What happens next?

Dancing in the rain


Leeteuk and Kaia walked sadly to the office, Leeteuk leading the way, whilst Kaia plodded slowly behind him. She felt ashamed because it was most likely her fault that she had got Leeteuk into trouble, whereas Leeteuk was thinking that it was his entire fault that she was now in trouble. Thus explaining the walk of shame they were both trudging.


Neither of them spoke a word as they walked, they just shared a concerned looks at each other, both not knowing what to say. Only when they arrived at the door did anyone speak.


Kaia:”I’m sorry, this is all my fault,"


Leeteuk:"No,It's mine I'm sorry..."


There was a silence before Leeteuk smiled and held the handle of the office, he lent in closer to Kaia and whispered in her ear.


Leeteuk:"but I wouldn't have changed it for the world,"


Kaia's eyes widened and a smile grew across her face as Leeteuk opened the door.


Manager:"Hello Leeteuk-shii and friend... do come in, take a seat,"


The man was sat behind his desk and did not get up at their arrival. He was a plump man with dark wrinkles around his eyes and thick glasses that highlighted them more, his hair was combed to the side and his suit was without a single crease. kaia and Leeteuk sat themselves down in the two only other seats in the room  and waited for him to speak. The manager straightened some papers on his table by tapping one side on it's surface, not paying one bit of attention to Leeteuk or kaia as he did. Once the papers were straight he stapled the corner and carefully slid them to one side. He then pocked his glasses closer to his face and lent his elbows on the table.


Manager:"So, Leeteuk..." the man smiled "How have you been?"


Leeteuk frowned:"I'm sorry... what?"


Manager:"How have you been?"


Leeteuk:"Ermm, g-good thank you, yourself?"


Manager:"I'm okay... in fact I just had a very satisfying lunch... however that lunch was interrupted when I saw this,"


He turned around his computer and kaia's face fell. It was the camera footage from inside the studio. The manager let it play for a while so Kaia looked away subtly so not to let the manager see... However Leeteuk noticed and he changed the conversation.


Leeteuk:"There was no harm done sir, we didn't mea-"


Manager:"I know there was no harm done," he stopped and glanced over to Kaia "Do you mind just waiting outside, I just need to talk to Leeteuk privately,"


Kaia shot a glance to Leeteuk who did the same, before nodding and slowly walking out. Once she was gone the conversation began again.


Kaia POV


I walked out the office and when the door closed I waddled over to the closest wall and bashed my head against it's hard surface.


Kaia:"Agh! Why is it always my fault! Gagh!"


Suddenly my phone began to ring, I jumped out of my skin and quickly fumbled for the noise, pushing it to my ear when I grabbed it.




A man with a deep voice answered the phone causing my jaw to drop.


Kaia:"Daddy? Wha... why are you calling me?"


Father:"Where have you been? Haven't you got my messages on the home line?"


Kaia:"I'm haven't been home-"


Father:"I send them last night... where were you last night? You better not have been messing around with some boy, my young girl... Huh? Have you?!"


Kaia:"N-no... I er haven't... why are you calling me?"


Father:"I know you've lost your job, I know you have. In fact you lost your job a long time ago, didn't you...? Didn't you?!"


kaia:"Yes! Yes I'm sorry! Okay-"


Father:"No! No! It's not okay! The only reason your in Soeul is because of that job, why are you still staying there when you have no job!?"


Kaia:"I'm trying to find a job Daddy!"


Father:"Oh yeah really? Well hows that going? Have you got a job yet?"


Kaia:"N...no I haven't got a job yet, but I can find one... I can!"


Father:"No you wont! You can't do anything on your own!"


My eyes began to tear up:"How do you think I've been living on my own, over here, Daddy? I haven't had a job and I survived-"


Father:"Is that because you got that boy toy of your thats been having you over nights!"


Kaia:"NO! You don't understand!"


Father:"Dont shout at me!... That's it... you're comming home,"


My heart stopped. Leeteuk was still in the managers office. I couldn't talk to him. I couldn't leave him.


Father:"You can catch the next train to Pusan, I'll meet you at the station-"


Kaia:"No... No daddy! I'm not going back to Pusan! I don't want to meet you at the station! I don't want to leave Seoul! Please don't make me!"


Father:"Don't argue with me Kaia, get to the station now, I'll be there, If your not there, I'll call the police and tell them to bring you there. You got 20 minutes to get to the station,"



The phone went dead. I stood there for what seemed like forever. I didn't want to leave Leeteuk. I didn't want to leave Seoul. I could still find a job right? But I only had 20 minutes. Why hadn't Leeteuk come out yet. How could I say goodbye for the last time... Just after he sad he loved me...? I couldn't interrupt the conversation they were having so I did the only thing I could.


I picked out from my pockets a clean pack of tissues, pulled on out and put the others back. I ran into the empty office next door to Leeteuk and grabbed a pen. My eye caught sight of the only other thing on the desk... and un-adressed envelope. I threw the tissue away and grabbed it. I pulled the lid off the pen and wrote my message on the front.


Dear Leeteuk
I'm sorry things had to end like this and I hate to do this but I have no other choice
I love you


I quickly squibbled out the last bit, if I put that he would come after me. I didn't want that, because leaving him once is hard enough... I felt that if I met him again, I would never be able to go. I wasn't good enough for him anyway, he deserved better.


It would have never worked between us, sorry


Tears poured from my eyes as I scribed down the words, some fell onto the paper so I wiped them away. When I was done I threw the pen back, not careing where it went and dashed back into the carridor. Once out I carefully placed the note on the chair outside the managers office.


Kaia:"Good bye Leeteuk... I love you," I muttered quietly. Before running from the building in tears.


xxx thanks for reading and sorry for late update, not much longer to go now, hope you enjoy xxx




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aflaanirod #1
Chapter 11: leeteuk... i just love him...
Chapter 26: this is too sweet and killed my feeling.. Oh My Sapphire Blue!!... anyway great story author-nim...
c02chu #3
Chapter 25: update soon
Chapter 25: i read all in this chapter with my emotions..and I'm glad that TEUK got KAIA's father respect.. BUT his ankle..I worried about his ankle and I thought that he can't dance anymore.. OH MY SAPPHIRE BLUE~!!
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 25: Update plz.
Sweetlove123 #6
Started reading it & I was on last chap & u updated. Awesome. Thanks for updating. Love it. <3
Chapter 24: Go TEUKKIE!! GO!! GO!! GO!!....
lol~ KYUHYUK hahahhaha
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 24: Update soon! I hope he can stop her!!!
Chapter 24: GO GO GO !!!
Chapter 24: Go get her Leeteuk!