What can you tell about me?

Dancing in the rain


Leeteuk was supised, no one had ever said anything like that before, yes he had a stage smile which he kept on his face almost all day, he had it on so much that it no longer had any meaning.

Kaia:"so what do you do?"
Leeteuk POV
what should I say? Im awfull at lying, let alone with her who noticed my 'fake' smile first time around, I should really say somthing quick
Leeteuk:"um...Im...Im a camra man"
Kaia:"really? for what?"
damm it!
Leeteuk:"f-for a-anything"
kaia:"oh cool, would I have seen anything you've done?"
Leeteuk:"n-no, what about you, what do you do?"
Kaia:"Im a theorpest"
Leeteuk:"thats a well paid job isnt it? Are you good at it?"
Kaia:"Im ok"
Leeteuk:"What can you tell about me?"
Why did I ask that? I dont know why, but she cant tell im a kpop star can she? Only if she reconised me, but she haddnt already so it should be okay, she shuffled to face him, why? Why did she have to be so beautiful? She stared deep into my eyes, I felt awkerd, her eyes were so goregus, i diddnt know wheather to hold her eye contact or not. The rain made had my hair heavy and it hung infront of my face. I was glad.
Kaia:"you seem like a nice guy, fit healthy,... but you look like someone who has too many sides to one coin"
I frowned
Leeteuk:"what do you mean?"
Kaia:"Im saying that you live more then one life"
How did she do that?
Kaia:"you look restless, and you look tyerd-"
Leeteuk:"no I dont"
Kaia:"oh yeah, then whats this" she giggled and poked the bags under my eyes
Leeteuk:"Hey! these give my face shape"
I laughed and so did she
Kaia:"Im sure they do"
Leeteuk:" you said I had too many sides, what are my other sides?"
Kaia:"the other side, is that you are being forced into... into a spotlight lets say, that your trying to hide from"
She got all that from looking into my eyes, how??
Leeteuk:"How... how does that show that I have more than one life?"
Kaia:"live more than one life" she corrected
Leeteuk:"Okay then how-"
Kaia:"because you wouldnt be out here in the rain if you werent trying to escape somthing"
Damm she's good!
thank you for reading xxx
hoped you enjoyed it
xxx sorry again if its cheesey xxx
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aflaanirod #1
Chapter 11: leeteuk... i just love him...
Chapter 26: this is too sweet and killed my feeling.. Oh My Sapphire Blue!!... anyway great story author-nim...
c02chu #3
Chapter 25: update soon
Chapter 25: i read all in this chapter with my emotions..and I'm glad that TEUK got KAIA's father respect.. BUT his ankle..I worried about his ankle and I thought that he can't dance anymore.. OH MY SAPPHIRE BLUE~!!
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 25: Update plz.
Sweetlove123 #6
Started reading it & I was on last chap & u updated. Awesome. Thanks for updating. Love it. <3
Chapter 24: Go TEUKKIE!! GO!! GO!! GO!!....
lol~ KYUHYUK hahahhaha
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 24: Update soon! I hope he can stop her!!!
Chapter 24: GO GO GO !!!
Chapter 24: Go get her Leeteuk!