Dancing lessons and bunnies :P

I'm yours

(Onew’s p.o.v)

The way Taemin reacted to the ticket girl was a bit surprising; I mean if I didn’t know better I would’ve though he was jealous! Yeah right, like he’d ever be jealous over me. It was all my wistful thinking. But I still didn’t believe what he said about her checking me out and flirting with me because who would in their right minds would want to flirt with the boring old me. No matter what Taemin says, I do have a mirror in my house. So, yeah I know that I’m not exactly that handsome, my features were average, just like I was very average, nothing special.

I sighed and let myself be dragged to wherever he wanted to go; it was supposed to be his day after all! I intend to let him have his way for today, so that he can enjoy himself and get over that jerk and be happy. So that I can be happy and let go of him with a smile on my face. Yeah that’s easier said than done! My traitor heart still squeezed hard every time I thought about that, but I wasn’t going to be influenced by my stupid heart anymore. No matter what we were still gonna be friends like always so it should be fine right?

Wrong…My heart did a quick flip-flop as he laced our fingers together as we stood on the long queue, It was summer vacation, so obviously the park was filled with hundreds of teenage couples and groups, all out to have fun. This meant that the queues for all the rides were long as hell. I mentally slapped myself for my oh-so-great idea. Why the hell did I choose such a day, our whole day will be wasted by waiting and waiting and more waiting. But all the internal complaints were gone once Taemin turned back with his winning smile, he looked happy, so whatever.

He tugged on my arm to get my attention,

‘Hyung don’t just stand there like a robot! Stop being so old and boring and lets talk..’ He whined, his eyes twinkling, which meant he was only joking.

‘What do you wanna talk about Tae?’ I asked. It was always him who initiated the conversation whenever we were together, what’s with me being a total anti-social and lacking conversational skills. Usually I won’t talk to anyone, even if they initiated but with him it’s different. Throughout the years, I have gotten used to him.

‘I don’t know hyung. Why do I always have to start? For once you should pick the topic, I mean it’s okay for me and everything but sometimes I want to talk about what you want to talk about..you know, so that we can know each other better and stuff?’ He expectantly stared at me.

The gears of my mind were churning in record speed. Hmm what should I talk about, What could I talk about? I mean sure I can talk about stuff I liked, like science and science fictions and games but wouldn’t he get bored? Maybe I should try to talk about stuff he likes. Yeah that’s definitely a better idea. So what should we talk about, dancing? I know a bit about it, picked some stuff up here and there from his constant gushing over the subject! Yeah that’s it, dancing would be just right.

‘Well you like dancing right? So I was thinking why don’t we take dancing lessons? Would you want to? I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to…’

‘Oh my God hyung! Really? Yeah let’s do it! We can pay for them with our summer job anyway right? Oh my god, why didn’t I think of that? That’s just awesome….thanks hyung!’ He jumped up and hugged me, squealing…in front of everyone!

‘It’s okay Tae…I bet you would have thought about it by yourself anyway. But yeah I saw a flyer about new dancing lessons at evenings in the gym near the station…it’s cheap as well so we can try that right?’ I smiled as I set him down on his feet. He beamed up at me making my knees go all wobbly. Yeah giving him up would be hard.

‘yeah hyung, evening will be best because our shifts at the pet store will be unitil five right?’

‘Umm..yeah it’s a nine to five job! Tell me again, out of all the place we could have worked in, why choose the pet shop? It smells and we are gonna smell?’ I really didn’t know what he was thinking when he chose the pet shop over the chicken shop. I mean if we worked there, we would’ve gotten discount on fried chicken and all! Who in their right minds would not want that! I know..Taemin!

‘Hyung, they have cuddly animals and stuff. You know I have a soft spot for fluffy bunnies and puppies right? But mum’s asthma stops me from getting my own pet so this is the only way I would get to spend time with them.’ He grinned.

‘Oh right! You and your obsession with small, cuddly objects! You are weird you know that?’ I shook my head in mock disapproval. In reality I thought it was endearing, how he cared for those animal, like an umma, he made me smile.

‘Well thank my weird kink, because that’s the only reason why we are friends in the first place!’ He stuck his tongue out.

What was he talking about now? How does his love for animal have anything whatsoever with out friendship? I guess the confusion was etched on my face because he carried on.

‘If you didn’t look like a lost bunny, the first day we met, I would’ve never been attracted to you and we would never be friend! I mean come one..you were even wearing a hay with bunny ears!’

Ah, the hat! My mum had forced me to wear all sorts of gag-worthy pink and cute stuff when I was little, the rabbit hat was only one of the few humiliating episodes of my life that I wanted to forget..like forever!

‘Really?! Wow, I always did wonder, why would a little kid like you who had his pick on any kid in the neighbourhood chose me to follow like a puppy! So I guess it all comes down to this huh? I’m only like a pet to you.’ I pretended to be upset, making my eyes droop and my lips quiver.

‘NO! Hyung…I mean yes you are my bunny but you are also my best friend…like forever…so don’t be sad! I was only joking anyway. I followed you because there was just something about you that told me that we should be friends..and see I was right.’ He gave a hug and patted my back. Score! I made him fall for my trick.

‘HAHAHAHA Gotcha…I was only kidding!’ before he could say anything, it was out turn to go on the ride so I ushered him into one of the teacups.

‘Meany! He muttered and scooted closer to me and closed the small door.

I guess just being friends with him is enough for me, nothing was worth enough to risk what we have now. I thought as the teacup started spinning and loud laughter of both Taemin and me drowned my inner thoughts. Yes I could live with just this.


Teeny tiny update...there might be another chapter up by the end of today ( mom and dad left me by myself so yeah I have time ehehehehe)

thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting....it might not seem much for you  but it really does mean a lot to me...so thanks :D

Now my gif spams :P

Who else loves ontokki??


isn't he adorable?? It should be illegal to be this cute hmm....

LOL...he even hops...God Jinki why are you doing this to me......


yes onew that's exactly how you use an umbrella..... O.O

okay so bye for now.... :)

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New update YAY....or not so yay coz it's crap but oh well....


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If you have a chance or would like to update please do! I REALLY LOVE THIS
Chapter 21: it's sure was old unfinished story here... :(
nmmvcr #3
Chapter 4: Authorssi?
nmmvcr #4
Chapter 4: Authorssi? Are you ok?
Chapter 21: yessss!!!!! finally taemin realizes that he loves onew, onew will be so happy with that I hope they can be together so soooon *0* after all the suffer in both sides they deserve to be happy together!
Chapter 21: OMO I'M TOTALLY SPAZZING RIGHT NOW, keke, these two are just so damn adorable, their totally cute, be brave and confess Tae you can do; I can't wait to see what happens next, ONTAE FIGHTING; update really really soon, pleeeease.
Chapter 20: awwwwww this was so adorable, I'm so glad that he talked to his umma and told her everything, and she told him what was wrong, so cute, and she knew it was Onew, yes Taemin you should totally confess, and you don't need ot make Jinki fall for you, he did that a long time ago; can't wait for more, update really soon.
Chapter 21: awww, " dialed" kekeke. they are so cute. You can do it taemin be brave and when the time is right go for it.

ontae fighting!
Chapter 20: aw his mom is so nice *smiles really big*