
I'm yours

(Taemin’s p.o.v)

It’s so funny when hyung get’s all defensive of me calling him an old man. Age has always been an issue with him. Why, I would never know. He’s not even that old to be honest, only four years older than me. If he did not react the way he did, I would never even call him old! So, in a way it was his own fault that he got bullied by me.

Hyung looked the cutest when he sulked, unconsciously he would make a cute sad bunny face, pouting. I could always see imaginary droopy bunny ears and quivering whiskers at times like that. I just wanted to pinch his cheeks but that would probably make him sulk even more. Hahahaha.

But when I said that I was joking and that only I was allowed to call him an old man, he had such a bright smile on his face, smiles that actually reached his eyes, the ones I loved the most. His smiles were the purest I have ever seen, it was the first thing that compelled me to tag along with him when I was a child. I could not help but smile as I remembered our childhood. Back then he was a loner, just as much of an anti-social as he is now. He didn’t talk to anyone and avoided any human contact as a religion. He resisted my hand of friendship too, but I was too persistent and tagged along him like a lost puppy. So he kinda gave up after a few months. I felt all nostalgic; remembering our past and a small smile graced my face.

Ah thank God that I had decided to follow him back then, if I didn’t have him I probably would not have survived this long! I mean he’s always there when I need him and even when I don’t; he’s like a constant shield, shielding me from all sadness. If I didn’t have him< I wouldn’t probably get over that jerk this easily. I was smiling because of him.

I turned his i-pod on, scrolled through his playlist until I found the song I was looking for. Without saying anything I just shoved one ear-bud in his ear and the other on mine and played it. As the song filtered out of the ear phone, I scooted closer to hyung, linking our arms and resting my head on his shoulder.

Both of us listened to the song quietly until the last verse ended. Hyung pulled away from me to face me, a soft expression on his face.

‘What brought this on? I thought you hated being cheesy the most! Bruno Mars’s Count on me? Really! Ahahahahha.’ His eyes scrunched into two happy crescents and his brighter than the sun smile back on his lips.

Yeah that’s why I did it. I knew he would react just like that, he was a er for cheesy, sappy things. And to see him smile like that I would do anything, that’s what friends do for each other right? But did friends had this weird feeling in their stomachs when they saw their friends smile? Yeah probably.

‘Nothing, just wanted to make up for calling an old guy old..hahahah..’ I joked.

He flicked my head, still smiling.

‘Thanks anyway! Even though you probably picked the song at random, it means a lot…’ He said.

‘Hyung, I meant every single word Bruno Mars sang! You do know that you can count on me right? And you bet I’ll hunt you down even if you hide in the middle of the sea from me! Ara?’ I mock glared at him, earning a boisterous laughter from him.

‘Who are you and what have you done to my Tae?!’ He pretended to be scared and scooted away from me.

‘Thanks anyway…I know I can count on you Tae…and who would dare to even try to hide from you!! You’d probably skin them alive after you found them and I love my skin, thank you very much. So, I’m staying right here.’ And just to prove his point he stomped his feet next to mine.

He was such a kid.

After another half an hour of goofing around with our i-pod, playing different songs for each other, the train finally reached our destination. As we stepped out of the station, hyung spread his arms around and inhaled deeply.

‘Ah it’s so nice! See Taemin if you didn’t come today you probably would have moped around in your room, missing this awesome day. Aren’t I the bestest hyung ever for making you come?’ He said.

I could not help but giggle at Jinki hyung’s funny stance, he resembled a scarecrow. A very cute scarecrow! I tiptoe to reach the top of his head and ruffled his hair, just like he usually did to me.

‘Yes hyung, you’re the best and today is nice and I’m thankful that you made me come. But I’d be a heck load of thankful if you actually took me to the park now and we could ride all those wonderful rides and have fun…so let’s go..’ Placing my palms on his back I pushed him to the amusement park’s direction.

He tried to resist at first but after a while he gave up and let me push him to our destination. We were earning weird glances from people around me but who cares! I was having fun and hyung didn’t mind.

‘Two tickets please…’ Jinki hyung asked the girl at the ticket booth, a teenager, probably a few years older than us. When she looked up and saw Jinki hyung, a smile formed on her lips and one of her hands shot up to tuck her bangs behind her hair as she batted her eye-lashes at hyung. Was she being serious? Don’t tell me she was actually trying to flirt with hyung? God, she should be so embarrassed at her own behaviour, it was nowhere near professional.

‘It’s a nice day for a fun day in the park, do try the tidal wave, it’d be very refreshing.’ Her overly sweet voice was so damned fake, it was unbelievable and she was pushing her chest out at hyung. Could she be more shameless? And what was with the chit-chat, just give the damned tickets already! I fumed.

‘Ah yeah, thanks for the recommendation... We’ll definitely try it out.’ Jinki hyung gave her one of his blinding smiles. God he could be so naïve.  I had to do something to get him out of her clutch before it was too late.

‘Can you hurry up with the tickets please?’ I asked sternly and she glared at me. The cow freaking glared at me! And then she turned back to hyung with her fake smile and gave him the tickets, slyly his palm with her thumb. Could she be more desperate? I rolled my eyes and dragged hyung away after he paid the conceited cow.

‘Slow down Tae! Your so called ‘old man’ can’t keep up..’ Hyung joked as he pulled on my hand to slow me down. After we had gotten far enough I slowed down and slipped my hand trough the crook of his elbow.

‘She was going to eat you up with her eyes if we didn’t get out quick enough.’

‘What are you talking about? She could not have been a cannibal, you and your overactive imagination.’ He laughed and ruffled my hair.

‘Hyung! Not literally eat you up…she was just checking you out…very obviously. Don’t tell me that you didn’t realize?’

 He could not be that oblivious, right? Then again we are talking about Jinki hyung here, everything’s possible with him.

‘No, there’s noway…ahahahaha.. why would anyone check me out? I’m not hot. If you’ve forgotten I am and always had been the school nerd, remember?’ He flicked my head.

Yep, he was that oblivious. What was I gonna do with him?

‘Hyung, you are a geek but when you’re not wearing your glasses it’s hard to tell and anyway trust me I can tell when someone’s flirting. Don’t question the Tae-dar okay?’ I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled.

‘Tae-dar? That’s new…fine..fine I won’t question it but I swear you wanted to find me a girlfriend so shouldn’t you be happy that someone was finally noticing me?’ He arched his eyebrows in question.

‘Hyung, I want to find you a nice, cute girlfriend, not a fake cow like her. I mean did you see how much make-up she was wearing? It was like her make-up was wearing her face not the other way round!’ I rolled my eyes, I could not believe he thought so low of me!

‘Now let’s go have fun like we intended. I wanna go on the flying teacups, palli hyung.’ I shouted as I ran towards the long queue, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling that was creeping in.


Hello people, your lame writer says HI

Omo, little TaeTae seems to be jealous, unconciously....awww cute....

And as for this chapter....well i'll let you decide if it's an absolute failure or so and so :)

So yeah that's all...don't forget to comment and stuff :)

BYE ~~


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New update YAY....or not so yay coz it's crap but oh well....


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If you have a chance or would like to update please do! I REALLY LOVE THIS
Chapter 21: it's sure was old unfinished story here... :(
nmmvcr #3
Chapter 4: Authorssi?
nmmvcr #4
Chapter 4: Authorssi? Are you ok?
Chapter 21: yessss!!!!! finally taemin realizes that he loves onew, onew will be so happy with that I hope they can be together so soooon *0* after all the suffer in both sides they deserve to be happy together!
Chapter 21: OMO I'M TOTALLY SPAZZING RIGHT NOW, keke, these two are just so damn adorable, their totally cute, be brave and confess Tae you can do; I can't wait to see what happens next, ONTAE FIGHTING; update really really soon, pleeeease.
Chapter 20: awwwwww this was so adorable, I'm so glad that he talked to his umma and told her everything, and she told him what was wrong, so cute, and she knew it was Onew, yes Taemin you should totally confess, and you don't need ot make Jinki fall for you, he did that a long time ago; can't wait for more, update really soon.
Chapter 21: awww, " dialed" kekeke. they are so cute. You can do it taemin be brave and when the time is right go for it.

ontae fighting!
Chapter 20: aw his mom is so nice *smiles really big*