT NOW, keke, these two are just so damn adorable, their totally cute, be brave and confess Tae you can do; I can't wait to see what happens next, ONTAE FIGHTING; update really really soon, pleeeease.
Chapter 20: awwwwww this was so adorable, I'm so glad that he talked to his umma and told her everything, and she told him what was wrong, so cute, and she knew it was Onew, yes Taemin you should totally confess, and you don't need ot make Jinki fall for you, he did that a long time ago; can't wait for more, update really soon.
Chapter 21: awww, " dialed" kekeke. they are so cute. You can do it taemin be brave and when the time is right go for it.

ontae fighting!
Chapter 20: aw his mom is so nice *smiles really big*